
Quanzhou psychology: a few suggestions for making children cheerful and optimistic

Quanzhou Anshen Psychological Hospital: Cheerful and optimistic is not only a psychological state, but also a character quality. Surveys show that cheerful and optimistic people are not only healthier, but also happier in marriage and more likely to succeed in their careers. How to cultivate children to have this positive personality?

1. Don't take your child too tightly.

As a parent, of course, you can't let your child go, but too strict control may suppress your child's childlike heart and have a negative impact on your child's mental health. Let children have different choices at different ages. Only children who have the right to choose from an early age can feel true happiness and freedom.

Quanzhou psychology: a few suggestions for making children cheerful and optimistic

2. Encourage your child to make more friends.

Most unsociable children are depressed because they may suffer from loneliness from time to time and not be able to enjoy the warmth of friendship. Encourage your child to make more friends, especially those of the same age. Children with introverted depression are better suited to making more cheerful and optimistic friends.

3. Teach children to live in harmony with each other.

People who get along well with people have a brighter and better inner world. Parents may want to expose their children to people of different ages, genders, personalities, occupations, and social statuses so that they can learn to get along well with different types of people. Of course, children must first learn to get along well with their parents, siblings, and relatives. In addition, parents themselves should get along well with others, be warm and sincere, not snobbish and humble, do not talk about others behind their backs, and set a good example for their children.

Quanzhou psychology: a few suggestions for making children cheerful and optimistic

4. Avoid the luxury of material life

The luxury of material life can make children feel insatiable, and the pursuit of material things is often difficult to achieve self-satisfaction, which is the root cause of most greedy people's unhappiness. On the contrary, children who live a simple life will often have a good time as long as they get a toy.

5. Have moderate self-confidence.

Self-confidence is closely related to the formation of a happy personality. For a child who is full of inferiority because of limited intelligence or ability, parents must find out his strengths and praise and encouragement according to the situation. The positive evaluation of parents, relatives and friends will undoubtedly help children overcome inferiority and build self-confidence.

Quanzhou psychology: a few suggestions for making children cheerful and optimistic

6. Create a happy family atmosphere.

The family atmosphere and the relationship between family members can greatly affect the formation of a child's personality. Studies have shown that children can feel the emotions and atmosphere around them before they can learn to speak, even if they can't express them in words at the time. It is conceivable that a family full of hostility and even violence will never be able to raise cheerful and optimistic children.

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