
Give "left-behind children" more concern

Recently, I saw a content about "left-behind children" in rural areas, and I was deeply touched.

Nowadays, rural "left-behind children" continue to show an upward trend, the status quo to the countryside basically see the elderly or children, unless it is the New Year or major holiday parents temporarily put down the outside work, back home, visit the elderly and children left at home, so that the elderly and children can temporarily experience the joy of the family.

Give "left-behind children" more concern

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The current situation in rural areas is that hundreds of millions of migrant workers go to the city to work, with the hope of life, with expectations for the future, hoping to improve the environment that changes the status quo by going out to work, to strive for a better future for their children, and to let the poor life slowly reach food and clothing and even well-off.

Leaving home to work, there will be gains and losses, farmers will inevitably have sequelae after entering the city, that is, it will lead to children becoming "left-behind children", after the children's parents go to the city to work, the children will be left to the grandparents to take, some families are led by sisters and younger siblings to live together, such an environment will create children lack of father love, maternal love, lack of family warmth, children lose the most precious wealth and beautiful childhood in the process of growth. Children lack care and love in life, they need the guidance and supervision of their parents in learning, and after losing their parental care, children will become more lonely, willful, taciturn, etc...

Give "left-behind children" more concern

I have "left-behind children" around me. My cousin: after the parents divorced to live with their father, his father worked outside for many years, life followed his grandparents, although he would not be hungry and cold, but his grandparents could not help with the education of their children, and could only hope for the teachers of the school and his own learning "talent", the results can be imagined. In the final exam, the results given: Chinese 34, mathematics 26..., other subjects have not passed, he himself is "very open-minded", with an attitude of indifference, addicted to mobile games, his father is only "telephone education", can not change the status quo. This is a microcosm of "left-behind children". So, what can we do about the "left-behind children"?

First of all. As parents give more life and psychological care to "left-behind children", you can communicate more videos, listen to children's inner voices and ideas, try to realize their wishes, take time off on holidays to go home with their children, and do not let children have a gap or strangeness in parental love.

secondly. If you have a suitable job near your hometown, you can consider returning to work or starting your own business. There are many agricultural products in my hometown, and now the scientific and technological network is so developed that I can't sell the products I grow without worrying. Working from home or starting a business has more time to accompany your child, which can give your child a warm family and a happy childhood.

Give "left-behind children" more concern

Finally, for rural "left-behind children", we ordinary people cannot change this situation, but we can give them more care, love, and attention.

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