
Buick Encore S does not have a current car, the discount of 40,000 is more cost-effective than Tiguan L?

Buick Encore S does not have a current car, the discount of 40,000 is more cost-effective than Tiguan L?

As a representative brand of American cars, Buick Automobile's reputation in the domestic market has always been good. Although the performance of the medium-sized SUV Encore S in the market is not as prosperous as that of Japanese cars, the cumulative sales volume last year also reached more than 140,000 units, which has a certain market competitiveness. In addition to being related to the brand reputation and its own product strength, a good end-market discount has also brought it a lot of heat. So let's investigate the car purchase discount and current car situation of the Oncovi S today, and analyze which car is more worth starting with compared with the current popular Volkswagen Tiguan L?

The whole series is discounted by 40,000 yuan, but the current car has to wait for one month

Buick Encore S does not have a current car, the discount of 40,000 is more cost-effective than Tiguan L?

We visited a Buick 4S store in Beijing last month's sales of 91 units, of which Oncovie S sold 14 units, accounting for 17% of the sales of the whole store, sales are not outstanding, of course, this is also related to Buick's rich product matrix, counting down the light SUV model there are six optional, so it seems that the sales of OncoveY S is also good. In all the configurations sold by Oncovi S, the "2022 552T two-wheel drive luxury" priced at 217,900 yuan is the best-selling model, the best color sold is gray, which belongs to the sub-low model of the whole series, which is 8,000 yuan more expensive than the entry-level version, but the car is small to the adaptive far beam light, automatic air conditioning and leather seats and steering wheel configurations, such as seat heating, active braking, reversing side warning, etc., which can bring a safer and more comfortable driving environment than the entry-level version. All said to spend more than 8,000 yuan is also worth the money.

Buick Encore S does not have a current car, the discount of 40,000 is more cost-effective than Tiguan L?

In addition, the "deluxe" equipped with a 1.5T + 48V light hybrid power system, matching the 9AT gearbox, the maximum output power reached 211 horsepower, zero hundred acceleration time is only 0.7 seconds slower than 2.0T, in addition, the car's 100 km comprehensive fuel consumption is 7.15L, only need to add 92 gasoline. This power is enough as a family car, and good fuel economy can also bring more cost-effective car maintenance costs, so it seems that the Oncovi S "luxury" cost performance is really good. However, it is a pity that there are no existing cars in the store at present, and even if you book a car, you need to wait for nearly a month.

Buick Encore S does not have a current car, the discount of 40,000 is more cost-effective than Tiguan L?

In addition, consumers are most concerned about the car purchase discount, Buick Encore S currently has a cash discount of 40,000 yuan in all series, providing 2 interest-free loan methods in installments, but additional financial fees are required, as follows:

1, full purchase of car: full purchase of car can enjoy 40,000 yuan of cash discounts, to the hot sale of "luxury" as an example, on the basis of the guidance price of 217,900 yuan, but also need to purchase tax (about 15,205 yuan), insurance costs (about 4,000 yuan) and license fees (about 1,000 yuan), then the final landing price of this car is about 198105 yuan.

2, installment / replacement car purchase: installment car purchase also has a discount of 40,000 yuan, but need to charge a financial fee of 2,500 yuan. In addition, the two-year interest-free policy can be provided in installments, and there are two loan methods, you can choose a down payment of 40%, then the down payment amount is 71160 yuan, the monthly payment is 4448 yuan; you can also choose the down payment of 50%, then the down payment amount is 88950 yuan, and the monthly payment is 3706 yuan. If you buy a car, the same brand has a subsidy of 6,000 yuan, and other brands also have a subsidy of 4,000 yuan.

Details can be found in the following table:

Buick Encore S does not have a current car, the discount of 40,000 is more cost-effective than Tiguan L?

As for the consumer group of Buick Encore S, sales tell us that the main customers who come to the store to see the car are mainly male customers, and their jobs and incomes are relatively stable, so most of them have the strength to win in full. Because they prefer European and American models, they all have a very good impression of the Buick brand, after the test drive, they are very satisfied with the space and power of the Oncovey S, as a medium-sized SUV, the 1.5T power is also powerful enough to drive. At the same time, the configuration of the car is also very rich, and the price of more than 200,000 yuan is very good.

Tiguan L is big and fuel efficient, but oncway S is more fierce and more interesting

Buick Encore S does not have a current car, the discount of 40,000 is more cost-effective than Tiguan L?

However, in the 200,000-yuan medium-sized SUV, many consumers will compare the Buick Encore S with the Volkswagen Tiguan L. Sales said that there is a customer who wants to replace the old car, wants to buy a model with high market awareness, after watching the Oncovi S and Tiguan L, although he feels that the power performance is comparable, he prefers the configuration and machine system of oncorway S, and the current Tiguan L20,000 more discounts are not as large as oncway S discount, so finally chose Oncoway S.

Buick Encore S does not have a current car, the discount of 40,000 is more cost-effective than Tiguan L?

In addition to the unique appearance of the two cars, from the perspective of product strength alone, the safety performance of the Oncway S vehicle has more advantages than the Tiguan L, and in addition, in terms of space, the length and wheelbase of the Tiguan L are longer than the Encore S, and the trunk space is also larger. However, the power of the Encore S's 1.5T engine is even 25 horsepower higher than the Tiguan L's 2.0T, 8.4 seconds of zero hundred acceleration time, 0.3 seconds faster than the Tiguan L, but in terms of fuel consumption, Tiguan L is more fuel-efficient, and every hundred kilometers can save nearly 1L of fuel consumption than the Tiguan L.

In general, buick Encore S's advantages are strong power performance and rich safety configuration, more suitable for friends with high requirements for vehicle safety and driving pleasure; and Tiguan L, although the power performance is decent, but the car has more space to ride, there are 7-seater models to choose from, and it is more fuel-efficient than Oncovey S, fuel economy performance is better, and all dads who want to travel at home are more recommended for this car.

Then there are some uses after the purchase of the two cars.

Vehicle maintenance part, Buick Encore S small maintenance cycle of 5000 km or 6 months, the cost of 1034 yuan, other aspects also need to replace the air conditioning filter, antifreeze, brake fluid, transmission oil, etc., three years of maintenance costs of about 15,000 yuan, an average of about 5,000 yuan per year.

Buick Encore S does not have a current car, the discount of 40,000 is more cost-effective than Tiguan L?

Volkswagen Tiguan L needs to be insured for 5000km or 6 months, and the oil filter is replaced free of charge, and then maintained every 10000km or 12 months thereafter. Small maintenance once needs about 765 yuan, three years of maintenance costs about 9842 yuan, the average year needs about 3281 yuan, and the annual maintenance can save nearly 1800 yuan than Oncovi S.

In addition to the problem of using the car, the residual value rate of the vehicle is also of great concern to everyone.

Buick Encore S does not have a current car, the discount of 40,000 is more cost-effective than Tiguan L?

We learned from the more mainstream used car platform that Buick Encore S "2020 652T two-wheel drive limited S sport version", the landing price at that time was about 250,000 yuan, after 1 year of driving 7,000 kilometers, the current second-hand car residual value is 215,000 yuan.

Buick Encore S does not have a current car, the discount of 40,000 is more cost-effective than Tiguan L?

Volkswagen Tiguan L "2020 330TSI automatic two-wheel drive panoramic comfort version of the national VI", the landing price at that time was about 240,000 yuan, after 2 and a half years of driving 26,000 kilometers, the current second-hand car residual value is 188,000 yuan. It can be seen that relatively speaking, Volkswagen Tiguan L seems to have more value preservation.


Overall, the current Buick Encore S preferential strength is still quite good, full purchase of cars and installments can enjoy a cash discount of 40,000 yuan, installments can also enjoy a 2-year interest-free policy, but need to charge a handling fee of 2500 yuan, so it seems that it will be more cost-effective to buy in full. Unfortunately, there are no existing cars now, and it is expected to wait about 30 days to pick up the car. In short, after the discount, the cost performance of the Encore S is not bad, less than 200,000 yuan can buy the hot 1.5T model, and can also bring excellent experience in terms of driving experience and safety performance.

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