
Entering the park under the age of 3 is really harmful, and it is not recommended until it is a last resort

From falling to the ground to toddlers and learning languages, after the mother accompanied the baby through so many firsts, she finally ushered in a difficult first: enrollment. More and more families are now choosing to send their children to school when they meet the conditions for kindergarten or kindergarten.

However, the revised "Kindergarten Work Regulations" regulations, the age of admission is no longer limited to "3 years old to 6 years old", and the content of "areas that have met the needs of school-age children to enter the kindergarten can be appropriately extended downwards". In terms of the total number of people, it is stipulated that the size of kindergartens should generally not exceed 360 students, and it is stipulated that kindergartens shall not set up preschool classes.

The entry of young children into the kindergarten can meet the needs of mothers' work, but at the same time, mothers are also full of worries -

"Baby is so small, what will happen to him in kindergarten?"

"Can he adapt to life in kindergarten?"

"Is it a good thing or a bad thing for the child to be sent to kindergarten at such a young age?"

Entering the park under the age of 3 is really harmful, and it is not recommended until it is a last resort

Experts say: Don't worry, entering the park too early will hurt you!

Uk authorities on children's issues have issued warnings about early admission. After years of research, they found that children raised by their parents performed better in all respects than those raised by their parents in kindergarten, by a nanny or handed over to relatives, and they were better physically, psychologically, and intellectually than children in other control groups.

Children's experts pointed out that kindergarten in the morning will seriously affect the brain development, emotional development, social behavior, cognitive ability training of young children, in addition to their physical development is also delayed, nerve atrophy, brain development abnormalities, which are related to the failure to get one-on-one family care.

Entering the park under the age of 3 is really harmful, and it is not recommended until it is a last resort

Therefore, experts recommend that young children should be allowed to grow up in a warm and safe home environment, rather than prematurely putting them in kindergarten.

Entering the park under the age of 3 is really harmful, and it is not recommended until it is a last resort

Entering the kindergarten too early can easily make your baby more aggressive

Australian child education experts in "Raising Children: Should Under Three Go to Kindergarten?" The book states:

A growing body of evidence supports his theory that children who leave their parents early into kindergarten are more likely to develop aggressive personalities, antisocial behaviors, and other psychological problems, and that children will later experience interpersonal problems and are less likely to develop close relationships with people.

Professors at the University of Oxford followed up on 1,200 children and found that children who were placed in nurseries from an early age were more "aggressive" during their teenage years.

Two other studies found the same result, which was that the longer you spent in the nursery, the easier it was to develop "antisocial behavior" and "violence."

Information Added:

The latest findings from the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development that children who stay in nurseries earlier or longer are more likely to engage in aggressive behavior and disobedience throughout elementary school, regardless of child care, concludes one of the most comprehensive studies on child care to date. The researchers speculate that the lack of experienced parenting teachers in nurseries and the lack of time for teachers to solve problems such as children's competition for toys and activity venues are all influencing factors.

The study of 1364 children in child care, which lasted more than a decade, compared the scale, type and quality of care received by children from one month of age to four and a half years of age, and looked at the emotional and verbal development of children up to the age of 11. Elementary school teachers surveyed said that children who stayed in nurseries for a long time would have problems such as "easy group fights" and "love to quarrel" even at the age of 11.

Think about it, a kindergarten teacher is usually a person who takes care of several children, and she can't meet the needs of these children at the same time: drinking milk, peeing, playing, pampering, etc. Don't think that babies are ignorant, and when their requests are not responded to and met, they will have a sense of loneliness, manifested as irritability and crying, and the long-term effects will be detrimental to their psychological development, forcing some children to develop aggressive personalities.

Entering the park under the age of 3 is really harmful, and it is not recommended until it is a last resort

Entering the kindergarten too early threatens your baby's health

Ms. Chen's children were once children in a small class. Unable to find a suitable nanny, she sent her two-year-old son to kindergarten, and the year the children spent in the small class was the year when the family struggled with the disease.

As long as there is a child in the class who has a cold, her child will be infected, and in the winter, she and her husband often brave the wind and snow to take the child to the emergency room in the middle of the night, and how many sleepless nights have been spent. The child also contracted hand-and-mouth foot disease when he was in the small class, but fortunately it was not serious. Ms. Chen made a rough count, because of illness, bad weather and other reasons, her daughter actually only attended a small class for half a year; and the treatment cost more than 7,000 yuan.

Entering the park under the age of 3 is really harmful, and it is not recommended until it is a last resort

Experts suggest that if someone in the family has children, it is recommended to go to kindergarten again at the age of three.

Because the two-year-old child's own resistance is still relatively weak, and the kindergarten is a public place, no matter how good the kindergarten is, it will not be as good as the one-on-one care at home. The younger the child, the stronger the separation anxiety from the parents, and this emotion will affect the child's eating, which in turn will affect the child's resistance, and it is particularly easy to get sick. From the perspective of your child's health, entering kindergarten after the age of three is a better choice.

Entering the park under the age of 3 is really harmful, and it is not recommended until it is a last resort

Entering the park too early will cool down the family

Lele's mother is a young parent who works hard in the workplace, and the work of the two mouths is busy, so in desperation, they let the two-year-old and four-month-old child go to kindergarten, and it is still full care.

At first, the child was very reluctant to go, crying very badly every time he went, and his mood was not good from getting up in the morning, which also affected his appetite in the morning. After the child adapted to kindergarten, he became dependent on the nurseryman in the class, and after returning home and making love to his parents for a while, he stayed in front of the TV to watch cartoons, and talked to his parents much less.

The idea of parents sending their children to kindergarten early is nothing more than two aspects:

First, busy work;

The second is that they think that they will not bring it, and that entering the nursery early can enable children to receive education as soon as possible.

In fact, this idea is biased, first of all, from the child's psychological development, the child is still in the stage of parent-child attachment before the age of 3, it is best to focus on family support; the time to leave the parents and family should not be too long.

6 months - 2 years old is a special emotional connection stage between children and parents, until about 2 years old children and peers active social interaction began to sprout, about 2 and a half years old children logic and sense of order gradually established, in order to effectively organize interaction and life.

Since the infant stage is the best period for the early development of attachment, entering the kindergarten too early will lead to children due to immature mental development, limited language development, and lack of understanding of regulating emotions, resulting in children with a strong psychological burden and unwillingness to take the initiative to socialize and express, and lack of security.

In the long run, this will have an impact on children to establish good interpersonal relationships and enter high-level emotional development in the future. Therefore, age-appropriate behavior and education are crucial to the development of children, and do not become a stumbling block to the long-term development of children because of the parents' opinions.

Entering the park under the age of 3 is really harmful, and it is not recommended until it is a last resort

Entering the park too early can lead to emotional problems

Steve Bidurff, an Australian child education expert and renowned clinical physician, warned that handing over children under the age of three to nurseries increases the risk of impairing their normal psychological development.

In the United Kingdom, Lamb, a well-known psychology professor at the University of Cambridge, recently released another study that echoes the above research by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Through research, Lamb found that sending children to nursery early may lead to long-term emotional problems.

Lamb noted that children are sent to daycare before the age of three and are more likely to have bad behavior and less able to handle stress when they grow up.

Entering the park under the age of 3 is really harmful, and it is not recommended until it is a last resort

Professor Lamb and colleagues conducted a study of 3,000 young children and found that the stress hormone cortisol in children in the first nine months of care was twice as high as in children of the same age who were not enrolled in kindergarten. Also, the younger the toddler who goes to the nursery, the greater the stress value.

The harm caused to children by entering kindergartens ahead of time is irreparable, so it is recommended that parents should be prepared for their children, and it is best to let their children enter the kindergarten after the age of 3, so as not to artificially set unnecessary obstacles on the child's growth path.

Entering the park under the age of 3 is really harmful, and it is not recommended until it is a last resort

No great teacher can replace mom

Some parents believe that most of the children are only children now, and there are many benefits to sending children to kindergarten early, so that children can learn to get along with their peers, how to find friends to play, and what to do if they are angry with friends; they can also cultivate good living habits, and there are rules for eating and resting.

Experts believe that children under the age of two and a half should be cared for one-on-one by their mothers, and parental co-parenting is the most ideal way.

If you want to make the brain of young children develop healthily, you need to stimulate it with love, the interaction between parents and children is the best stimulation, the care of family and friends is the safest choice for children's development, and what is lacking in kindergartens is this effect, even if you ask a nanny to watch the child at home, it is not as good as the mother to take care of it personally, not to mention that most people do not have enough luck to find the ideal nanny.

Children not only need fixed personnel to raise, but also need focused care, one-on-one parenting is more able to meet the needs of babies. Experts from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development point out that the development of infants and young children is special, and they not only need continuous care, but also coordinated care, which means that the people who communicate with them are relatively fixed.

After the child is sent to kindergarten too early, because most of the day is spent in the kindergarten, if the kindergarten teacher is not fixed, often changed back and forth, such as the teacher's illness, vacation and training, etc., the child who is not yet mentally mature cannot adapt. Even if the staff is relatively fixed, they have to take care of the children in shifts.

Therefore, during the critical period of children's psychological growth and development, it is very important to adhere to the parents' personal care.

Toot Mom said

Finally, tortuous mother wants to say, the same is a mother, toot mother very understanding of many mothers have to have to, if someone to see the child, if the family has economic conditions can be full-time mother, most mothers do not want to send their children to early nursery, kindergarten so early. Toot Mom really understands this helplessness. It's not that standing here and talking doesn't hurt.

If you really need to send your child to the nursery early because the conditions are not allowed, then try to pick up the child as early as possible, from the bottom school to before going to bed, fully interact with the child to make up for the time he thinks of you on this day.

Typing here, suddenly a little bit want to cry! May the world's mothers not have to encounter such heartache and difficulties.

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. Good night.

Entering the park under the age of 3 is really harmful, and it is not recommended until it is a last resort

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