
What are the points to pay attention to when giving your child glasses before school starts?

What are the points to pay attention to when giving your child glasses before school starts?

School is about to start, and it is the peak of children's eyewear fittings. There are many parents who think that children's optometry dispensing is a very simple thing, and even some parents casually take the optometry sheet somewhere on the Internet to dispense glasses. Parents and friends, do you really know about glasses?

Why is the degree still deepening when the child wears glasses?

Huang Xingxing, an optometrist at Sanlian (Group) Co., Ltd., said that after wearing glasses, the degree deepened because the eyeball itself was still developing. As the body develops, the length of the eyeball (i.e., the axis of the eye) also gradually becomes longer. Myopia is caused by the rapid growth of the eye axis, and the longer the eye axis, the higher the degree of myopia.

The deepening of myopia is not related to the wearing of glasses, but after wearing glasses, the visual quality of children is improved, and the fatigue of the eyes is improved, which delays the progress of myopia to a certain extent.

Therefore, children's glasses fittings must choose regular optical shops and hospitals, and give professional optics guidance after examination by optometrists or doctors.

Hearsay should not be missed out on the best period and method of correction.

How long is the optometry cycle most appropriate?

In general, re-refraction is required from six months to one year after the dispensing of glasses. Since the eyesight of adolescents is not stable, it is recommended to repeat the examination every three months or follow the instructions of the optometrist.

What should children pay attention to when wearing glasses?

Choice of lenses: When children choose lenses with glasses, they should choose plastic lenses with impact resistance.

Frame selection: It is recommended to choose a full or half-frame frame frame with a soft silicone nose pad or "U-shaped" nose pad, and the frame is lighter. Also pay attention to the length of the hanging ear to increase frame stability.

In addition, do not let the glasses "serve" for a long time, if you have not seen clearly before, you must re-refract the glasses.

(Source: Shanghai Municipal Consumer Protection Commission)

(Bao Yongting)

(Orient Net)

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