
Want to know what your child's future will look like? Look here

The way you are now is the way your child will be in the future. (Not necessarily, but possibly)

Having children, when they reach the age, they suddenly become no longer in love with the bed.

I wake up naturally at five or six o'clock in the morning, not because of the alarm clock, but because of the child.

When I woke up, I started to examine myself and asked myself, are you doing a good job now? Can you be a role model for your child?

The answer is not good enough to be an example.

So, what other reason do I have to snooze? As a result, there was no drowsiness.

Why should parents do a good job and have to be an example for their children?

Of course not, and many parents can't do it either. But there is no doubt that as long as the parents do well, the child will not be bad.

Recently, Gu Ailing, a ski champion who continues to occupy the hot search list, has been on fire.

The fire on the surface is because of the many gold medals won at a young age; the fire behind it is how this talented girl was refined?

The success of all people is nothing more than two points: one is their own efforts, and the other is external influence;

The biggest part of the external influence is the influence of parents, because parents have been with us the longest.

Gu Ailing's success is inseparable from her mother's exemplary training. Her mother is a ski instructor, Gu Ailing began to contact skiing at the age of 3, won the championship at the age of 9, and until now her mother is still Gu Ailing's sparring partner.

Such parents cannot be copied! Such success cannot be copied! But you can learn!

Gu Ailing has a sentence that impressed me, in the sparring of all athletes, only their own mothers can keep up with the speed of athletes. I have to say that Gu Ailing's mother is really powerful.

Of course, Gu Ailing's success cannot be copied, if nothing else, the investment in training, the average person can not afford it, but there are many places to learn, such as:

1, parents chicken baby is not as good as the chicken itself, do a good job of themselves, set an example for children

2, sleep for 10 hours a day, to ensure adequate sleep, to have the energy to do things well

3. Participate in what children like to do and guide children in certain things

Throughout history, those whose parents did well, most children also did better. For example, Feng Zikai's daughter is a well-known painter; Jia Pingwa's daughter is a writer; and Zhong Nanshan's son is a famous doctor.

What kind of person will the child become in the future?

There are two decisive factors: one is one's own enlightenment, and the other is the guidance of parents.

The two have been interdependent, interconnected, influenced, and mutually successful for a long time.

From the moment a child is born, the first thing that affects the child's behavior is the parents, the child is like a blank piece of paper, and the guidance of the parents is the most critical key.

When the child grows up, the three views of the parents will become the child's three views, and the parents with problems with the three views will bring out the children with the problems of the three views.

When the child is a little older, his or her own three views begin to form, and if there is a problem with the child's three views, the parents must correct it in time.

The growth of children is the process of children and parents playing with each other, the premise here is that parents must improve themselves and be the best version of themselves.

The better the parents do, the better the children grow, which also explains why some children are born, and their starting point is the focus of others.

Back to the beginning, what you are like now, your children will most likely be like in the future.

In essence, parents have two roles, one is to help children establish the correct three views, and the other is to supervise children to do things without deviating from the three views.

If you think about it, isn't gu Ailing's growth just like this?

Chicken babies are not as good as chickens themselves, accurately let children see the way parents work hard, so as to motivate themselves to work hard.

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