
How to stimulate children's interest in learning (2)

How to stimulate children's interest in learning (2)
How to stimulate children's interest in learning (2)

First, let children feel that learning is a happy thing

Learning is a kind of human instinct, but also a need of life, but also a kind of happiness in life. Parents should pay attention to their own educational language, do not always tell their children that learning is a very hard thing, you can tell your children in different ways and methods, in the process of learning you will know a lot of things, get a lot of new knowledge, there will be unexpected gains. If children can see learning as a happy thing, they will naturally have a strong interest in learning.

Parents use their own way to let their children feel that learning is a pleasant thing first, which makes children have a recognition that learning is sweet. Children who pursue happiness by nature will take the initiative to learn, find happiness from it, and maintain a strong interest in learning.

How to stimulate children's interest in learning (2)

Second, cultivate and protect children's curiosity and stimulate children's curiosity

To stimulate children's interest in learning, we must first cultivate their curiosity. Curiosity represents a love of exposure to new things, and the more a person is exposed to new things, the more he wants to know, which is where the motivation to learn comes from.

On the one hand, parents should protect their children's natural curiosity, support and encourage their questions, questions, explorations, and even different opinions, and provide opportunities for children to show curiosity and satisfy curiosity. At the same time, we must also pay attention to guiding children to find problems, and more importantly, support them to ask questions at any time, even if they look strange and silly.

On the other hand, parents can arouse their children's curiosity through appropriate methods (such as asking questions, asking questions, etc.). For example, some parents and children ask each other questions, sometimes children ask questions to parents, sometimes parents ask questions to children, and the questions can involve common sense of daily life, historical allusions, geographical knowledge, scientific and technological knowledge and many other aspects.

In the process of mutual questioning, the horizons of parents and children have been expanded and their knowledge has been continuously enriched. For children, this kind of activity is a bit like a game, which can satisfy their intellectual curiosity and give them the opportunity to communicate and communicate with their parents on common topics. Most children enjoy this way of learning and have a lot of fun with it.

For example, parents can use the things that happen around, see, hear, and touch to stimulate their children's curiosity, stimulate their children's interest, and let their children unconsciously understand these interesting contents. Once a child becomes curious or amused about this content, he feels the need to learn in the classroom and naturally develops an interest in learning.

Although the interest stimulated by this is only a temporary interest, once this interest forms a virtuous circle with classroom learning and promotes each other, it will develop into a stable interest.

How to stimulate children's interest in learning (2)

Third, understand the reasons why children do not like to learn, and help solve

There are many reasons why children don't like to learn. If you carefully understand, you will find that in fact, it is not that children do not like to read, but that some factors are caused by such as poor foundation, too difficult to catch up, being criticized by teachers for going to school, having resistance to teachers, being laughed at by classmates when they read wrong words, wanting to watch TV but being forced to write homework, and so on.

After these reasons gradually accumulate in the heart, the child gradually loses interest in learning. Parents can communicate and discuss with their children, guide their children to say the reasons why they do not like to read, help their children solve problems together, and find their interest in learning.

Fourth, understand and respect the child's own interests

Many facts have proven that the interests cultivated as children often lay the foundation for a lifelong career. Parents should not always "stipulate" their children's interests according to their subjective will, force children to learn this, not learn that, but respect their own learning interests, give children more free and loose space, and let them do what they are interested in and like.

For example, some children like to do hands-on operations and engage in some small productions, and parents should encourage support. Because children also need to use their brains in the process of production, when they do not understand, they will consult relevant materials and books, this is the process of learning, such learning, children will learn consciously, happy, and make the thinking ability to develop, improve hands-on operation ability.

Parents can provide them with relevant books according to the characteristics of their children's interests and let them participate in some beneficial activities and competitions.

How to stimulate children's interest in learning (2)

Interest is the internal driving force for children to understand things.

Once a child becomes interested in something, he tends to it, pays attention to it, and actively explores it. Therefore, only by respecting the child's interests and being good at inspiration and guidance can parents maximize their children's potential and get better educational results.

Fifth, pay attention to linking children's original interests with knowledge learning to cultivate and stimulate new interests

Parents should let their children participate in more beneficial and enjoyable activities and connect with learning. When Einstein was only interested in physics in middle school, he did not like mathematics, and later when he studied physics in depth, he found that mathematics was its foundation, and he became interested in mathematics again.

Some parents pay attention to the child's original interest, and it is properly connected with knowledge learning, eliminating the child's fear of composition, so that he successfully completed a good composition, stimulating the child's interest in writing.

Encourage children to succeed and experience pleasure

Everyone may have this experience: when you successfully complete a certain task and achieve a certain achievement, you will feel very excited and happy, and you are very happy to continue to complete new tasks; When you fail to complete a task as required or achieve a bad result, you will feel frustrated, miserable, and doubt whether you are capable of accepting a new task.

If the child is in a situation of failure for a long time, then it is easy for him to make a low estimate of his learning ability, lose interest in learning, and more and more avoid learning tasks. Therefore, parents should give their children appropriate encouragement and praise, give timely feedback when they have made efforts and gains, and praise and encourage their little progress in time to cultivate their self-confidence.

The more success, the greater the interest; The more interest, the more success. Over and over again, through this attitude of acceptance and affirmation, children's self-confidence can be enhanced, thereby improving their interest in learning.

How to stimulate children's interest in learning (2)

7. Create games and activity situations to stimulate children's interest in learning

Parents can consciously carry out some activities, organize some games, create activity situations, let children observe consciously and purposefully in realistic situations, fully mobilize children's visual, auditory and tactile senses and other senses to participate in activities at the same time, trigger curiosity, and cultivate children's interest in learning.

In fact, there is a lot of interesting knowledge in life, as long as you are willing to practice, children can feel a lot of fun from it, which can not only let children learn knowledge, but also make children feel the joy of learning.

8. Motivate children to learn with goals

Each child's intelligence and receptivity are different, parents should fully understand their children, according to the specific situation of the child for them to develop some easy to achieve small goals, so that children feel able to do, confidence, will be successful. When he experiences the joy of success, he will have the interest and confidence to achieve the next goal. With the achievement of small goals, children

It will keep improving. When helping children set goals and establish directions, they should be gradual and not rushed. Parents should be patient and guide, specific help.

When children do not like to learn or plan to give up learning in a certain subject, parents may wish to motivate their children with goals, which requires parents to help their children set ideals. Under the guidance of the goal, the child will feel that the hard work is worth it, and the learning will be more interested.

Ninth, set an example and become an example for children to learn

The Soviet educator Makarenko once said: "The demands of a parent for himself, the respect of a parent for his own family, and the attention of a parent to every behavior of himself are the most important and important educational methods for his children." Parents' words and deeds have a subtle impact on children, and those music families and scholars are the best examples. As the saying goes, teaching by example is more important than words, if children have not seen the figure of parents learning, parents' interest in learning will be greatly reduced. If the mother is a person who loves literature, the child often sees her reading on the desk, and will naturally take the initiative to learn from the mother. The impact of inquisitive parents on their children is immeasurable.

How to stimulate children's interest in learning (2)

10. Let children be teachers and provide opportunities to apply knowledge with interest

Try to exchange teaching and being taught roles with your child, and let your child become a small teacher, which will increase his desire to learn. In order to teach others, you must first study deeply and grasp the main points of the learning content, which is of great help to children's learning and helps to stimulate the motivation of independent learning.

11. The study time should not be too long

Parents generally have high expectations for their children, always want their children to learn, learn, and learn again, as long as the child sits at the desk, no matter how efficient it is, parents feel relieved, so they always urge their children to "sit well and start learning." As everyone knows, this practice is very dangerous.

Ignoring the child's psychological characteristics and arbitrarily prolonging the learning time will make the child oppose learning and play, and then hate learning, and will also develop bad habits of grinding and inattention. Therefore, parents must not be short-sighted, give up their roots, and must not forget that cultivating their children's interest in learning is the top priority. Generally speaking, children in the third grade continue to focus on learning for 20 to 25 minutes, and appropriately arrange activities and rest between learning.

12. Make the desk a place of interest to children

Children need a good environment for learning, and a desk of their own is essential. Turning the desk into a place of interest to the child will make the child interested in the learning activities that are often carried out on the desk. The desk should be neat and tidy, and the drawer should be equipped with the utensils needed to do each homework, so that when he needs it, he can find it immediately, and he will not be interrupted by the lack of a certain piece of equipment. The desk is beautiful and comfortable, so that the child can sit here and start his learning activities.

How to stimulate children's interest in learning (2)

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