
In the age of great navigation, it was a human feat to complete the circumnavigation of the globe, but there was one person who did not leave the house and completed the circumnavigation of the world. He is the author of this book, the father of science fiction, Verne.

author:1 book a day

In the age of great navigation, it was a human feat to complete the circumnavigation of the globe, but there was one person who did not leave the house and completed the circumnavigation of the world. He is the author of this book, the father of science fiction, Verne.

The protagonist of the novel, Fogg, is an old-school gentleman in Britain, according to his calculations, he can complete the circumnavigation of the world in 80 days, and bets with people that he really embarks on a journey around the world, bringing with him a shrewd and capable servant. On the way, Detective Fawkes mistakenly believes that Fogg is a British wanted man, and all kinds of obstructions become a stumbling block to the journey. Fogg went through all kinds of dangers, met Madame Elda, harvested love, and at the last moment, returned a day late to rescue the servant Lulutong, and lost the bet. On the next day, I went to church to get married, and on Sunday I didn't open the door to find out that I was a day ahead of me because I spared the earth, so I finally won the bet.

At the time, it was a science fiction novel, and Verne used the information he had collected to invent such a round-the-world trip, using the most advanced trains, steamships and other means of transportation at that time. I completed a journey around the world with my imagination.

- "Around the World in Eighty Days" #Temperature of Reading # #全民荐书人 #

In the age of great navigation, it was a human feat to complete the circumnavigation of the globe, but there was one person who did not leave the house and completed the circumnavigation of the world. He is the author of this book, the father of science fiction, Verne.

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