
#Are you willing to change#Swipe the short video without doing anything, and when you look up, you see that the clock has indicated that it is already one o'clock in the morning. The excitement of brushing videos, the moment you turn off your phone, you are lost and


#你愿意改变么 #

Idly brushing the short video, when I looked up, I saw that the clock had indicated one o'clock in the morning.

The excitement of brushing videos, the moment you turn off your phone, are overwhelmed by loss and anxiety. I don't like this kind of waste of time for no reason, but I can't control my own behavior of brushing my phone, and I can only experience this painful feeling again and again.

Turning off my phone and reflecting on myself, I need an awakening revolution.

First of all, I feel pain after the waste of time. Pain is our best teacher of thought, and only when we feel pain can we want to awaken, we can want to face it, we can want to change.

Second, change the status quo. Start with micro-action, choose a moment away from the phone, pick up a book or write a paragraph, give yourself an exit of awakening, and find opportunities for reflection and understanding.

Finally, change your habits. Change your actions again and again, affirm your own changes after self-awakening, fix your habits of action, and quit the consciousness of being dominated by mobile phones.

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#Are you willing to change#Swipe the short video without doing anything, and when you look up, you see that the clock has indicated that it is already one o'clock in the morning. The excitement of brushing videos, the moment you turn off your phone, you are lost and
#Are you willing to change#Swipe the short video without doing anything, and when you look up, you see that the clock has indicated that it is already one o'clock in the morning. The excitement of brushing videos, the moment you turn off your phone, you are lost and
#Are you willing to change#Swipe the short video without doing anything, and when you look up, you see that the clock has indicated that it is already one o'clock in the morning. The excitement of brushing videos, the moment you turn off your phone, you are lost and

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