
Food Safety 丨Zigong City Yantan District focuses on food safety around the campus to protect the health of minors

author:User 4227733649

In order to implement the spirit of the speech made by Huang Qiang, Governor of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government, at the meeting to promote the protection of minors, the Market Supervision Bureau of Yantan District of Zigong City recently closely integrated the "Guardian Growth" action with the "Spring Thunder Action 2022" and took multiple measures to carry out law enforcement actions for the protection of minors.

Law enforcement personnel strengthen the supervision of supermarkets, commissaries, stationery stores, etc. on campus and in the surrounding areas, and investigate and deal with the sale of toxic, harmful, counterfeit and shoddy stationery, toys, "three noes", expired food and other commodities. Increase the inspection and publicity of food and catering operators on campus and in the surrounding areas, enhance the legal awareness and legal business awareness of business operators, and require them to implement the main responsibility for food safety, implement the purchase inspection system and the disinfection system of catering utensils. At the same time, law enforcement officials also inspected the posting of propaganda slogans prohibiting the sale of tobacco and alcohol to minors, and subsidized the mutilated and fallen off.

Up to now, the Market Supervision Bureau of Yantan District has inspected 38 market operators, inspected 10 schools and kindergartens, removed 12 kilograms of expired food from shelves, confiscated 53 children's toys without the "3C" certification mark, filed 7 cases, closed 3 cases, and fined 13,000 yuan.

In the future, the Market Supervision Bureau of Yantan District will regularly or irregularly visit shops and stationery stores around the campus to better play the role of social co-governance, prevent the "comeback" of inferior food and toxic toys, and escort the healthy growth of minors.

Source 丨Zigong City Yantan District People's Government

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Food Safety 丨Zigong City Yantan District focuses on food safety around the campus to protect the health of minors

Long press to pay attention to campus smart food safety

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