
In the past ten years, the average number of industrial enterprises in the nine towns around Songshan Lake has increased by nearly 300

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
In the past ten years, the average number of industrial enterprises in the nine towns around Songshan Lake has increased by nearly 300
In the past ten years, the average number of industrial enterprises in the nine towns around Songshan Lake has increased by nearly 300
In the past ten years, the average number of industrial enterprises in the nine towns around Songshan Lake has increased by nearly 300

Songshan Lake High-tech Zone.

In the past ten years, the average number of industrial enterprises in the nine towns around Songshan Lake has increased by nearly 300
In the past ten years, the average number of industrial enterprises in the nine towns around Songshan Lake has increased by nearly 300
In the past ten years, the average number of industrial enterprises in the nine towns around Songshan Lake has increased by nearly 300

Songshan Lake's GDP has crossed the 90 billion yuan mark and is heading towards 100 billion yuan. As the core engine leading the high-quality development of Dongguan, Songshan Lake not only drives Dongguan's scientific and technological innovation, but also drives the development of the bordering towns and streets and even the whole of Dongguan through industrial spillover.

Since its establishment, Songshan Lake has been inseparable from the support of surrounding towns and village groups, and the 52 villages (communities) connected to the surrounding areas are even more solid. After the establishment of the "one park and nine towns" model of Songshan Lake functional area, the garden towns and villages gradually moved towards deep integration.

According to the "Dongguan Statistical Yearbook", the reporter from Nandu sorted out the number of industrial enterprises above the designated size in Songshan Lake and the surrounding 9 towns from 2012 to 2022, the industrial added value of high-tech manufacturing industry, the total R&D expenditure of industrial enterprises above the designated size, the number of industrial enterprises with R&D institutions, and the number of patent authorized enterprises in towns and streets, and scanned the scientific and technological innovation strength of 9 towns around Songshan Lake, showing the formation and change of the "Science and Technology Innovation Belt around Songshan Lake".

According to the data, ten years ago, the number of industrial enterprises with R&D institutions in Songshan Lake and the surrounding 9 towns did not exceed 20 on average. In addition to Shilong, in 2022, Songshan Lake and the surrounding 8 towns will have increased the number of indicators to hundreds of them. It can be seen that this "radiation belt around Songshan Lake" has gradually developed from a simple geographical relationship to conspiracy, co-construction, and sharing.

So, when did the bordering villages (communities), which are the radiation belts around Songshan Lake, begin to undertake the resource spillover of Songshan Lake? What projects, companies have been introduced? Next, how will Songshan Lake give full play to the "driving force of science and technology"?

Songshan Lake "leads"

The science and technology innovation indicators of the neighboring towns and streets are rising year by year

In 2023, Songshan Lake handed over a brilliant report card: the annual GDP exceeded the 90 billion yuan mark for the first time, an increase of 11.8%, ranking first in Dongguan City; The total industrial output value above designated size was 379.483 billion yuan, an increase of 11.5%, and it was selected as one of the top 100 advanced manufacturing parks in China in 2023.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Songshan Lake Co-ordination and Development Bureau, "Songshan Lake shoulders the important task of Dongguan's industrial transformation and upgrading. After Songshan Lake strengthens its own core, it will gather a large number of resources, including industry, talents, science and technology, etc., and then diverge out to enhance the strength of the entire Dongguan. ”

According to the data, in 2023, there will be 112 spillover enterprises in 9 towns in the functional area of Songshan Lake, including 34 in Liaobu Town, 27 in Dalang Town, and 24 in Dalingshan......

Obviously, as the core engine leading the high-quality development of Dongguan, Songshan Lake not only drives Dongguan's scientific and technological innovation, but also drives the surrounding 52 villages (communities) through industrial spillover, radiating to 9 towns and streets, and then driving the improvement of Dongguan's scientific and technological innovation strength.

What is the power of Songshan Lake's "belt"? Nandu sorted out the 2012-2022 "Dongguan Statistical Yearbook", combed through a number of scientific and technological innovation hard power indicators in Songshan Lake and 9 towns of Liaobu, Dalingshan, Dalang, Hengli, Dongkeng, Qishi, Shipai, Chashan, and Shilong, and found that positive changes are occurring.

This "radiation belt around Songshan Lake" has gradually developed from a simple geographical relationship to conspiracy, co-construction, and shared progress.

In terms of the total R&D expenditure of industrial enterprises above the designated size, Songshan Lake shows a "leading" trend. Compared with the surrounding 9 towns, in 2022, the total R&D expenditure of industrial enterprises in Songshan Lake will reach 6,925.1 million yuan, while the second place is 129195 million yuan in Liaobu Town. In recent years, most of the nine towns and streets bordering Songshan Lake have doubled this indicator. In 2016, the total R&D expenditure of industrial enterprises above the designated size in Dalingshan Town was 314.12 million yuan, and in 2022, the total expenditure will reach 1106.10 million yuan, an increase of more than two times compared with 2016.

In 2012, the number of industrial enterprises with R&D institutions in Songshan Lake and the surrounding 9 towns was no more than 20 per town (park). In 2022, the number of Songshan Lake and the surrounding 9 towns, except for Shilong Town, will increase to hundreds, and the number of industrial enterprises with R&D institutions in Songshan Lake will be 225, and the number of Liaobu will be 365; Among them, the number of industrial enterprises with R&D institutions in Hengli Town has increased from 5 to 308.

In recent years, the number of enterprises with patent grants in Songshan Lake and the surrounding 9 towns has also increased steadily. In 2022, Songshan Lake, Liaobu Town, Dalingshan Town, Dalang Town, and Hengli Town ranked among the top five in this indicator, with 780, 752, 613, 576, and 565 respectively.

In terms of industrial added value of high-tech manufacturing industry, the 9 towns around Songshan Lake have generally shown an overall growth trend in the past six years. In 2022, Dongkeng, Liaobu, and Dalingshan Towns will rank among the top three, with 858764 yuan, 637365 yuan, and 490591 yuan respectively.

From 2012 to 2022, the average number of industrial enterprises above the designated size increased by nearly 300 in the nine towns around Songshan Lake. Among them, in 2022, Dalang Town will have the largest number of industrial enterprises on the scale, reaching 700. In terms of long-term latitude, the number of industrial enterprises above the designated size in Liaobu Town increased the most among the 9 towns, from 191 in 2012 to 644 in 2022.

Behind the data is the display of the surrounding towns and streets being radiated by Songshan Lake. The layout of Songshan Lake High-tech Zone, which began in 2001, is increasingly profoundly affecting Dongguan's science and technology innovation ecology.

High-tech enterprises spillover

Dongguan's first municipal new material industrial park was completed

As the 52 bordering villages (communities) closest to Songshan Lake, they are obviously the most important existence in the radiation belt around Songshan Lake, and they are also the first wave of beneficiaries of Songshan Lake's economic spillover, and Songshan Lake's scientific and technological innovation genes are affecting their growth.

Located in the Dongguan New Material Industrial Park in Pingshan Community, Dalang Town, two brand-new white factories have been built.

This is the first new material industrial park in Dongguan, which will build the core area of Dongguan's new energy materials industry, the innovation center and technology source of the new energy materials industry in the Greater Bay Area. In January this year, the new material industrial park was opened, ushering in the first batch of 7 enterprises to settle in. According to reports, most of the first batch of enterprises are incubated by the material laboratory, and most of them are upstream and downstream enterprises in the field of lithium batteries, such as new materials, battery design, research and development, and equipment.

According to one of the stationed enterprises, Michelona (Shanghai) Industrial Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., will establish a 3,500-square-meter experimental platform in the new park around the key process of solid-state batteries, open experiments to scientific researchers across the country for free, and carry out technical cooperation and technology sharing.

Han Xiaogen, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Pingshan Community, introduced that the location of Dongguan New Material Industrial Park is the return of the land reserved for the construction materials laboratory of Pingshan Community expropriated by Songshan Lake. Han Xiaogen said that after the completion of the project, it is expected to increase the collective income of the community by about 800,000 yuan per month, and the annual output value is expected to be no less than 12 million yuan/mu.

"Science and technology + investment" has become a reality not only in Songshan Lake, but also in the science and technology innovation belt around Songshan Lake.

In recent years, the transformation path of scientific and technological achievements of Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory has continued to expand, promoting the industrialization of laboratory innovation workshops such as Talkite Target, Qiuran Technology, and Big Zinc Energy to land in the Songshan Lake functional area, and promoting small and medium-sized enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of transformation and upgrading through innovative models such as technology participation, and helping the underlying logic of Dongguan's manufacturing development to accelerate the shift.

In December 2023, Dongguan Takite Target Technology Co., Ltd., an industrialization company of Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, settled in Foxin Community, Dalang Town, which is a cooperative enterprise of the light element team of Dongguan Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory "Zhongke Jingyi", mainly engaged in high-performance thin film new materials, and is a high-tech enterprise in Guangdong Province.

In 2020, Zhongke Jingyi (Dongguan) Material Technology Co., Ltd., which was invested and incubated by the light element team of Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, acquired Nixuan Electronics, a downstream enterprise in the industrial chain, through technology and capital investment, to supply it with raw materials such as high-purity copper, single crystal copper, copper-silver alloy and so on.

Fu Ying, Secretary-General of the Industrialization Committee of Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory and researcher of the light element team, said that in 2023, Nixuan Electronics' revenue will double, and it will successfully become a supplier of leading enterprises such as Luxshare Precision, Fenghua Hi-Tech, and Poyun.

Industry-university-research cooperation

Shipai Town's communication parts industry plugged in "wings"

Under the empowerment of the whole chain, the whole process and the whole factor innovation ecology, Songshan Lake's support and service for scientific and technological innovation in other towns and streets continue to jump.

Relying on the high-quality resources of Songshan Lake, a series of in-depth cooperation has been launched.

As early as 2019, the construction of Dongguan Shipai Communication Components Collaborative Innovation Center was launched, which plugged in a "pair of wings" for the town's communication components industry. This is an industrial collaborative innovation center jointly built by Songshan Lake South China Collaborative Innovation Institute and Shipai Town to cultivate the technological innovation ability of communication components.

According to reports, the Shipai Town Communication Components Collaborative Innovation Center is a joint Songshan Lake research institute and universities to start the establishment, with a total investment of 130 million yuan, using the "government-led, colleges and universities cooperation, leading enterprises to participate" co-construction model, and strive to build Shipai into a highland of scientific and technological innovation in Songshan Hubei.

The establishment of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Communication Components is an important part of the development of the communication components industry in Shipai Town.

Since the 80s of the last century, the communication components industry of Shipai has gradually taken off. After more than 20 years of long-term development, after 2012, with the gathering of Jiahe electroacoustics, Mingpu optomagnetic, Xingchi Optoelectronics, Qipai Technology and other enterprises, the communication components industry began to enter a stage of rapid development.

The relevant person in charge of Shipai Town said that at present, the communication components industry has become the leading industry, pillar industry and brand industry of the town, which plays an important role in promoting the stable growth of Shipai economy.

In addition, in January this year, the Dongguan Municipal Science and Technology Bureau officially issued the "Dongguan Acoustic Industry Innovation and Entrepreneurship Complex Project Settlement Management and Support Measures", proposing a maximum support of 60 million yuan for 3 years to help the development and construction of the complex and make every effort to build an innovation and entrepreneurship highland in the acoustic industry.

As the first innovation and entrepreneurship complex in Dongguan in the field of subdivided industries, the Dongguan Acoustic Industry Innovation and Entrepreneurship Complex is jointly built by Dongguan Science and Technology Bureau, Songshan Lake Management Committee, Fenggang Town, Liaobu Town and other units. By the end of 2023, the complex has held dozens of academic seminars, technology docking and other activities, and more than 1,000 acoustic scholars and experts from all over the country have come to Dongguan for exchanges, further accelerating the efficiency of the transfer and transformation of Dongguan's advanced acoustic technology and attracting a number of excellent acoustic enterprises to land.

A series of scientific and technological innovation and development experiences from Songshan Lake are also promoting the optimization of the development pattern of functional areas and even the whole city.

Since 2023, Songshan Lake has expanded the coverage of the park policy to 2,353 national high-tech enterprises in the functional area by formulating the science and technology commissioner policy, supported the park's scientific and technological innovation resources to tilt towards the functional area, and promoted 146 doctoral or intermediate scientific research talents in the park to carry out collaborative innovation and research and development with 61 national high-tech enterprises in the functional area, opening up a bridge between the park's scientific and technological innovation resources and the enterprises in the functional area.

With the continuous improvement of the innovation level of Songshan Lake, the innovation interaction between the surrounding towns and Songshan Lake has also become closer, and Songshan Lake has undoubtedly become the "locomotive" that drives Dongguan to achieve innovation-driven development. In the future, Songshan Lake will further assume the role of an innovation engine and provide important support for the high-quality development of Dongguan and even the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

◎In 2022, the total R&D expenditure of industrial enterprises above the designated size in Songshan Lake will reach 6,925.1 million yuan, while the second place is 129195 million yuan in Liaobu Town. In recent years, most of the nine towns and streets bordering Songshan Lake have doubled this indicator. In 2016, the total R&D expenditure of industrial enterprises above the designated size in Dalingshan Town was 314.12 million yuan, and in 2022, the total expenditure will reach 1106.10 million yuan, an increase of more than two times compared with 2016.

◎In recent years, the number of enterprises with patent grants in Songshan Lake and the surrounding 9 towns has also increased steadily. In 2022, Songshan Lake, Liaobu Town, Dalingshan Town, Dalang Town, and Hengli Town ranked among the top five in this indicator, with 780, 752, 613, 576, and 565 respectively.

Nandu Survey No. 280 in total

Co-ordinator: Nandu reporter Liang Jindi

Written by: Nandu reporter Tang Guoxuan, Liang Jindi, Huang Huiping, Zeng Yijing

Photography/Videography: Nandu reporter Liu Mei Intern Cao Gege Chen Ziyao

Part of the source: Songhu Rong Media, etc

Produced by Nandu Twin Engine Studios

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