
5.17 Conference | Li Haihua, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Promote the high-quality development of the industrial Internet and fully support and empower new industrialization

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5.17 Conference | Li Haihua, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Promote the high-quality development of the industrial Internet and fully support and empower new industrialization

On May 17, the 2024 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Conference and Series of Activities "Industrial Internet Innovation and Development Forum" was successfully held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. Li Haihua, deputy director of the Institute of Industrial Internet and Internet of Things of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, shared a keynote speech on "Promoting the High-quality Development of the Industrial Internet and Fully Supporting and Empowering New Industrialization".

5.17 Conference | Li Haihua, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Promote the high-quality development of the industrial Internet and fully support and empower new industrialization

The industrial Internet is the product of the deep integration of the new generation of information technology and the real economy, which has the essential attributes and characteristics of infrastructure such as basic, public, and strong externalities, as well as the characteristics of emerging infrastructure technology innovation, data empowerment, and cross-border integration. The Industrial Internet is the key foundation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and a strategic infrastructure to promote new industrialization. Li Haihua said that from the perspective of the industrial Internet, it is helping the development of new industrialization from five aspects. First, the industrial Internet improves the resilience and security of the industrial chain and supply chain. The industrial Internet drives the organizational reform of the industrial chain, and relies on the opening of data flow to form a new networked organizational form, which is conducive to enhancing the control ability, response speed and configuration efficiency of the industrial chain and supply chain, and improving the resilience and security level of the industrial chain and supply chain. By opening up the upstream and downstream links of the industrial chain, the industrial Internet realizes data penetration and effective allocation of resources. Build a whole industry chain service system, through resource integration and sharing, realize resource optimization, collaborative manufacturing and service extension, improve supply chain efficiency, promote the transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, enhance the stickiness, resilience and safety of the industrial chain, and promote the upgrade to high-end, intelligent and collaborative manufacturing. Second, the industrial Internet improves the level of industrial scientific and technological innovation. The industrial Internet promotes the fission and upgrading of the industrial system, changes the industrial development paradigm of equipment, industrial networks, automation, industrial software, etc., and promotes the formation of a new technical architecture that is data-driven, flexible deployment, on-demand customization, and open integration, creating new catch-up opportunities and new paths for "lane change and overtaking" in the fields above the mainland. Third, the industrial Internet promotes the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure. The industrial Internet has opened up a new path for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries by driving the transformation of production methods, business models and organizational methods, promoting the formation of new factor combinations and value creation methods. In the process of consolidating and upgrading advantageous industries such as the information and communication industry, the industrial Internet has formed a new track for development, accelerating product innovation and iteration and enhancing the global competitiveness of the industry by continuously exploring application scenarios. Fourth, the industrial Internet comprehensively promotes the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy. Relying on the industrial Internet, leading enterprises and chain owners have developed a number of standardized and SaaS-based "small, fast, light and accurate" digital tools and products, and promoted them through business model innovations such as service subscriptions and online calls to reduce the cost of digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises. Fifth, the industrial Internet effectively contributes to the green development of industry. The industrial Internet supports the construction of a green industrial ecology and helps carbon peak and carbon neutrality; The industrial Internet can be deeply integrated with various industries, help various subjects improve technology and energy management, improve the efficiency of energy resource utilization, and reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. Li Haihua emphasized that the industrial Internet identification analysis system, as one of the five functional systems of the industrial Internet, is the nerve center supporting the interconnection of the industrial Internet, the core hub to realize the deep integration of data and reality, the key to enhancing the resilience of the industrial chain and supply chain, and the important foundation for the coordinated development of digital and green, and has become the key strategic infrastructure for new industrialization. The construction of the identification and analysis system of the industrial Internet in mainland China has been built from scratch and from small to large, and the independent system architecture has been fully completed. At present, the identification analysis system has entered a critical stage of large-scale development with the overall promotion of the industrial Internet, the work of "ramming the foundation and beams" has been basically completed, and the development focus has shifted from "construction" to "use", and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other 12 departments jointly issued the "Industrial Internet Identification Analysis System" through the "Action Plan (2024-2026)" based on the new stage and new requirements to put forward a new deployment. "The development of the industrial Internet in mainland China has gone through three periods of strategic planning, initial exploration and rapid advancement, and is currently in the stage of 'scale development'. In the next 3-5 years, large-scale popularization and promotion will become the key focus of the policy. Li Haihua introduced the overall idea of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology for the next step of industrial Internet support and empowerment of new industrialization: thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, create a development system covering infrastructure, technical products, integrated applications, industrial ecology, government support, etc., release the superposition and multiplication effect on a larger scale, deeper and higher level, and serve the overall situation of new industrialization. Key development directions include: improving the overall efficiency of network facilities and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of intranets; Accelerate the promotion of the application of industrial Internet identification analysis, and carry out the "through" action of the industrial Internet identification analysis system; focus on improving the multi-level platform system and expanding the platform industry ecology; Build an industrial data space and build a secure and credible data circulation system; Build a solid barrier for security development, and improve network security and data security capabilities; Parallel promotion of shortcoming, forging and new work, improve product quality and efficiency; Promote the "chain-network collaboration" of the industrial Internet and improve the depth and breadth of applications; Promote wider participation of industrial enterprises, information and communication enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, etc.; Increase the guarantee of funds, talents and other factors, and create more pilot demonstration benchmarks. END

Author: Zhen Qinglan Editor/Layout: Gai Beibei Reviewer: Wang Tao Mei Yaxin Producer: Liu Qicheng

5.17 Conference | Li Haihua, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Promote the high-quality development of the industrial Internet and fully support and empower new industrialization

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5.17 Conference | Li Haihua, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Promote the high-quality development of the industrial Internet and fully support and empower new industrialization

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5.17 Conference | Li Haihua, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Promote the high-quality development of the industrial Internet and fully support and empower new industrialization

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5.17 Conference | Li Haihua, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Promote the high-quality development of the industrial Internet and fully support and empower new industrialization
5.17 Conference | Li Haihua, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Promote the high-quality development of the industrial Internet and fully support and empower new industrialization

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