
5.17 Conference | Fu Zhiren of China Telecom Research Institute: Innovating the Industrial Internet and Building a New Foundation for the Intelligent Computing Era

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5.17 Conference | Fu Zhiren of China Telecom Research Institute: Innovating the Industrial Internet and Building a New Foundation for the Intelligent Computing Era

Recently, Fu Zhiren, Vice President of China Telecom Research Institute, was invited to attend the main forum of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Conference and delivered a speech.

5.17 Conference | Fu Zhiren of China Telecom Research Institute: Innovating the Industrial Internet and Building a New Foundation for the Intelligent Computing Era

China Telecom believes that the industrial Internet, as a product of the deep integration of a new generation of information technology and manufacturing, is becoming a key force to promote the construction of a manufacturing power and a network power. The traditional industrial architecture is difficult to meet the growing demand for innovation scenarios, and the digital technology of the industrial Internet is evolving in the direction of integration, reliability, openness, and intelligence. The first is the integration of industrial agreements. Industrial protocols are adapted to 5G technology to promote the integrated development of industrial equipment; Second, the network is enhanced and reliable. Industrial networks evolve from OT/IT discrete to OT/IT/CT convergence to build deterministic networks. The third is the opening of industrial control. Industrial control has made a breakthrough in the new architecture from multi-level closed to flat and open to create intelligent and flexible manufacturing; Fourth, industrial intelligence embedding. The coordinated development of industrial intelligent size models empowers new industrialization. China Telecom works closely with the industry, relying on the advantages of cloud-network integration, and providing the core driving force for new-type industrialization to become stronger, better and bigger with innovation in four technical dimensions. The first technological innovation is the decoupling of software and hardware and the integration of protocols for industrial terminals. China Telecom uses eCloud's software capabilities to enable hardware devices to further unleash the new kinetic energy of 5G smart terminals. The second technological innovation is the industrial network to build a dual-gigabit industrial boutique network. China Telecom's 5G industrial private network has been comprehensively upgraded to "ultra-broadband, ultra-stable, ultra-accurate, ultra-simplified, and ultra-light", and pioneered the industrial PON deterministic technology system to meet the customized and deterministic needs of industrial scenarios. The third technological innovation is the breakthrough of new architecture in industrial control. China Telecom independently developed the e-cloud control system, which uses cloud-based and open technologies to realize the intelligent collaborative control of a variety of heterogeneous devices. Yiyunkong has the ability of "three libraries, two environments and one management", and its performance indicators are higher than the industry level. The fourth technological innovation is to actively explore the practice of industrial large-scale models. Driven by the needs of industrial scenarios, China Telecom has built a continuous data supply process to fully release the value of data. China Telecom is guided by Yiyun Mining and Yiyun Control, creating a new paradigm of digital technology and actively cultivating new quality productivity. Looking forward to the future, China Telecom sincerely invites the industry to work together to build a bright future for new industrialization. END

Editor/Layout: Gai Beibei Reviewer: Wang Tao Mei Yaxin Producer: Liu Qicheng

5.17 Conference | Fu Zhiren of China Telecom Research Institute: Innovating the Industrial Internet and Building a New Foundation for the Intelligent Computing Era

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5.17 Conference | Fu Zhiren of China Telecom Research Institute: Innovating the Industrial Internet and Building a New Foundation for the Intelligent Computing Era

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5.17 Conference | Fu Zhiren of China Telecom Research Institute: Innovating the Industrial Internet and Building a New Foundation for the Intelligent Computing Era

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5.17 Conference | Fu Zhiren of China Telecom Research Institute: Innovating the Industrial Internet and Building a New Foundation for the Intelligent Computing Era
5.17 Conference | Fu Zhiren of China Telecom Research Institute: Innovating the Industrial Internet and Building a New Foundation for the Intelligent Computing Era

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