
5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

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5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

Encounter "Vibrant Zhejiang" and draw a digital and intelligent future. As a pioneer city in China's manufacturing industry and the "southern wing" economic center of the Yangtze River Delta, Ningbo is vigorously promoting new industrialization and releasing new quality productivity to empower the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. On May 17, the high-profile 2024 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Conference was held in Ningbo, Zhejiang, and the main forum of the conference focused on the theme of "Digital Innovation Empowers New Industrialization", inviting experts and scholars from regulatory departments, research institutions, upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and industry representatives to gather together to express their opinions and speak freely on topics such as new industrialization, data elements, artificial intelligence, and smart homes.

5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

In recent years, the information and communication industry in Zhejiang Province has vigorously strengthened the construction of information and communication infrastructure, further promoted the integrated application of 5G, and made important contributions to the high-quality development of digital intelligence in Zhejiang. Chen Bo, member of the party group and deputy director of Zhejiang Provincial Communications Administration, said in his speech at the main forum that in recent years, Zhejiang's information and communication industry has focused on accelerating new industrialization, continuously accelerating the construction and upgrading of new information infrastructure, continuing to deepen 5G intelligence to empower thousands of industries, continuing to deepen telecommunication services to benefit enterprises and people, continuously strengthening network data security protection, and promoting new industrialization with practical actions. At the opening ceremony of the national "5.17" conference, the "Implementation Plan for the Modernization and Innovation of Zhejiang's Information and Communication Industry to Empower New Industrialization (2024-2027)" was officially released, which clarified the "five tasks" and "ten actions", and proposed that by 2027, the modernization and development of Zhejiang's information and communication industry will be accelerated, the transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements, the solid and stable digital foundation, the innovation and integration of intelligence, the inclusive sharing of communication services, the strong security guarantee, and the comprehensive upgrading of the supply capacity of information and communication servicesIt has achieved more than 300,000 5G base stations, more than 1.5 million ports of 1OG-PON and above, more than 1,000 5G virtual private networks in the industrial field, more than 300 5G fully connected factories, and the modernization of the "digital and real" integrated industrial system has been basically completed.

5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

Gu Chong, general manager, deputy secretary of the Party committee and director of China Industry and Information Publishing and Media Group Co., Ltd., attended the conference and delivered a speech at the conference, saying that promoting new industrialization is an inevitable requirement for realizing Chinese-style modernization and a strategic choice for achieving high-quality economic development. As a central cultural enterprise directly under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China Industry and Information Publishing & Media Group will continue to improve its high-quality cultural supply capacity and support service capabilities, and contribute to the promotion of new industrialization and the acceleration of the construction of a manufacturing power and a network power.

5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

Yu Xiaohui, President of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, delivered a keynote report entitled "Promoting Digital Innovation, Cultivating and Developing New Quality Productivity", he said that the essence of new quality productivity is the innovation-led new technology economic development paradigm, the core symbol is the substantial increase in total factor productivity, and promoting the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy is the only way to develop new quality productivity. In his view, digital technology is driving traditional industries to become high-end, intelligent and green.

5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

Luo Junzhang, vice president of China Industrial Internet Research Institute, was invited to attend the conference and delivered a speech entitled "Industrial Data Elements Help New Industrialization". Luo Junzhang believes that with the acceleration of the scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, digitalization has become a transformative force for new industrialization. In recent years, various localities have carried out multi-level digital transformation practice exploration with industrial data elements as the starting point, giving full play to the important role of data as a new production factor in digital transformation.

5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

Wang Ding, general manager of China Mobile's smart home operation center, delivered a keynote speech entitled "New Engine of Smart Home, Injection of Intelligence to Empower New Industries", he said that the new quality productivity has three core characteristics of high technology, high efficiency and high quality, and artificial intelligence is an important production tool for the development of new quality productivity, China Mobile closely follows the trend of AI innovation, fully embraces AI empowerment, and strives to promote the integration of AI digital intelligence, and actively forges new quality productivity in the field of smart home. Promote the upgrading of smart home products through new quality productivity to meet the new needs of users.

5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

Fu Zhiren, Vice President of China Telecom Research Institute, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Innovating Industrial Internet Digital Technology to Create a Key Engine for New Industrialization", in which he expounded the trend and feasibility of industrial scenario demand-driven digital technology evolution to integration, reliability, openness and intelligence from two aspects: the innovation trend of industrial Internet digital technology and the practice and exploration of China Telecom's new industrialization. China Telecom is actively exploring the implementation of industrial intelligent control models to fully release the value of data.

5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

Fan Ji'an, chief scientist of China Unicom Big Data, shared the "Exploration of the Development Direction of China Unicom's Industrial Internet", and he believes that the industrial Internet, as a new industrialized digital infrastructure and technical reference system, should further develop in these new directions on the original basis. China Unicom attaches great importance to digitalization and green and low-carbon development, insists on taking the digital economy as the key increment of its own transformation and development, incorporates "green and low-carbon" into the overall layout of China Unicom's "5G + Industrial Internet" development, focuses on "digital innovation" to empower new industrialization, and polishes the green and low-carbon ecological background of new industrialization is the new development direction of China Unicom's industrial Internet.

5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

Ma Wenjun, general manager of China Tower Industry Development Department and chairman and general manager of China Tower Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech entitled "Digital and Real Integration Empowers New Development and Accelerates the Formation of New Quality Productivity", he said that China Tower has built "three networks" and "three systems" to expand and share articles, build differentiated service advantages, continuously improve core competitiveness, enhance core functions, and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity. China Tower uses more than 220,000 digital towers to help more than 40 industries such as emergency response, land, environmental protection, water conservancy, agriculture, transportation, politics and law, and has achieved remarkable results in a number of new industrial application scenarios such as cultivated land protection, emergency management, environmental protection, and Yangtze River protection.

5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

Hu Jingyi, Chief Strategy Officer of Industrial Digitalization of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech entitled "Deepening the "Black Soil" of Digitalization and Promoting New Industrialization", introducing Huawei's understanding of the future industrial development trend and the evolution direction of advanced industrial networks. Chang Jiang, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategic Technology Officer of Nokia Bell, delivered a keynote speech entitled "New Quality Network, Empowering New Industrialization", in which he proposed that the industrial metaverse is the foundation of new industrialization, and a new industrial paradigm of "connection-data-computing power" is about to emerge. Chen Xiaoguang, CEO of Hengan Jiaxin (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., shared "Artificial Intelligence Stimulates Data Value, Technological Innovation Leads to New Quality Productivity", and he introduced the AI+ technology strategy to help improve the insight of digital business elements. Zhang Jin, General Manager of Tencent Cloud's carrier industry, gave a speech entitled "The Rise of New Quality Productivity: Industrial Innovation in the AI+ Era", and shared the development direction of Tencent Cloud's active exploration of new quality productivity. Wu Riping, General Manager of Ericsson China's Network Product Solutions, delivered a keynote speech entitled "High-Performance Programmable Networks Empower New Industrialization", in which he proposed that the organic integration of IT, CT, DT and OT is the technical means to achieve new industrialization. Qian Junbo, General Manager of the National (Hangzhou) New Internet Exchange Center, shared "Building Multimodal Switching Interconnection Capabilities and Building Digital Infrastructure in the New Era", he introduced that the efficient interconnection between networks through the National Exchange Center is an important measure to reduce cross-network latency, improve network energy level, and meet the needs of computing networks, and is the direction of network evolution in the new era.

5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

At present, the mainland is at a critical juncture in a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and cultivating and developing new quality productive forces is the key to seizing the commanding heights of future competition. The forum landed in Ningbo, providing a path for further exploring Zhejiang's vivid practice of "strengthening reality with numbers", exploring the "Zhejiang model" of digital economy, providing an efficient communication and collaboration platform for strengthening the cooperation of "industry-university-research-application" of new industrialization, and contributing to the cohesion of all walks of life and the collaborative construction of a new era of digital intelligence. END

Editor/Layout: Gai Beibei Reviewer: Wang Tao Mei Yaxin Producer: Liu Qicheng

5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

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5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

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5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

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5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?
5.17 Conference | In Zhejiang, how does digital innovation empower new industrialization?

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