
#Learning Punch card #2022 day0040 - 3 hours 43 minutes. 48% progress in reading The Art of Learning. Reading "The House of the Sleeping Mermaid" progressed by 87.5%. write

author:Tangyuan stuffed with honey

#Learn to punch in # 2022 day0040 - 3 hours 43 minutes. 48% progress in reading The Art of Learning. Reading "The House of the Sleeping Mermaid" progressed by 87.5%. After writing the reading notes of "A Man Named Ovie Decided to Die", plus the 34 minutes spent the day before, it took a total of 1 hour and 52 minutes to write an article. I might have written more without thinking about the time. Do the anki knowledge cards in the first few sections of the ninth chapter of the Intermediate Financial Management. The last reading did not stop in time, exited, and once again remembered the reading time, and then made up, it took 458 minutes.

Take note of this long article – #Read It Slowly One by One #0012 A man named Ovi decided to die (Sweden) Frederick Buckman

#Learning Punch card #2022 day0040 - 3 hours 43 minutes. 48% progress in reading The Art of Learning. Reading "The House of the Sleeping Mermaid" progressed by 87.5%. write
#Learning Punch card #2022 day0040 - 3 hours 43 minutes. 48% progress in reading The Art of Learning. Reading "The House of the Sleeping Mermaid" progressed by 87.5%. write

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