
#Learning Punch card #2022day0039 - 2 hours and 11 minutes. 40% progress in reading The Art of Learning. Read "The Sleeping Mermaid House" progress 50%. Write "One

author:Tangyuan stuffed with honey

#Learn to punch in # 2022 day0039 - 2 hours and 11 minutes. 40% progress in reading The Art of Learning. Read "The Sleeping Mermaid House" progress 50%. Writing the reading notes of "A Man Named Ovie Decided to Die", that little time is only enough to extract the notes to straighten out, and writing reading notes is also very brain-wrenching and time-consuming! Do the anki knowledge card of the remaining section of the eighth chapter of the intermediate financial management, memorize some knowledge points, because the reason for not continuing to remember card knowledge during the New Year, some knowledge points are forgotten, some knowledge points are not reviewed when it is time to review, piled together, and the task is arduous.

#Learning Punch card #2022day0039 - 2 hours and 11 minutes. 40% progress in reading The Art of Learning. Read "The Sleeping Mermaid House" progress 50%. Write "One

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