
#我就喜欢I 'mlovin'it- Jiujian #From 1960 to 1962, 38 white dolphins were captured on the southeast coast, which was a sensational thing at that time

author:Tight for a long time

#我就喜欢 I'm lovin' it- Jiujian # From 1960 to 1962, 38 white dolphins were caught on the southeast coast, which was a sensational thing at the time, and when jiujian was studying for a doctorate, he turned to the study of Chinese white dolphins because of this news, so he took the initiative to apply to work at the marine institute that was mainly responsible for fishing, and Uty hao also joined the project research group after coming. Known as the "mermaid" and "giant panda on the water", the Chinese white dolphin is a national first-class protected animal, but it is distributed in the western Pacific, Indian Ocean and the South China Sea in the East China Sea, and its main habitat is mangrove waterways, bays, tropical river deltas or saltwater along the coast. In April 1982, the institute organized two teams to go to the open sea for biological investigation. Jiu Ji was responsible for leading the team to the waters of Australia, Bangladesh and Brunei, and Udtihao went to India, Iran, Israel, South Africa and other seas with another team. When we don't see each other, we borrow letters and nagging. In the letter, Jiu Qiang always reminds Uttihao to dive into the deep ocean to do ear pressure balance, to rise slowly, so as not to cause alveoli rupture, leading to pneumothorax, embolism, etc., in fact, these Ytihao know, but Jiu Qiang is still tireless reminder.

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