
A man named Ovie decided to die| his hand in his pocket and hurried to life, she was always dancing


A Man Named Ovie Decides to Die / Frederick Buckman

I actually watched the film adaptation before reading the book, but after reading the book, I think the book brought me more touch. "A Man Named Ove Decides to Die" tells the story of a stubborn and kind man- Ove, who loves his wife, is dedicated and loyal, and he always gives his wife full of love and infinite tolerance. After his wife's death, he wanted to go with her countless times, but in the difficult moments when he always encountered others before committing suicide, he decided to temporarily shelve his suicide plan to help others. In the novel warm and warm, there are many good sentences in it that I excerpted:

  1. A person's qualities are determined by his actions, not by what he says.
  2. People have lost their due respect for universal functionalism, and everything today must be fashionable and digital, but Ove is still one step at a time.
  3. No one can tell the difference between an ordinary concrete expansion bolt and a head-on stick, and this is today's society.
  4. Ovi doesn't like to grind his lips. He knew that this was now a remarkable personality defect. Now people have to be able to talk about anything with any strange person who breaks in an arm's throw away, just to show friendship. Ovie didn't know how to do it. Maybe it has something to do with the environment in which he grew up. Perhaps his generation is not ready to face such a world of bare talk.
  5. People always say that the world in Ovie's eyes is either black or white, and she is the color, his whole color.
  6. She only loves abstract things... Ovey is a man with a mind full of figurative things... He hurried through his pockets, and she was always dancing.
  7. After losing someone, there will always be some strange details that are nostalgic. It's all very small things.
  8. Every path you take in your life will eventually lead you to your destiny.
  9. It's a world that's obsolete before it's even expired.
  10. He felt that he could not be a man of impermanence, as if loyalty was worthless. Nowadays, changing things is called a fast, and the knowledge of how to make things stronger is superfluous.
  11. "I just want to know what it's like to be human in your eyes."
  12. He believes in justice, morality, hard work, and a world where right and wrong are clear.
  13. "Some say the best people are born again from their mistakes, and they usually come later than those who never made a mistake."
  14. Everyone has to know what he's fighting for, they say, she's fighting for the good of everything, for the child she never gave birth to, and Ovie is fighting for her. Because, in this world, only she is worth his struggle.
  15. "I'll take everything you are."
  16. "Everyone wants to live with dignity. Dignity is different for different people. ”
  17. Admitting mistakes is hard, especially after a long time of mistakes.
  18. Everyone is too optimistic about time. We always believe in making time with others to do what we want to do and say what we want to say. Then suddenly one day, something unexpected happened, and we just had to stand there, with one word always swirling in our heads: if.
  19. Death is a strange thing. People spend their entire lives pretending that it doesn't exist, even though that's one of life's greatest motivations. Some of us have enough time to know death, and they can live harder, more persistently, more vigorously. Some people have to wait until it really approaches to realize how beautiful its antonyms are. Others were so bothered by it that they sat down in the waiting room early before it was announced. We are afraid of it, but we are more afraid of it happening to the people around us. The greatest fear of death is that it passes us by, leaving us alone.

Many of Ovie's ideas and practices are different from most people in this era, not so much that he does not understand flexibility and backwardness, but I am more inclined to say that this is his insistence on some of his own principles and his intransigence to things that he does not agree with. Everyone's life has its own unique posture, and it is not a mistake to be different. Different styles of doing things do not mean exclusion, it is these interesting people of all kinds that make up this colorful world.

The movie is also good ~ go check it out

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