
"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

author:Today's Moon

What can kill a person is life, and what can save them is love and understanding.

"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

It is a film released in Sweden on December 25, 2015, based on the novel of the same name. December 25 is Christmas abroad, and the director chose this day to release the film, and its significance can be seen.

The protagonist Ovi is a Swedish man of nearly sixty years old, he lives in a very ordinary community in Sweden, gets up on time at six o'clock every morning, makes coffee for two people, and then "morning exercise", walks through the corners and corners of the community, determines whether the iron door at the entrance of the community is locked, whether the signs prohibited for motor vehicles are stable, checks whether the garage of the neighbor in the community is locked, picks up cigarette butts on the ground, and cleans out the children's toys in the sand pit... So much so that one can't help but think that he is the head of the community, but not, on the contrary, the neighbors do not seem to like him at all, thinking that he is a bad neighbor from hell, because Ovie always uses harsh language to attack the people around him, thinking that anyone but him is stupid, he always refuses to help others, and he does not care to seek help from others.

"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide
"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

At the beginning of the film, the audience is portrayed as a stubborn, irritable and cold and mean solitary man, who argues with the clerk, stubbornly entangled in the details of life, but then, the audience will find that the bouquet that Ovie bought in the store is to be given to his dead wife, at this time he is more like an ordinary husband who brings home a bouquet of flowers for his wife after work, standing in front of his wife, carefully arranging the bouquet, while handing the bouquet to his wife while breaking his thoughts, complaining about the bouquet of flowers in the flower shop for two prices, complaining that stupid people only know pleasure, And the wife took the flower, smiled at Ovie, and gently comforted him. Ovi's irritable mood gradually subsided under the comfort of his wife. At this time, Ou Wei was gentle and calm, and the meanness and irritability in front of outsiders were like two people. This contrast surprised us and couldn't help but want to continue to learn about Ovie and his life.

"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

Suicide plan

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > the first suicide</h1>

This old man who "scrupulously fulfills his duties" in the community is still conscientious in the company, but after 43 years of work, he is still ruthlessly dismissed by the boss, his beloved wife is no longer around, the only concern is the work he took over from his father, he also lost everything and lost the goal of life, and there is no nostalgia in the world. So the man, Ovi, decided to die. On a sunny afternoon he began to implement this secret plan. Ovie cleaned up the house where he had lived all his life, hummed a little song into a neat suit, and shaved his beard, like a big boy who was about to date his girlfriend. Ove stood under the rope and looked at the picture on the closet, where his wife still looked, and her face was filled with a smile that had never disappeared. Ovie couldn't help but smile, and suddenly thought of himself preparing to commit suicide, perhaps ashamed to go to his wife in this way, Ovie took off the photo of his wife, put it by the window, and faced the window. After doing everything, Ovi stood on the bench, put his head and neck into the sling, closed his eyes and slowly fell. However, a noise outside the window interrupted him, and it was the neighbor who woke up was reversing, and you know, Ove never allowed a car to drive into the neighborhood he cherished. So Ove had to go outside to remind the stupid couple. This is Ovie's first meeting with his new neighbor, who doesn't reverse, he still satirizes his neighbor with harsh words, and then helps to dump the car. However, Ovie did not expect that such a stupid "troublesome thing" would often happen in the days to come, and the new neighbor Pava was a Persian woman with a smile on her face, she was kind, straightforward, and optimistic. Ovi's eccentric temper did not frighten her, but did not bother Ovi less, she was like Ovi's daughter, she trusted the old man for no reason. It is also these "troubles" that have opened Ovi's closed heart step by step, and also allowed Pavana to gradually understand this mean and lonely old man, and also influenced Ovi with his kindness and optimism, making him feel love and understanding again.

"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" > second suicide</h1>

Ovie's second suicide attempt was interrupted by two cute little girls from his new neighbor, a crisp doorbell made him have to pause his plan, and as soon as he opened the door, Ove's anger almost burst out, but suddenly disappeared when he saw the cute face of the little girl. It turned out that the new neighbor had given Ovi his own saffron bibimbap to show his gratitude. At this moment, the atmosphere that should have been relaxed was destroyed by another neighbor, and the neighbor's wife asked for Ovie's help, but after being rejected by Ovey's mean refusal, she said bad things about Ovie to the new neighbor, suggesting that Ovie was a careful man, and then dissuaded the new neighbor when he took the ladder that Ovie promised to lend them, mentioning Ovie's dead wife and some old things that were about to be said. His wife had always been the deepest wound in Ovie's heart, and he couldn't tolerate someone gossiping about his wife, and Ove suddenly became angry and drove everyone away. Ove returned to his house and sat in the doorway, his wife's clothes and photos hanging in the doorway, as if the deceased had never left, and when he returned home, he could see his wife greeting him at the door. Ovie sniffed deeply the breath that belonged to his wife on his clothes, and a sense of sadness and loneliness came over him. The suicide is not over, Ovie resolutely stepped on the bench again, he felt the rope gradually tightening, the past kept crossing in his mind, he remembered that in childhood, he lost his mother, living with his father, the father's same taciturn and love for cars have deeply affected Ovie, and his father taught Ovie to be honest. His father, a railroad worker, was hit and killed by a train in an accident, and Ovie, as a teenager, witnessed all this. Ovie suddenly returned to reality, and it turned out that the sling could not withstand his weight and broke. Ove fell to the ground and coughed loudly, and just like that, Ove's second suicide failed.

"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide
"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="45" > third suicide</h1>

After you are gone, my world is no longer colored.

Before committing suicide for the third time, Ovi still bought a bouquet to visit his wife, he gently wiped the tombstone, lay down next to his wife, complained about the strange cooking of the new neighbor, he said: "Hmm, with some pieces of meat and two vegetables is not good, I really don't understand them, everything has to be like a festival." Although it was a complaint, Ovie did not realize that when his wife was still alive, they were also like this, the sense of ritual of life could not be abandoned, the family reunion was the most beautiful happy dance music, and the distant place of cooking smoke under the sunset was the warmest concern in everyone's heart. Maybe at this moment, Ovie envies such a life. Back at home, Ove chose to end his life with his favorite car, locking himself in the garage and putting the water pipe connected to the exhaust pipe into the car. Ovie closed his eyes, and the past flashed in Ovi's mind again. Ovie, who had lost his father, lived alone, and the boss at that time was still a gentleman with a human touch, and the boss invited Ove to take over his father's job. However, it seems that luck never cared for this silent man, the neighbor's house caught fire, Ovie risked the danger to rescue the neighbor, but his house was burned down. Having lost everything, Ove returned to his place of work and slept on the train exhausted. The next day, he woke up in a state of shaking, and it turned out that the train had started. Ovie opened his eyes, saw a pair of women's shoes, looked up, was a beautiful woman reading a book, Ovie was instantly attracted to this smiling woman, but at the moment he had nothing, Ovie hurried off the train, but he did not give up, every day at the same time on time to take this train, finally he met this woman again, later, they fell in love, married, everything is so beautiful. A knock at the door brought Ovila back to reality, and it turned out that it was the new neighbor Pavana who asked for help, asking Ove to accompany her to the hospital and take care of her two children. In the relationship with the child, Ovie's gentlest side was once again revealed, he made the child laugh, as if something was slowly changing.

"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="46" > the fourth suicide</h1>

This time Ovie was going to a place where no neighbors would bother him, and early in the morning he got dressed, left the house to take one last look at his house, and walked out. He chose the railway station, which is the place where Ovie worked all his life, but accidents always happen, a stranger waiting on the platform fainted and fell off the platform, the people around him were indifferent, and the train was about to come, Ovie jumped down to help passers-by, but he stood on the track, just when the train was about to crash, Ove saw himself as a child looking at himself, he remembered his father, remembered his father's fearful embrace when he was almost hit, his father said to Ovi, never stand on the track, So Ove gave up again, rubbing shoulders with the roaring train and with death.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="53" > fifth suicide</h1>

This was the last time Ove committed suicide, and he chose to commit suicide by swallowing a gun. Afraid of soiling the house, he put transparent plastic around the blank living room, afraid of staining his clothes, took off all his coats, afraid of scaring the adopted cat, and specially turned on music. But just before pulling the trigger, a fierce doorbell startled Ove, and with a thud, the gun was luckily deflected. Ovie angrily went to open the door, no matter who it was, he was going to scold the other party for a dog bloody head, it turned out that his wife's former students came to ask for help, they had nowhere to go, hoping to spend the night at Ovie's house. In this way, Ove's suicide plan once again failed. The next day, Ovie drank the boy's coffee, and the boy joined his "morning exercise" and toured the whole neighborhood together, and an otaku who had been scolded by Ovie and only knew how to eat also joined the activity. More and more people are influencing Ovi, and it turns out that more and more people are being influenced by Ovi. Something has changed.

"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

It can be said that Ove is a complex of contradictions, and the meanness and loneliness he shows are enough for the audience to make a judgment on a villain role. However, this so-called bad old man, he refuses to help his neighbors, hates the cats and dogs that destroy the environment of the community, hates stupid neighbors, hates unruly people, but despite this, he still chooses to help his neighbors in his scolding, cursing and grinning to adopt the injured cat, cursing and grinning to repair the bicycle of the illegal parked boy, and even saving the "self-opponent" from the hands of the capitalists... Ovie was always reluctant to give his help, he just hated the unruly people in life, he was kind and upright, like a neighbor who rescued a fire without hesitation— even though they were called stupid neighbors in their memories, and strange passers-by who fell off the platform.

"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

There are two threads in this article, one is the interaction between reality and the daily chores of the new neighbor, and the other is the clue that Ovie is caught in the memory. The two threads are intertwined, perfectly presenting us with the changes that have taken place in Ovie's present and past. Seeing the end, we will find that Ovie is actually a somewhat stubborn, but loving everything he insists on, a principled cute old man, and at the same time a little naïve - because the difference in car hobbies has turned his friends for many years into "dead team heads", and the two have gambled for many years, from full of spirit to two sideburns. Despite this, when his former friends encountered setbacks in life, Ove took thick information and called one by one to theorize with the "white shirts", but everywhere he ran into a wall, Pavana told him that "no one can live independently of others, no one can." Under Pavana's guidance, Ovi told the deepest secret buried in his heart, the accident of his wife, he should have become a father. After opening his heart, Ove finally let go of all his prejudices, joined forces with his neighbors, found a newspaper reporter, found evidence of tax evasion by the capitalists, and in the end, the capitalists came and went, and Ovie won! Not only because he saved his friend, but also because he saved himself. Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, neighbors stand together, Ovie is surrounded in the middle, and at this moment he is no longer alone.

"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

Life is slowly getting better, Ovie can't care about the suicidal thing, because Pavana gave birth to a baby, Ovie gave the cradle he made by hand to the baby, two cute girls called Ovie Grandpa, Ovie has no children in this life, but everyone is his child. Life was at peace again, but Ove died of coronary heart disease on a snowy early morning, foresaw his death, and wrote a letter for Pavana. At the funeral, all the neighbors were present, and everyone could not hide their sadness. And Ovie was back on the train he had just met, he opened his eyes, and what came into his eyes was a pair of familiar shoes, and Ove looked up, and a beautiful woman was looking at him and smiling, and Ove smiled too.

"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

Once upon a time, everyone was afraid of him, and now everyone misses him. At the end of the film, all the neighbors inherit Ovie's "morning exercise", and everyone has been Ove since then.

Did Ovie's suicide plan really fail?

No, he eventually killed the lonely and mean self.

"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

Only love is the ultimate salvation in life, and love is everywhere, we cannot live independently of anyone, love is the bond between us and others, do not be afraid to love and be loved, do not leave because of the eccentricity of someone, those who are silent in life often have a lot of love hidden in their arms. This movie is not only about love, but also about family and friendship, love will never fade, only gradually penetrate into your every habit. It's like the book of the same name

"Loving someone is like moving into a house, and in the beginning you'll fall in love with everything new, revel in having it every morning, as if afraid that someone will suddenly burst in the door and point out that it's a mistake and that you shouldn't live that well at all." But over the years the exterior of the house begins to stale, the planks are torn apart, and you will gradually stop loving it because it is supposed to be perfect. Then you become familiar with all the flaws and flaws. When it's cold, how to avoid the key stuck in the keyhole; which floor is easy to bend when stepping on it; how to open a cabinet door and just don't let it crunch. These are the little secrets that will give you a sense of belonging. ”

"A man named Ovi decided to die": What killed a man was the first suicide of life, the second suicide, the third suicide, the fourth suicide, the fifth suicide

Thank you for watching, and I wish you a blessed long time.

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