
"A man named Ovie Decided to Die" is an excerpt from the book

author:Half sugar home

Excerpts & Partial Impressions Recorded

1. >> At this moment, Ovie and the cat meet for the first time. The cat immediately became hostile to Ovi. For the most part, this feeling is mutual.

2. >> Bolt selection is a process, and each bolt has its own scope of use. People have lost their due respect for universal functionalism, and nowadays everything has to be fashionable and digital, but Ovie is still one step at a time.

——The Internet age that is too convenient has made people slowly lose their enthusiasm for learning life skills, and a phone call and an app can solve many troubles in life with the touch of a finger, such as a broken washing machine and a clogged toilet. It's also getting more and more lost to a lot of the joy of life, like, you're hard to meet and the eighties full of plumber skills of men. Even if his job is not as a plumber, they will do basic hydropower repairs!

3. >> You can't drill a hole after dark, everyone knows it.

4. >> electricity bills have risen again. He stood up and told her.

Then he just stood there with his hands in his pockets and watched her, and finally he carefully put his hands on the big rock, gently stroking from one end to the other, as if caressing her skin.

"I miss you." He whispered.

Six months ago, she died. But Ove still walked through all the rooms twice a day, touching the radiators to see if she had quietly turned them on.

- "There is a loquat tree in the garden, and the one that my wife planted in her hand in the year of her death is now like a pavilion."

Under the paranoia that Ovie insists on, it is a heart that is soft to the extreme, and how stubborn it is, how inseparable it is.

5. >> Ovi doesn't like to grind his lips very much. He knew that this was now a remarkable personality defect. Now people have to be able to talk about anything with any strange person who breaks in an arm's throw away, just to show friendship. Ovie didn't know how to do it. Maybe it has something to do with the environment in which he grew up. Perhaps his generation is not ready to face such a world of bare talk. Today's people stop at the door of the newly renovated house and start patting their chests, as if the house was built by themselves, even if they haven't even lifted a screwdriver. They don't try to pretend, they brag about it either. Obviously, there is no value in laying solid wooden floors, decorating toilets or changing winter tires. Being able to do things down-to-earth is no longer worth mentioning. What is the value of being able to pay for what you want to buy for no reason? What is the value of such a person?

6. >> Ove understands what he can see and touch. Concrete and cement, glass and steel, tools. Something that can be calculated. He understands right angles and clear product descriptions that can be drawn onto paper. He was a man of both black and white.

7. >> Whoever does what, that's enough, Ovie always thinks.

8. >> "The engine is always upright," he once said, "if you treat you with courtesy, it gives you freedom, and if you act like a jerk, it deprives you of your freedom." ”

9. >> People always say that the world in Ovie's eyes is either black and white, and she is the color, his whole color.

10. >> There are always strange details to remember after losing someone. It's all very small things. The smile, the way she rolled over while she slept. Paint the room for her.

11. >> He likes regularity and likes the feeling of always having hope.

12. >> "A man's qualities are determined by his actions, not by what he says." Ovie said.

13. >> she used to say, "Every path will eventually lead you to your destiny." For her, it may be "something." But for him, it was destined to be "someone."

14. >> The process is slow, but the house is gradually taking shape. One nail and one rivet, one brick and one tile. No one is watching, but no one needs to see it either. Good work is enough,

He found himself enjoying the house. Probably mainly because the house is figurative, can be calculated and drawn on paper. If you don't do a good job of waterproofing, you will leak, and if you don't do a good job, the structure will collapse. The house is fair, and it will give you as much as you pay.

15. >> Is a snowplow or something at every turn. No matter where you go, shovel snowflakes splash around. As if that's what life is about now: moving forward.

16. >> "You can't fool me, my dear," she lay down in the crook of his broad arms with a sly smile, "you're dancing in your heart, Ovie, when no one is watching." I will always love you for that, whether you like it or not. ”

17. >> "I just want to know what it's like to be a person in your eyes."

18. >> There are right and wrong practices in everything.

19.>> He believes in justice, morality, hard work and a world where right and wrong are clear. It's not that such people will win medals or certificates, or that they will be tapped on the shoulder and say good, but that there are not many people who behave like this, Sawyer knows. So she wanted to hold on to this man. He may not have sung or nocturnal songs for her, nor had he ever given her expensive gifts, but no other boy had ever been willing to sit next to her and listen to her talk for hours on the train in the opposite direction.

20. >> It is always this group of neighbors who constantly obstruct his plans to die, who are really shameless and ashamed, and who are about to drive people crazy and die.

21. >> He is not the kind of person who gives up the search for death and life, and he does not want her to think so. But it was actually her fault that she had married him. Now, he didn't know how to fall asleep without the tip of her nose between his neck and shoulders. That's all.

22. >> Nagging is her deepest expression of love. Many people will find it difficult to live with someone who appreciates loneliness. This can make people who can't stand being alone very uncomfortable. But Sawyer didn't complain much. "I'll take everything you are." She always said so, and did what she said.

23. >> but everyone is too optimistic about time. We believe in always making time to do what we want to do with others and say what we want to say. There is always time to appeal.

24. >> Death is a strange thing. People spend their entire lives pretending that it doesn't exist, even though that's one of life's greatest motivations. Some of us have had enough time to know death, and they can live harder, more persistently, more vigorously. Some people have to wait until it really approaches to realize how beautiful its antonyms are. Others were so bothered by it that they sat down in the waiting room early before it was announced. We are afraid of it, but we are more afraid of it happening to the people around us. The greatest fear of death is that it passes us by, leaving us alone.

25. >> People always say that Ovi is mean. Ove wasn't mean at all, he just didn't smile hippie.

26. >> He was heartbroken when he had to bury with his own hands the only person in the world who understood him. There is no time to heal such a trauma.

27. What is love >> give in when encountering difficulties? What is love when you ask for something and abandon it?

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