
Financial hot comments| new car-making forces are getting higher and higher, why do so many people not buy it?

Text/Yangcheng Evening News financial commentator Qi Yaoqi

On February 1, the four new car manufacturers of Weilai, Xiaopeng, Ideal and Nezha handed over the delivery report card of January 2022. Among them, Xiaopeng delivered 12,900 vehicles, and the ideal delivery was 12,300 ideal ONE, an increase of 128.1% year-on-year. In terms of cumulative deliveries, as of the end of January 2022, NIO has delivered about 176,700 intelligent electric vehicles in history; Xiaopeng Automobile's historical cumulative delivery volume has exceeded 150,000 units; and ideal ONE has delivered about 136,000 vehicles. But this achievement can only be said to be improving compared with their own enterprises.

For a long time, the domestic auto industry has unconsciously formed a "stereotype": new energy is about equal to new forces. Because behind the new forces seems to represent the victory of Internet car manufacturing, the opening up of a new world, the trend of a new generation, and a sample of new ways of playing and new life. However, just staring at the new forces to focus and shout, the vision is very narrow. Because almost all the large domestic car companies are doing new energy vehicles, you are a new force, I am a strong force, you say lead young people, I say I lead all people, then who can go better?

BYD's sales of new energy vehicles last year were close to 600,000 units last year, and in January this year, new energy passenger cars sold 92,926 units, an increase of 367.6% year-on-year, and one of the flagship models alone, Han, also reached 12,780 units in January. As for Tesla, which is an international internet celebrity, last year, the Shanghai Gigafactory took the lead in hitting the annual delivery gate of 500,000 vehicles with an annual delivery volume of 484,130 vehicles, an increase of 235% year-on-year. SAIC's cumulative sales of new energy vehicles reached 732,600 units, an increase of 128.93% year-on-year. Even GAC New Energy, which has few models, sold more than 140,000 passenger cars last year, an increase of 86.3% year-on-year.

Is it that the new forces do not see the existence of traditional car companies, or that the public relations communication logic of the new forces has always been like this?

From the perspective of the great prospects for the development of new energy vehicles, the major car companies now, whether foreign-funded, state-owned or private, have only run a distance of 100 meters on the kilometer course. In recent years, consumers have gained short-term happiness and excitement from the experience of the new forces, and the new forces have surpassed the traditional big car companies in favoring customers. However, there is no obstacle for traditional car companies to learn from the new forces - as long as the equity incentive mechanism and R&D investment mechanism of the enterprise can provide real support. Over time, new shuffles and rankings will keep coming.

In addition to bringing a dazzling experience, new energy vehicles must ultimately achieve real breakthroughs in endurance, charging, stability and safety. These are also the ultimate reasons why consumers buy a gasoline car or an electric car. Compared with traditional car companies, the new forces must not only continue to work product strength, but also form an advantage in brand power. It is precisely the latter that cannot be formed quickly by the capital game. Tesla has also launched electric vehicles for more than a decade, how many years have the new domestic forces? Every new domestic force has taken Tesla as an example, believing that capital investment can completely defeat and surpass traditional car companies. However, Elon Musk's technical logic and long-term layout, how many car companies can understand and master?

In 2021, mainland china will sell 26.275 million vehicles, of which about 3.52 million are new energy vehicles. This 13% ratio is a surprise and will even meet the 20% target for 2025 ahead of schedule. However, it also has a great relationship with the purchase restrictions and auction restrictions in various places, and the choice of new energy vehicles for the purchase of second cars by household upgrade consumption. Young new auto forces, can you go out of your circle, see why so many people still buy gasoline cars, buy new energy vehicles of traditional enterprises, and may get more inspiration for moving forward. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | Xu Zhangchao

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