
During these 2 stages of pregnancy, the fetal treasure will "move"

After pregnancy, many mothers are curious about the fetus. Wonder what your baby has developed and what is being done in your belly every day?

Many mothers believe that their babies grow up quietly in their stomachs. When the time comes, I will come out to meet my mother. In fact, the mother may not know that the baby is not idle in the mother's belly.

They did a lot of things in their mother's belly, such as learning skills such as lung breathing and finger sucking in the stomach.

In addition, the baby also worked hard to "move". The baby has undergone two moves in the mother's belly, both of which took the baby a lot of effort to complete.

During these 2 stages of pregnancy, the fetal treasure will "move"

First, the first "move".

In the second or third week of pregnancy, the baby has not yet developed into shape, just sperm and eggs.

Sperm, like small tadpoles, need to swim through the vagina, cervix, uterus, and finally swim into the fallopian tubes to bind to the egg.

After the sperm and egg combine with each other to form a fertilized egg, the fertilized egg begins to prepare for moving.

The fertilized egg moves from the fallopian tubes to the uterus, and although the distance from the fallopian tubes to the uterus may seem short, it is a long way to go for a small fertilized egg.

It takes nearly three days for the fertilized egg to go through a lot of hardships to reach the uterus from the fallopian tubes. Upon arrival, the fertilized eggs play in the mother's womb for 3 days, which is to prepare for making a home in the mother's womb.

During these 2 stages of pregnancy, the fetal treasure will "move"

When your baby's first "move" is successful, the mother is very vulnerable at this stage. Generally, there will be drowsiness, morning sickness and other reactions.

Pregnant mothers must pay attention to rest, can not do strenuous exercise, can not carry heavy objects, or collisions, squeezing and other things, if you are not careful, it is easy to induce miscarriage.

At the same time, mothers should also pay more attention to their diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, eat less spicy and stimulating fried foods, and so on.

Second, the second "move"

The baby's second move is around 36 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the baby has basically matured and is about to come out of the mother's belly.

Babies are very considerate of their mothers, they will try to curl up their small bodies, stand upside down, and then point their heads at their mother's womb to relieve a little pressure for their mothers and prepare for a smooth birth.

Then the pregnant mother will feel her lower abdomen tighten from time to time, accompanied by a feeling of falling pain. This is where the baby is entering the pelvic cavity from the mouth of the mother's pelvic bone, which is called the fetus entering the pelvis.

Therefore, at this time, the mother will also feel a strong feeling of compression of the bladder and pelvic bone. However, it should be noted that some babies may not be able to enter the pot on time, so it is necessary for expectant mothers to have regular obstetric check-ups and pay attention to every situation of the baby.

During these 2 stages of pregnancy, the fetal treasure will "move"

After the fetus completes the second "move", it means that the baby is ready for birth. Therefore, mothers must pay more attention to rest, adjust their bodies and moods, and welcome the arrival of their babies happily.

After watching the baby's two "moves", are parents more looking forward to the arrival of the cute little baby? But don't worry.

No matter which time period of pregnancy, the mother must have good living habits, create a better development and growth environment for the baby, and let the baby be born healthy and healthy.

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