
To parents: Do "three wants" and "three noes" to prepare children for entering the kindergarten in advance!

Three wants


Schedules should be regular

To parents: Do "three wants" and "three noes" to prepare children for entering the kindergarten in advance!

Children in the kindergarten has developed a good habit of work and rest, many parents feel that they can let their children relax well, especially during the winter vacation during the Spring Festival, do not rest on time, sleep late and get up late, and even cancel the nap, disrupting the child's normal work and rest time.

Adverse effects: This is easy to make children cry in the morning when they start school because it is difficult to get up, do not want to take a lunch break in the kindergarten at noon, and have no energy in the afternoon activities.

Teachers remind: adequate sleep is necessary for the growth and development of young children, lack of sleep will make immunity decline, young children are prone to illness. Parents should try to maintain the same schedule as the kindergarten, avoid exciting and intense game activities in the evening, and organize quiet parent-child activities, such as reading books and listening to stories.

Insisting on napping is very critical, if the work and rest time has been disrupted, then be sure to restore the work and rest time a week before the start of school to ensure that the child can rest fully.


The ability to take care of oneself should be firmly grasped

To parents: Do "three wants" and "three noes" to prepare children for entering the kindergarten in advance!

At home, parents may be too slow to do things because their children are too slow, which is not as convenient as their own arrangements, but this will deprive children of the opportunity to do it themselves. I hope that parents can let go appropriately, such as letting children eat by themselves, dressing, packing up toys, letting children do what they can, and enhancing children's self-care ability and self-confidence.

Adverse effects: When the child goes to kindergarten again, his self-care ability declines, and the child's self-esteem and self-confidence will also be affected, and it is possible to re-produce anxiety about entering the kindergarten.

Teachers remind: Parents should give their children enough time and patience, cultivate their children's self-care ability, and do their own things.


Be mentally prepared

To parents: Do "three wants" and "three noes" to prepare children for entering the kindergarten in advance!

Towards the end of the holidays, parents show excessive uneasiness and apprehension in front of their children.

Adverse effects: Children have a relaxed life during the holidays, and they are not willing to go to kindergarten again, if they are affected by parental anxiety, children do not want to go to kindergarten.

Teacher reminds: First of all, parents should believe that the teacher will take good care of and love every child.

Secondly, when the child is about to start school, parents can tell the child in advance that the school is about to start, so that the child has a psychological preparation.

Finally, children can be stimulated to enter the kindergarten by envisioning interesting events after the start of school.

To parents: Do "three wants" and "three noes" to prepare children for entering the kindergarten in advance!

Three No

Eating habits should not be messed up

To parents: Do "three wants" and "three noes" to prepare children for entering the kindergarten in advance!

Many parents want to use the holidays to "supplement the body" of their children, give their children too much big fish and meat; irregular meal times; afraid that their children will not have enough to eat, and chase after their children to feed.

Adverse effects: It is easy to make children not adapt to the kindergarten meal time when they go to school, do not like to eat when eating, weaken the ability to eat independently, and cause indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, acute gastroenteritis and other diseases.

Teachers remind: during the holidays, you can give your children some fruits and vegetables, nutritional balance, eat on time, do not overeat, eat less snacks and fast food, and drink less drinks.

Scaring children can't be done

To parents: Do "three wants" and "three noes" to prepare children for entering the kindergarten in advance!

When children inevitably have "small tempers" during the holidays, parents are difficult to solve for a while, and often say to children, "You cry again, tomorrow I will send you to kindergarten" and other words to scare children.

Adverse effects: The child may not cry when he hears it, but this will make the child afraid of the kindergarten and the teacher, and is unwilling to go to the kindergarten again.

Teacher reminder: Talk to your child more about the positive topics of kindergarten and teachers, and your child will like kindergarten more.

Psychological compromise cannot be asked

To parents: Do "three wants" and "three noes" to prepare children for entering the kindergarten in advance!

At the end of the holiday, the child does not want to go to the kindergarten, crying heartbreaking, adults are distressed by the child, let the child go to the kindergarten two days later.

Adverse effects: Children use crying to "overcome" the parents' insistence, and in the future, if children do not want to go to kindergarten or want something, they will intensify their cries to win the compromise of their parents.

The teacher reminds that if the process of entering the kindergarten is intermittent, the child's adaptation period will become longer, so parents cannot compromise and insist on sending their children to the kindergarten.

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