
Kids love to doodle on the wall? Parent scolding doesn't work, try the Aronson effect

Kids love to doodle on the wall? Parent scolding doesn't work, try the Aronson effect

Children's imaginations are wild, and many times adults have no idea what their little heads are in.

Take painting, I believe that almost all parents have such an experience, bought a variety of brushes for their children, originally hoped that children would create on paper, who wanted to be at home but everywhere became the child's drawing board, on the wall, on the door, on the sofa, everywhere is the child's wanton waving.

In the face of such a situation, some parents may not help but be angry, often beat and scold their children, and finally the children are not only difficult to change the bad problems of graffiti, but also often behave very wronged, as if it is the parents who make mistakes.

Kids love to doodle on the wall? Parent scolding doesn't work, try the Aronson effect

And once parents are resigned to their children, they will soon find that their children's graffiti can be seen everywhere in the home, and finally it is very troublesome to clean up, which is simply devastating.

So if children like to paint and draw on the wall, how should they be educated?

To find the right way to educate, we first need to understand why children have a fondness for graffiti everywhere.

Kids love to doodle on the wall? Parent scolding doesn't work, try the Aronson effect

Why do children love to scribble on the wall?

1. The child is expressing himself

Children, as independent individuals, have all kinds of unbridled ideas.

If you have recently brushed a short video, you may see such a child, although his age is very small, but the idea is extremely open, the idea is wild, holding a black marker in his hand, scribbling on a white paper, not only can justify himself, but also draw a bit of a god, by netizens praised "God chased after the rice to eat."

In fact, similar to this child, all children have the need to express themselves, when they can't easily say it in words, they will turn to the brush in their hands, and at this time, the white wall of the home will naturally become the best painting carrier for children.

Kids love to doodle on the wall? Parent scolding doesn't work, try the Aronson effect

2. Get satisfaction from graffiti

Everyone can get heartfelt joy and satisfaction in the creative process, and children are no exception.

When children find that using a paintbrush to scribble on the wall can not only express their own ideas, but also complete one "work" after another, they often feel happy from the heart and have a sense of satisfaction, so they continue to complete the "creation" and let their graffiti be seen everywhere in the home.

Kids love to doodle on the wall? Parent scolding doesn't work, try the Aronson effect

3. The embodiment of curiosity and curiosity

Children's curiosity and curiosity are very strong, and the graffiti drawn at random represents the child's curiosity and curiosity.

When the child first picks up the paintbrush, many parents may find that the child does not use the brush to draw, but into the small mouth, trying to taste the colorful things in front of them, what is the taste.

Similarly, when children use a paintbrush to doodle on the wall, it is also a manifestation of children's curiosity and curiosity, which is essentially a child's exploration of the unknown and an expansion of cognition.

Kids love to doodle on the wall? Parent scolding doesn't work, try the Aronson effect

Use the Aronson effect to change the "bad problem" of the child

There is nothing wrong with children's love of graffiti itself, but how can we change the bad problem of children scribbling everywhere? Many parents like to constantly criticize education, and even punish children, but often the effect is not ideal, children are like this, the more you prohibit things, but the more you can stimulate the child's curiosity, let them behave more intensely.

In fact, on the issue of guiding children to doodle, parents can try the "Aronson effect", which is a psychological effect proposed by psychologist Aronson, to the effect that no matter how much the reward itself is, people's attitude will become more positive with the increasing number of rewards, on the contrary, if the reward is less and less, the attitude will gradually become negative.

Kids love to doodle on the wall? Parent scolding doesn't work, try the Aronson effect

Correspondingly, there is a famous story about an old man who bought a house by the lake to spend his old age, but a group of children often came to play by the lake and disturbed the quiet of the old man.

So the old man gave the children a dollar each and told them, "Thank you for coming here to play, for bringing vitality to me, an old man with a broken candle, and if you can come every day in the future, I will give you 1 yuan each a day." "The children were very happy after listening to it, and they came to play every day, and the old man also paid according to the agreement."

After a few days, the old man gave the children 5 cents each and told them, "Sorry, I don't have enough money, so I must reduce my pocket money for you in the future." "The children felt dissatisfied when they heard it, but don't be vain, so they still come to play every day."

In a few days, the old man once again reduced the reward, only giving the children 1 cent each, the attraction of this 1 cent to the children has been insignificant, the children are very angry, and discuss together: "This old man is too untrustworthy, we will never come here to play again." ”

Kids love to doodle on the wall? Parent scolding doesn't work, try the Aronson effect

This is a vivid embodiment of the "Aronson effect", children playing by the lake originally had nothing to do with rewards, but after receiving rewards by accident, they were not satisfied, but were dissatisfied because the rewards were constantly decreasing. We can also flexibly use such psychological effects when guiding children to doodle.

When children graffiti, we can give children some rewards to let children understand that graffiti is an act worthy of being rewarded.

And as the child graffiti again and again, we will reduce the reward again and again, the child will be because the reward is reduced, the attitude becomes negative: I have paid the same labor, but I can not get the original reward, naturally there will be resistance.

When the child graffiti on the drawing board, we can appropriately increase the reward to maintain the child's freshness of the graffiti, and over time the child will naturally develop a good graffiti habit and not scribble on the wall.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that parents should also have some grasp when rewarding their children, and appropriately give children some spiritual encouragement, so as to avoid children paying too much attention to material rewards.

Kids love to doodle on the wall? Parent scolding doesn't work, try the Aronson effect

Crooked Mom Conclusion:

It is natural for children to like graffiti, and how to properly restrain and guide them requires parents to master the correct educational methods.

If you find that your child often scribbles on the wall, you may wish to try to use the "Aronson effect", which may achieve unexpected results.

Today's topic: Does your child like to scribble on the wall?

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