
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha

Text | Kung Fu Mommy

Source | Kung Fu Mommy Kids Education (ID: haizijiaoyu)

Don't compare conditions with others, compare with us to learn;

You listen to me accurately, you will understand when you grow up;

You look at someone else's child, and then look at you;

Your house is as messy as a kennel;


Are you familiar with these words?

When we were young, these mantras of our mother always lingered in our ears.

Moreover, I always thought that only my mother was like this, but I did not expect that it was a national unity.

The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha
The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha


The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha

Write at the end:

One world, one mom!

Mom's mantras, don't you feel very familiar! Isn't there a few still hot, just said it!

I think we should invent a machine to record these words, and when the mothers want to say it, just open the recording...

Seeing this, you may wonder, what are Dad's mantras?

Their mantra is probably just this:

Let's go and see what Mommy is doing!

The unified mantra of the national mother, too real hahahahahaha

Click "Watching" and tell me how many of you have won?

- END -

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