
What impact will children play with or without playing with mobile phones on the future?

Mobile phones are indispensable in contemporary society, entertainment, shopping, news, games can be easily completed on mobile phones.

Moreover, the functions in the mobile phone are various, and when walking on the road, you will often meet some low-headed people. But now, not only adults, but also children are starting to touch mobile phones.

The first thing they do every day when they come home from school is no longer to write homework or play with friends, but to open their phones to watch videos and play games.

What impact will children play with or without playing with mobile phones on the future?

Some parents believe that playing with mobile phones is just a kind of entertainment, after all, it is already very hard for children to go to school. However, more parents believe that playing mobile phones for a long time is very detrimental to the growth and development of children.

First of all, it affects the development of the body, and staring at the phone for a long time to browse the web will make the child's vision decline. At the same time, because children often lie down and look at mobile phones, it will also affect the development of the spine.

Secondly, it is the psychological state, the mobile phone is also an entertainment tool, addicted to the mobile phone will make the child's self-control decline.

Over time, there is no interest in the outside world, and the results are getting worse and worse, which has a great impact on the future of the child. So, does playing mobile phones have any impact on children?

Some time ago, a psychologist in the United States released a study of his own: whether the investigation of whether children playing mobile phones will affect the future examination of universities.

The results showed that of the 100 children who participated in the survey, only two of the 50 children who were addicted to mobile phones all day were admitted to college.

And almost all of the 50 children who rarely touched mobile phones were admitted to college. Among them, 16 students also received high scholarships from the school.

From this point of view, the harm of addicting to mobile phones is huge, almost ruining a child's future, so parents can not ignore.

How should children play less with their phones?

What impact will children play with or without playing with mobile phones on the future?

1. Limit the amount of time your child spends playing with their phones

Some parents dote on their children, although they say that they will not let them play, but often as soon as the child is spoiled, the parents surrender their weapons, which is absolutely undesirable. Not only does it not help the child's self-control in the slightest, but it is also easy for the child to become an untrustworthy person.

Therefore, parents can make some rules with their children, limit their children to play mobile phones for a certain period of time every day, and put them down after this period of time to help children develop a good habit.

2. Parents try to play less mobile phones in front of their children.

Young children often have a blind conformity and want to play when they see others playing. Therefore, if parents want their children to play less mobile phones, they should also lead by example and make a good example.

When you are usually with your child, don't always hold your phone and look at it. Do more parent-child games with your child to keep your child away from your mobile phone.

What impact will children play with or without playing with mobile phones on the future?

3. Cultivate your child's interest and let your child forget about the phone.

Children often play with mobile phones, mostly because they are bored, and feel that there is no other way to relax except for mobile phones. Therefore, parents can encourage their children to dig out more interests and hobbies in addition to learning.

For example, calligraphy, piano, drama, basketball, swimming and the like can help children explore the beauty outside of learning and discover the wider world. It can also prevent children from indulging in mobile phones and have more contact with the outside world.

Mobile phones are a kind of temptation in life, like mobile phones, there are many more on the road of life.

In the process of growing up, the child's psychology has not yet fully developed, so it is easy to be seduced and led astray.

The responsibility of parents is to help children correctly understand the two sides of all things, use them rationally, prevent addiction, and make sure that they will not regret it in the future.

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