
After the baby is born, the first person to hold him is not these "3 kinds of people", not superstition

When a newborn is born, adults love it and want to come forward and touch the child's face. But in fact, newborns have a weak constitution, poor immunity, and are easily sick. Therefore, the newborn is very delicate, and you must be careful when holding the child.

Xiaomei was pregnant in October, and finally gave birth to a very healthy baby boy, and the family was very happy because of the arrival of this new life. During the confinement period, Xiaomei guarded her son all day, afraid that he would bump into something uncomfortable.

After the baby is born, the first person to hold him is not these "3 kinds of people", not superstition

The whole family is very precious newborn, but the mother-in-law and Xiaomei have a conflict because of it. Xiaomei's mother-in-law has had a difficult life since childhood, and although her living conditions are good now, she often goes downstairs to pick up garbage, pick up old bottles, always piles up the house in a mess, and her clothes are always dusty.

After the birth of her grandson, Xiaomei's mother-in-law was very fond of it, and the first thing she did every time she came home after picking up the garbage was to hold the child. But Xiaomei said that the mother-in-law's hands just touched the garbage is not clean, the body is dusty, can not easily hold the child, it is easy to make the child sick.

However, the mother-in-law is very aggrieved, as a grandmother, just want to hug the grandson, but the daughter-in-law accused it like this. Every day when I go downstairs to pick up garbage, I don't think about being diligent and thrifty, but also for the sake of this family. I didn't expect that the young man's wings were now hard, and he actually hated himself for being dirty.

After the baby is born, the first person to hold him is not these "3 kinds of people", not superstition

Later, Xiaomei's husband personally came forward and found a lot of relevant cases, telling her that Xiaomei did not deliberately look for trouble, but really for the sake of the child, if you want to hold the child, then change into clean clothes and wash your hands before going home. After listening to her son say this, Xiaomei's mother-in-law gave up.

The newborn's body is very delicate, compared to adults, the resistance is much worse, when holding the child, the bacteria on the adult body are easily transmitted to the child, resulting in the newborn sick. Therefore, after the birth of a child, these three kinds of people can not be the first to hold, this is not a feudal superstition!

After the baby is born, the first person to hold him is not these "3 kinds of people", not superstition

1. People who have no experience in holding children

Some adults have no experience in parenting and simply do not know the correct way to hold their children. The newborn baby is not fully mature because the body is close to fully mature, the bones are still developing, etc., if they are not properly held, it is easy to be injured. Therefore, the guardian of the newborn must not let the person who cannot hold the child to hold the baby, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

If some people who have no experience in holding children especially want to hold the baby, the mother and father should first give these people the correct way to hold the child, or directly refuse on the grounds that the baby wants to sleep or the baby is hungry.

After the baby is born, the first person to hold him is not these "3 kinds of people", not superstition

2. People who are sick themselves

Adults with colds and fevers may still be contagious, and when in contact with newborns, newborn babies are more likely to get sick. Therefore, if the adult itself carries a certain disease, try not to get close to the baby, otherwise the bacteria on the adult may be transmitted to the newborn when holding the child, resulting in various diseases.

If there are relatives who are not familiar with them, the parents in charge must understand the health of the relatives in advance, and then consider whether to let these people hold the child.

After the baby is born, the first person to hold him is not these "3 kinds of people", not superstition

3. People with a special smell on their bodies

Some people have a certain smell of gasoline on their bodies because of their work, or some smell of alcohol when they are partying with friends. The baby's respiratory system is very fragile, usually when washing the baby's face, especially when touching the nose and other parts, you must be very careful, so if you encounter these people with special smells, you can't let them hold the baby.

In addition, there are many elderly people who smoke all year round, and they can't quit for a long time, although they don't know much, but when strangers approach, they can still smell a smell of smoke, so novice mothers also try not to let people who often smoke hold children.

After the baby is born, the first person to hold him is not these "3 kinds of people", not superstition

Do you think there are any other considerations for holding a child? Feel free to leave a comment in the comment area.

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