
The strongest "hydrogen" sound of the Winter Olympics, how to go to the ice and snow covenant of green hydrogen fuel buses?

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The strongest "hydrogen" sound of the Winter Olympics, how to go to the ice and snow covenant of green hydrogen fuel buses?

The Olympic dream has once again come to Beijing, and under the goal of "double carbon", "green" has become the distinctive background of this Winter Olympic Games.

Specific to transportation, the "zero carbon" hydrogen vehicle "took the stage" and ushered in the demonstration application of the world's largest hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.

According to relevant data from the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, more than 1,000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, including 816 hydrogen fuel cell buses, will be operated in this Winter Olympic Games to participate in transportation service guarantees. At the Beijing Olympics 14 years ago, that number was 3.

The strongest "hydrogen" sound of the Winter Olympics, how to go to the ice and snow covenant of green hydrogen fuel buses?

Serving the Winter Olympics, hydrogen fuel vehicles from "3" to "1000" green answers

From "3" to "1000", behind the increase in quantity shows the leapfrog development of the mainland hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry, and it is also the green answer sheet presented to the world by the Beijing Winter Olympics.

As early as the beginning of this century, the mainland's hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry has started. In 2003, the first generation of fuel cell vehicles was unveiled, opening the exploration of the widespread use of alternative energy sources.

In the face of the energy crisis and the heavy dependence on fossil fuels, renewable and pollution-free hydrogen energy has gradually entered the industry's vision, and the research and development and application of hydrogen fuel cell technology have also ushered in a climax.

In 2014, the "Energy Development Strategy Action Plan" was released, which officially took "hydrogen energy and fuel cells" as a new strategic direction for energy science and technology innovation.

In 2016, the mainland first proposed a hydrogen energy development roadmap, taking "hydrogen energy and fuel cell technology innovation" as a key task, and promoting the progress of fuel cell-related technologies.

In 2019, hydrogen energy was written into the "Government Work Report" for the first time, and "promoting the construction of facilities such as charging and hydrogenation" has also become the direction of new infrastructure.

In 2021, the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle demonstration city cluster landed in a state of expectation, and the market-oriented application of fuel cell vehicles was opened in a large area. At the same time, the top-level design of hydrogen energy utilization is being formulated, and it is believed that it will be released in the near future.

According to the incomplete statistics of the bus terminal network, in 2021 alone, there will be 30 policy documents released at the national level that are conducive to the development of the hydrogen energy industry, involving the technical planning of hydrogen refueling stations, fuel cell vehicle test specifications, and hydrogen energy technology.

Under the support of policies, the industry has shown its fists, emerging yihuatong, reshaping technology, jet hydrogen technology, Jenning technology and other hydrogen fuel cell system technology independent brand service providers, Yutong, Foton, Geely, SAIC Hongyan and other vehicle companies in a timely manner to launch hydrogen fuel vehicles, Sinopec, PetroChina and other enterprises to participate in the construction of hydrogen refueling stations, Baowu and other large-scale state-owned enterprises that integrate hydrogen sources and operations into the bureau, hydrogen fuel vehicle operators Such as Mizuki Huatong are also actively promoting vehicle landing, and the upstream and downstream industrial chains of the industry are gradually improving.

Sales are the best proof. According to data from the China Automobile Association, the sales of fuel cell vehicles in the mainland increased from 10 in 2015 to 2737 in 2019. Affected by the sudden epidemic, sales in 2020 are the lowest point in recent years, only 1000 vehicles, and 1586 vehicles in 2021, a significant increase over 2020.

The scale of the fuel cell vehicle market in mainland China is in the early stage of development, and most of the vehicles are commercial vehicles, and fuel cell buses, heavy trucks and logistics vehicles are widely used. At present, the state has approved five demonstration city clusters, and it is believed that the sales volume of fuel cell vehicles will have a significant upward volume.

Being able to become a service vehicle for major events in the world has proven the strength of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. From 3 in 2008 to more than 1,000 in 2022, we can also see the rapid development of the mainland hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry.

The strongest "hydrogen" sound of the Winter Olympics, how to go to the ice and snow covenant of green hydrogen fuel buses?

Without fear of high cold, the world's largest hydrogen fuel bus "on the battlefield"

The Winter Olympics have three divisions, namely Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou. The Beijing Division will undertake all the ice events of the Winter Olympic Games and the holding of the opening and closing ceremonies, the Yanqing Division will use the National Alpine Ski Center and the National Bobsleigh Center two competition venues, Zhangjiakou Division has a total of 8 competition and non-competition venues, will be skiing, winter two major events, as well as snowboarding, freestyle skiing, cross-country skiing, ski jumping and other competitions.

Yanqing and Zhangjiakou area scenes are mostly alpine mountains, during the event low temperature, snow, road slip, slope and other complex environments on the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle low temperature resistance, as well as control and power output have put forward great challenges.

The strongest "hydrogen" sound of the Winter Olympics, how to go to the ice and snow covenant of green hydrogen fuel buses?

According to the bus terminal network, the more than 800 fuel cell buses participating in the Winter Olympics are provided by Foton, Geely, Yutong, BAIC and other enterprises, which will provide car guarantees for six categories of registered personnel such as IOC VIPs, news media reporters, and broadcasters.

Among them, Foton has more than 500 hydrogen fuel buses, accounting for up to 80% of the hydrogen fuel buses that provide guarantees for the Winter Olympics; BAIC Group has more than 200 hydrogen fuel buses participating in the service; Geely has sent 80 interstellar hydrogen fuel cell city buses C12F service Zhangjiakou Chongli Area; Yutong 30 hydrogen fuel cell buses are also in place in Yanqing, and then 70 will be put into operation.

In order to adapt to the extremely cold environment during the Winter Olympics, all bus companies have done their best.

Ouhui hydrogen fuel bus adopts all-weather extreme cold power battery, and also carries the first "U degree" comprehensive thermal management technology in China, which can recycle the waste heat generated by hydrogen fuel cells, and use the waste heat generated to defrost and defrost and defoggle the interior heating and front wind window.

The strongest "hydrogen" sound of the Winter Olympics, how to go to the ice and snow covenant of green hydrogen fuel buses?

BAIC said that the hydrogen fuel buses that serve as service guarantees have undergone tests such as low temperature cold start, low temperature mileage, and low temperature temperature rise performance, and 100% meet and exceed all testing standards.

The strongest "hydrogen" sound of the Winter Olympics, how to go to the ice and snow covenant of green hydrogen fuel buses?

Geely Interstellar Bus has also undergone a rigorous "three highs" verification and has a stronger adaptability to extreme environments.

In addition to the excellent quality of the vehicle itself, the later service has also been in place. Yutong has formulated a special vehicle support plan and continued to be stationed in beijing and Zhangjiakou competition venues and vehicle operation areas; the Geely Interstellar Bus Winter Olympic Service Support Team actively carries out vehicle inspection, spare parts reserve, driver training, test race drill support and other work to ensure that the operation is foolproof.

Taking into account epidemic prevention, hydrogen energy buses are scheduled in an orderly manner and operate safely

At present, the prevention and control of the epidemic is still urgent, and the multi-layered zoning management measures during the Winter Olympics have also put forward requirements for the emergency response capabilities of the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle operation team.

Wu Xiaonuo, general manager of Beijing Shuimu Tongda Transportation Co., Ltd., who participated in the operation of hydrogen fuel buses at the Winter Olympics, said that the company has dispatched 120 luxury hydrogen fuel cell buses and 387 staff members to gather at the Chongli Stadium in Zhangjiakou to officially start the Winter Olympics.

Under the premise of ensuring the smooth travel of participants in the Winter Olympics, taking into account safety, the scheduling of vehicles should fully consider the situation of passengers and screen passengers.

In simple terms, passengers can be roughly divided into different categories such as high-risk personnel and low-risk personnel. The person responsible for the sterilization and service has a higher risk level than other participants, and is a high-risk person. People of different risk levels cannot cross when riding in commuter vehicles, and vehicles are set up with obvious distinctions to pick up and drop off people of different risk levels separately.

According to the bus terminal network, during the Winter Olympics, the Mizuki Tongda team will serve a total of 20 lines of Genting venues and ancient poplar venues, providing transportation services for athletes, technical officials, Chinese and foreign media, etc., serving 8,000 people/day.

The service team includes drivers, dispatchers, operation support personnel, vehicle support engineers, hydrogen fuel cell support engineers, stack support engineers, hydrogen cylinder support engineers and other elite backbones, with rich experience to ensure the safe and smooth operation of hydrogen fuel vehicles.

At the same time, the Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Traffic Support Command Center and the Beijing Bus Group have also taken a series of measures for the operation and scheduling of hydrogen fuel buses.

The strongest "hydrogen" sound of the Winter Olympics, how to go to the ice and snow covenant of green hydrogen fuel buses?

It is reported that Beijing Bus Group has established a perfect hydrogen fuel data remote transmission and monitoring system to monitor and dynamically manage the technical status of vehicle operation in real time. The Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Traffic Support Command Center has also set up an epidemic prevention group, a field station group, a traffic control group, etc., using a high-tech platform to achieve integrated monitoring of road networks, vehicles, stations and venues, and solve traffic commuting problems during the game at any time.

The strongest "hydrogen" sound of the Winter Olympics, how to go to the ice and snow covenant of green hydrogen fuel buses?

Adhering to the concept of green Olympic Games, shared Olympic Games, open Olympic Games, and clean Olympic Games, the preparations for the Mainland Winter Olympic Games have all been ready. Green transportation has become an important part of it, and the "hydrogen" car will also shine.

The Winter Olympics is only a short-term event, and the development of hydrogen energy and fuel cell vehicles is still a long road. Taking this opportunity to make the results of years of efforts more people pay attention to and invest in the industry, it is the common wish of enterprises in all industries.

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