
Why be a sports-loving child?

Why be a sports-loving child?

Because exercise is an indispensable activity for people, exercise can enhance children's physique and enhance children's physical and mental health.

Why be a sports-loving child?

The appropriate amount of exercise and the right way of exercise will make people physically strong, immune, negative emotions released, energetic, so that work and study life is more quality.

For children, exercise will also release the child's nature, shape the child's will quality, and will be used for life in the future growth.

Exercise is good for people, this is already a consensus, but the specific benefits of exercise for children may not be clear to many people.

Therefore, strengthening children's movement should attract the attention of parents and children.

Why be a sports-loving child?

The following is an introduction to the benefits of exercise for the healthy growth of children, explaining why you should be a sports-loving child?

Hope that really helps you, and I hope your child falls in love with sports.

First, exercise promotes children's brain development, and exercise can make children smarter.

Why be a sports-loving child?

After exercise, the brain neurons are very active, the heartbeat is accelerated during exercise, the blood vessels are moderately contracted, the blood circulation is accelerated, and the blood supply to the brain is greatly increased, which is conducive to the metabolism of brain nerve cells.

People who exercise regularly improve the excitability, flexibility, and durability of cerebral cortex nerve cells. Flexibility is improved, the response is faster, from the perspective of human activity, it shows cleverness and agility, it naturally reflects the sensitivity and flexibility of the brain body, so that learning and work are in the best state, and can persist for a long time.

This can also explain that most of the naughty and active children when they are young grow up to think quickly and have a smart mind.

Second, exercise can improve children's attention and learning efficiency.

Why be a sports-loving child?

For school-age children, in fact, the level is comparable, why is it that with the passage of time, the academic performance is good or bad?

Because in the learning process, the fight between children is concentration. If the child is unable to stay focused while studying, the academic performance will naturally be worse.

The medial part of the frontal lobe of the human brain is the area in charge of attention, and when people perform aerobic exercise, the frontal lobe area is hyperemic and active, and the attention will be particularly concentrated.

In addition, when people exercise, the body also secretes dopamine, which is a pleasant "hormone" that can also promote children's attention.

Improving the regulation function of the nervous system plays a positive role in improving students' learning ability and improving work efficiency.

Post-exercise memory, concentration, and comprehension are much better than those of long-term inactivity. Of course, the child's learning efficiency after exercise will be very impressive.

For example, if students learn a lesson and come back to study after going outdoors, the learning efficiency will definitely be improved. This is also the reason why the school arranges ten minutes of exercise between classes and then classes.

Third, the right amount of exercise can release the vitality of children.

Why be a sports-loving child?

Children have always been energetic and energetic, and presumably many parents have had the experience of exhaustion with their children.

If the child's vitality is not reasonably released and has been accumulated, it will cause the child's impatient personality, extremism, temper and other "disobedient" results.

In fact, this is not the child's "disobedience", this is a typical child at home without exercise, for a long time do not exercise out of the problem, parents should let the child go outdoors to release this vitality.

Children's nature is to "play", and sports is a good release of "play".

After the child releases the "vitality", you will find that the child has become obedient to the parents, the learning is also at ease, and the parents are also at ease.

Don't believe you can try it with your child too?

Fourth, exercise promotes the growth of children's height, makes children physically strong, and can prevent children's diseases.

Why be a sports-loving child?

Exercise accelerates the circulation of blood throughout the human body, improves the blood supply in the developing bone tissue of the child, and absorbs more nutrients, thereby accelerating bone growth and making the child grow taller.

Practice has proven that students who regularly exercise are taller than those who do not.

Physical exercise promotes bone enhancement and improves bone performance. Bone dense thickening, thickening the bone, but also speeding up bone growth, has a positive impact on height growth.

Regular physical exercise, the human metabolism is strong, the muscles become more thick, strong, developed and powerful.

People who regularly exercise can adapt to the cold and hot stimuli in the natural environment, thereby improving their adaptability to environmental changes and resistance to diseases.

Fifth, exercise can shape the child's personality, can cultivate the child's will quality, can make the child improve the optimistic attitude towards life, can cultivate the child's good psychological quality.

Why be a sports-loving child?

Sports children have a cheerful and lively personality, get along with people harmoniously, and are positive and optimistic about life.

Sports children are more emotionally stable and stronger than children who do not exercise, and reflect a high degree of self-awareness, self-discipline, self-confidence and low anxiety, making children more optimistic and happy.

The cultivation of children's will quality is related to the growth of children, and children with good will quality grow up to be strong in society.

Physical exercise can develop children's teamwork skills, improve discipline, leadership, decision-making, self-confidence and the ability to fight failure.

Why be a sports-loving child?

In short, exercise can make the body stronger, more confident, agile, and intelligent. Have a sense of belonging to the collective and a sense of identification with the rules. Can withstand setbacks and have good will quality. Children love their families more and are closer to their families.

Such a child will have good psychological qualities and a strong body, and the child will be smoother and more positive on the road to growth.

There are so many benefits of exercise, so let's hurry up and let the children also take a look at the benefits of exercise and experience the joy of exercise.

What other benefits do you think your child has in exercising? Do you still have questions about why you want to be a sports-loving child?

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