
Four children and children went home with their children, ate 600 yuan for a meal, and the old two were busy in a circle

I am a stay-at-home mom, a stay-at-home mom who is constantly fulfilling her self-worth. Reject anxiety, refuse "inner volume", easy parenting, rational treatment of married life, tolerant response to the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, I hope that some of my views can make you suddenly enlightened, can bring you positive energy, and solve your practical problems.

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Is it better to have children and grandchildren in the hall, or is it better for the old two to be clean?

People will probably feel that their state is the best, so the one-child family does not envy the multi-child family, and the multi-child family should sympathize with the one-child family.

The Internet fire such an old man, he sat on the balcony looking at a room of people, looking a little helpless, the family is so big, but there is no place for the old man.

During the New Year's Festival, the family is crowded

An elderly couple in Guangdong raised four children, and now their children have established a family and have their own children.

The children are filial and must go home to visit their parents every New Year's Festival.

The children all carried children, ranging from a few years old to several months, and the children added up to more than 12 adults.

Four children and children went home with their children, ate 600 yuan for a meal, and the old two were busy in a circle

Whenever the children come home for the holidays, the originally spacious space in the home becomes cramped, full of people and children.

The old couple was busy cooking for the children, busy cleaning up, and when there was no work to do, the old man sat alone on the balcony and watched the Sun Mantang here.

Netizens are very worried about this old man, they all say that they expect their children to go home, and as soon as this child returns home, the old two will only have to work and the "life" of the station next to them.

But netizens this worry is probably superfluous, although a family can eat 600 yuan a meal, a day or two hate can not eat a month's pension, but the old man still feels happy, thinking that this is a prosperous person.

Four children and children went home with their children, ate 600 yuan for a meal, and the old two were busy in a circle

When children go home to visit their parents, they should still give due consideration to their parents' physical condition

Returning home for the holidays is a good thing, indicating that the children are filial piety and the parents are loving.

However, the more holidays, the more children should pay attention to the state of their parents, help parents to share more, especially in the case of children who are more naughty, to manage the children well, do not bring too much trouble to parents.

A relative of the family, the husband and wife are 76 years old, and there are three daughters without sons.

The daughters are filial piety, the second daughter has gone abroad, rarely comes back, the eldest daughter and the younger daughter often go home to visit, the two daughters are particularly filial piety, and everything helps the old man to think thoughtfully.

The two daughters are all sons and daughters, and none of the four children are worried.

Four children and children went home with their children, ate 600 yuan for a meal, and the old two were busy in a circle

Every holiday, when the children arrived at their grandmother's house, they began to toss and turn, and the family was often made of chicken feathers by these children.

Every holiday, the old two have a headache, and they are caused by these four nieces and nephews.

Every time the old man has to lose his temper at the festival: don't come back, don't come back, I will live for several years when you come!

Every festival is not happy and scattered, the old two are not happy, the daughter is not happy, I think the old man has a lot of things, can not put people down.

Not all the elderly like to be lively, usually quiet and accustomed, there are many children, noisy and noisy, and some elderly people really can't stand it.

It is not enough for children to be filial to the material, the key is to take care of the body and emotions of the elderly and restrain the children.

Four children and children went home with their children, ate 600 yuan for a meal, and the old two were busy in a circle

Why do so many children go to their grandmother's house and wantonly ruin it?

Speaking of this, my family had this problem a few years ago.

Every time the niece and nephew arrive home during the festival, mom and dad will have a headache, especially dad, who is particularly unaccustomed to the children's style.

When the children arrived home, no one was spared from all the corners of the house.

Children also became unscrupulous in eating, throwing away trash cans when a bottle of yogurt was not finished, and snacks were thrown everywhere.

Once, several children actually poured a mouthful of Coke.

Four children and children went home with their children, ate 600 yuan for a meal, and the old two were busy in a circle

Mom and Dad didn't say anything in front of their faces, the children left, angry to the point of scolding, thinking that the current children were used to being out of shape and had no cure.

Children are very polite when they are in their own homes, they will take the initiative to clean up the housework, they will not litter, they will not waste food, but when they arrive at the grandparents and grandparents' homes, they are like birds that sprinkle joy, and they are running around.

On the one hand, parents did not give a stern warning in advance, on the other hand, children are easy to forget the image when they are excited, and there is no sense of restraint in behavior.

Four children and children went home with their children, ate 600 yuan for a meal, and the old two were busy in a circle

Come home for the New Year, and don't turn the party into a parent's nightmare

Now many children come home for the holidays, they are "throwing their hands in the cabinet", when they return home, they are paralyzed on the sofa to play mobile phones and chat, and all the housework is done by their parents.

If there are no children, this kind of behavior of the children will not bring much burden to the parents, for the parents it is tired and happy, the children come home they are happy, hard work is nothing.

But when a child has a child, it is different.

Parents are not only physically tired, but also tired in their hearts, ears and brains, and children can turn their homes upside down, toss to the point of not talking, and they can also lift the roof.

Don't ask why it's so clear, because I've seen it with my own eyes.

Four children and children went home with their children, ate 600 yuan for a meal, and the old two were busy in a circle

If parents are not relieved enough, they can really make these bear children toss and turn to the point of not wanting to say a word.

It's good to go home for the New Year, and it's good to have children and grandchildren full of children, but don't turn it into a parent's nightmare.

After having a child, before the eldest child goes home, we must give the child three chapters of the law in advance, so that the child can guarantee that he cannot waste food, cannot churn casually, and cannot chase me.

As the age of parents increases, we should consider the physical state of our parents and try not to cause trouble for our parents.

Discipline the child well, restrain the child's behavior, is not to cause trouble to the parents, only in this way can the parents really feel the joy of the children and grandchildren.

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