
No matter how much you love your child, you must also "force" him to take on these 3 responsibilities

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No matter how much you love your child, you must also "force" him to take on these 3 responsibilities

Parents love their children, and they have far-reaching plans for them.

As a parent, no matter how much you love your children, sooner or later you will have to let your children face life independently, and before that, children need to learn how to live their own lives with our help and guidance.

Tolstoy once said: If a person does not have enthusiasm, he will achieve nothing, and the basis of enthusiasm is the sense of responsibility.

A child without a sense of responsibility must also be a person who lacks concern for others and lacks enthusiasm for his career and life in the future, then no matter how good he is in other aspects, it will be difficult to achieve great things.

Therefore, I hope that parents, no matter how much they love their children, must also "force" him to bear these 3 responsibilities.

Take on family responsibilities

Can a child without a sense of family responsibility experience the hard work of his parents? Will you love the family? Will you be grateful for your parenting grace?

I think it probably won't!

I don't know if parents have ever seen children who have been spoiled since childhood and arranged by their parents, most of them are very indifferent to their parents and families, they will only ask for and will not pay, rely on their parents but have a cold relationship with their parents.

No matter how much you love your child, you must also "force" him to take on these 3 responsibilities

This is because children who are spoiled and have not paid for their families since childhood do not feel the feeling of being needed by the family and their parents, and they naturally have no sense of family responsibility and have a bad relationship with their parents.

Therefore, no matter how much a parent loves his child, he must let the child assume the responsibility of the family, let the child do what he can for the family, and enhance his emotional connection with his family.

Responsibility for consequences

Children grow up from mistakes, so children who make mistakes can be forgiven, but only if he bears the consequences and corrects them when he knows he is wrong.

Instead of using the phrase "he's still a kid" to mix it up.

Liang Qichao said in "On Preschool Learning": "A hundred years of life is based on early childhood learning. ”

If you don't let your child bear the consequences and don't teach your child to follow the rules, then most of the children will become a person without rules when they grow up.

Therefore, parents should let their children bear the responsibility of consequences from an early age, and they should clean up when they scatter things, apologize for disturbing others, and store the toys they take out, so that children will know which behaviors must not cross the line.

Take responsibility for learning

In the eyes of many children, learning is for their parents, and without their parents, they do not want to go to school.

With such a mentality, how could he take the initiative to learn, how could he study well? Regard the major events that determine the direction of your life as the responsibility of your parents, and you will regret it in the future.

Therefore, parents need to let their children understand as soon as possible that learning is for himself, learning can help him achieve his dreams, can help him obtain knowledge, and he has to take on the responsibility of learning.

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