
How old can children stop handing out red envelopes? The red envelope pays attention to knowing, so as not to be more disturbed after sending it

In the New Year, the happiest crowd is the children, in addition to being able to wear new clothes and play unscrupulously, the happiest thing is to receive the money. Heavy red envelopes are the happiest gifts for children.

Press the old money, also known as the pressure money, has a good meaning, the legend that the pressure of the old money can suppress the evil, the younger generation can get the pressure of the old money can spend a year in peace and security.

How old can children stop handing out red envelopes? The red envelope pays attention to knowing, so as not to be more disturbed after sending it

As life gets better and better, the amount of money in many areas is also getting bigger and bigger, and it is a big expense to issue money every year. So many people have asked, in the end how old is the child is not suitable for collecting the old age money, when do we give the pressure money a head?

Although the meaning of pressing the old money is beautiful, the day when the child will grow up, it is impossible to continue to receive it endlessly. So how old is the child and should no longer be given money?

How old can children stop handing out red envelopes? The red envelope pays attention to knowing, so as not to be more disturbed after sending it

These ages are for reference

1. After the child is 18 years old

Eighteen years old means that the child has reached adulthood. Adults are no longer children, so there is no need to collect old money.

Therefore, many areas are limited to 18 years old, and when children are 18 years old, they no longer distribute pressure money.

Parents should also communicate with their children in time, after the age of 18, try not to accept other people's red envelopes.

How old can children stop handing out red envelopes? The red envelope pays attention to knowing, so as not to be more disturbed after sending it

2. After the child works

Although the children are 18 years old, there are still many who are still studying, and students do not have the ability to be independent, so many areas still insist on giving red envelopes.

And once the child starts working, it means that the child has truly become an adult and has the ability to support himself, and the red envelope stops being stopped and no longer given.

How old can children stop handing out red envelopes? The red envelope pays attention to knowing, so as not to be more disturbed after sending it

3. After the child is married

In many areas, it is believed that children are truly independent after they get married and have their own small family, so before marriage, regardless of whether there is a job or not, they must give red envelopes normally, but the amount will be relatively small, which means that it is enough.

In fact, as the child grows up, whether to give red envelopes or not depends on whether the other party still receives red envelopes.

Some families are more aware of the matter, after the child reaches a certain age, they will not let the child receive red envelopes, so that the people who send red envelopes are more relaxed, knowing that there is no need to prepare red envelopes for children in the future.

And some families, as long as you give it to him, you will receive it. If the person who sends the red packet is more concerned, in fact, as the child grows bigger, the amount of the red packet can be appropriately reduced, and the blessing can be.

How old can children stop handing out red envelopes? The red envelope pays attention to knowing, so as not to be more disturbed after sending it

No matter how old the child is, the other party does not give the red envelope, as a parent, do not care too much, but to advise the child to pay attention to the red envelope etiquette, do not cause both sides to be unhappy because of the mistake of the red envelope etiquette.

1. Do not take the initiative to ask for red envelopes

Children have a very strong desire for red envelopes, and some children take the initiative to ask for red envelopes after they have finished worshipping others, which is a very impolite behavior.

Parents must tell their children not to take the initiative to ask for red envelopes, even if the other party does not give red envelopes in the end, the children can not circle around each other, or lose their temper!

How old can children stop handing out red envelopes? The red envelope pays attention to knowing, so as not to be more disturbed after sending it

2. Receive red envelopes with both hands

When receiving the red packet, parents should instruct the child to receive the red packet with both hands, and say "thank you" loudly, and can also say a few auspicious words along the way, so that the other party can give comfort and the child is happy. Others will also praise the child behind the scenes for having a tutor and leave a good impression.

How old can children stop handing out red envelopes? The red envelope pays attention to knowing, so as not to be more disturbed after sending it

3. Do not open red envelopes in person

Some children who do not understand the rules get the red envelope, the first time to open, if the amount is small, they will express disgust and dissatisfaction, and even compare with the amount given by others, making the other party very embarrassed.

Parents should tell their children not to open the red envelope in front of each other, not to evaluate the amount of the red packet, and not to compare the amount of the red packet.

This is actually very important, because if one is not careful, it is possible to offend others and make the red envelope become a social bomb.

How old can children stop handing out red envelopes? The red envelope pays attention to knowing, so as not to be more disturbed after sending it

4, others give red envelopes, to tell the parents

Some children take the red envelope and do not tell their parents to spend it themselves. As a result, parents think that the other party does not give red envelopes, too stingy, and eventually has a grudge.

Parents must remind their children that when they get the red envelope, they must tell themselves, which is basic courtesy.

How old can children stop handing out red envelopes? The red envelope pays attention to knowing, so as not to be more disturbed after sending it

Red envelopes carry the blessings of elders for children, whether parents or children, should correctly understand the red packets, understand the red packets, do not give red envelopes, or the amount of red envelopes.

Especially for older children, to understand that they have grown up, if the other party no longer distributes red packets, do not be grumpy, it is very important to have a correct understanding of red packets.

How old can children stop handing out red envelopes? The red envelope pays attention to knowing, so as not to be more disturbed after sending it

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