
Why are children reluctant to communicate with their parents?

Children's problems are often their own problems, but now more and more children are affected by the family.

At different stages of children's growth, parents can not always pay attention to the child's emotions, many children in the growth process is ignored emotions, not by the parents to pay attention to, grow up will not be willing to communicate with their parents. So from the time the child is very young, our parents should start to communicate more with the child and communicate more.

Why are children reluctant to communicate with their parents?

In fact, speaking of this, I also understand the parents of our time, because of the influence of the social environment, life is very difficult, it is already very good to be able to raise children, where there is still the heart to guess the child's inner thoughts. At that time, under extremely difficult material conditions, it was not easy to pull up seven or eight children in the family, and it was not easy to put them on anyone.

But the pain of not being understood, I still cut at the heart as often as a knife. It is precisely because I myself have experienced this pain that I don't want my child to experience this kind of hurt like me again.

Why are children reluctant to communicate with their parents?

The child's feelings are not taken seriously by the parents, and the parents think that it is a trivial matter, but for the child, it is indeed a very difficult period. I experienced inner struggles when I was a child, then I adjusted my emotions, and finally all the pain was swallowed by myself. It is precisely because we have experienced such things that our parents now pay more attention to their children's emotions and do not let the pain we have experienced repeat the same mistakes in their children.

Why are children reluctant to communicate with their parents?
Why are children reluctant to communicate with their parents?

Today I saw a news: Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, committed suicide

I was sad and shocked

He grew up very unfortunate to meet a very bad family,

Grow up looking for your loved ones

Finally disappointed and committed suicide.

This is a tragedy.

Why are children reluctant to communicate with their parents?

A person's life will be shaken by trauma, become discouraged, have no interest in the present life and the future, lock themselves in memories, such a life is sad, but few people can come out of this abyss on their own.

Only the love and attention of parents can make the child's heart strong, if the child is crying, please do not blindly say: "Don't cry, don't cry." "It's about standing by the child's side and reading his heart."

Why are children reluctant to communicate with their parents?

Our parents must strive not to sow the bane, but also to pull out the bane in time, accept the child's emotions, pay attention to the child's feelings, in order to cultivate children with positive emotions and sound thoughts. In this way, children will also be willing to communicate with their parents more! Such a family is harmonious and happy!

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