
The Eastern Civilization Forum focuses on a community with a shared future for mankind: prejudices and misunderstandings should be eliminated among different civilizations and value recognition should be eliminated

author:China News Network
The Eastern Civilization Forum focuses on a community with a shared future for mankind: prejudices and misunderstandings should be eliminated among different civilizations and value recognition should be eliminated

On the 19th, the "Oriental Civilization Forum and the Launching Ceremony of the 'Oriental Civilization and Civilization Tour'" was held in Beijing. The picture shows the participants. Photo by Deng Liyao

Beijing, January 19 (China News Network) -- On the 19th, the "Oriental Civilization Forum and the Launching Ceremony of the 'Oriental Civilization and Civilization Tour'" was held in Beijing. The Chinese and foreign guests attending the meeting appealed that the whole society is facing major changes unprecedented in a century, and it should become a broad consensus of the people of all countries to realize the common ground and solidarity between different countries and different ethnic groups and build a community with a shared future for mankind.

Hosted by the Mencius Charity Foundation, more than 160 guests from 20 countries and regions conducted in-depth dialogues and exchanges around the theme of "Common Prosperity - Towards a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind" through the combination of online and offline. The participants said that we should use the communication and exchange of the Confucian and Mencius Way as the carrier to promote the harmonious coexistence of world civilizations, while understanding the connotation and value of different civilizations, eliminating prejudices and misunderstandings, enhancing consensus and identity, and jointly exploring the way of integration of diverse civilizations in the current era.

The Eastern Civilization Forum focuses on a community with a shared future for mankind: prejudices and misunderstandings should be eliminated among different civilizations and value recognition should be eliminated

On the 19th, the "Oriental Civilization Forum and the Launching Ceremony of the 'Oriental Civilization and Civilization Tour'" was held in Beijing. The picture shows Meng Liang, chairman of the Mencius Public Welfare Foundation, speaking. Photo by Deng Liyao

Meng Liang, founder of the forum and chairman of the Mencius Public Welfare Foundation, reviewed the previous "Oriental Civilization" series of theme forums and supporting activities in his speech. He said, "I hope to build a bridge for cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries through a series of activities such as cultural exploration of Chinese and foreign people." ”

Former Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, former Director-General of the World Trade Organization, and former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand Supachai BaniBadi, quoting Mencius's famous saying that "the people are the way, those who have permanent property have perseverance, and those without permanent property have no perseverance" pointed out that mencius's "perseverance" has a deeper meaning of true happiness, and it is precisely to practice the sustainable development goals and achieve common prosperity, and the sustainable development of achieving common prosperity should be accompanied by more compassion for peers.

Former Prime Minister of Finland Alexander Stube pointed out that the meaning and happiness of life is a process, down-to-earth, continuous learning, empathy for others is the key to the pursuit process.

Kip Thorne, an American theoretical physicist and winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics, believes that spiritual wealth is something that gives meaning to our lives and allows us to attain spiritual pleasure.

Jaylen van der Wadweh, Global Chairman of Philips Group, believes that spiritual wealth and material wealth should be balanced. He elaborated that in different periods of life, the balance between spirit and material is not the same, and there are deficiencies in one aspect that are not ideal, "but whenever our spiritual wealth should be fully developed."

It is worth mentioning that the forum held the inauguration ceremony of the "Civilization Journey" special fund. In 2022, the Mencius Public Welfare Foundation plans to carry out 300 online and offline "Oriental Civilization Journey" series of activities in 72 cities, which will also be launched simultaneously on the spot. Meng Liang said that the Chinese civilization has greater inclusiveness and openness, which is conducive to the exchange and communication of various civilizations in the world, "I hope that through the civilization journey project, we will carry out dialogue and exchanges with other civilizations in a pluralistic, multi-directional, equal and equal manner." ”

It is understood that since 2017, the Mencius Public Welfare Foundation has begun to hold a series of theme forums and related activities on "Oriental Civilization", aiming to let people from different worlds, different fields and different industries understand the real oriental culture, promote the United States and the United States, and make positive contributions to building a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity. (End)

Source: China News Network

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