
How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

Author | Inspector (1617 words, about 4 minutes to read)

When they go to middle school, children often listen to the arrangements of their parents and teachers, and their energy is only focused on learning;

After going to college, you can stay away from your parents and get free, so everyone is full of expectations for college life.

How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

When we really enter the university, we will find that we cannot survive independently, and we still have to consult our parents for living expenses and some difficult problems. When communicating with parents in words, it is not only the distance that everyone is far away from their parents, but sometimes it also represents:

- The "generation gap" is getting deeper and deeper, farther and farther away.

The deepening of the "generation gap" does not mean that parents do not love their children and do not care about their children, but it implies that their relationship is very good.

How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

★ The chat records posted by college students are on fire, comparable to "palace fight drama"

We can see this in some college students' chat records with their parents, and the parent-child relationship between them is really extraordinary.

One student said he told his father that he had a dog, but his father refused, believing that the child was not suitable for a dog.

How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

Originally thought that this father was worried that the room was not suitable for dogs, but did not expect that the next sentence directly came to a big reversal. It turned out that he thought that his child's room was like a pig's nest, and it was not good for dogs to live in.

Originally, he thought that the father was worried that his son's putting the dog in the room would affect his own health, but it turned out that in the end, he was disgusted with his son's room.

Similarly, a mother expressed some concern when she saw the news that some college students were "drugged" in the water dispenser.

How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

The classmate comforted his mother, saying that his grades were not good, and no one would attack him. But what she didn't expect was that her mother was not worried about herself, but about the classmate "drugging" others.

How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

When seeing these chats, netizens said that "chatting for a day is comparable to a palace fight drama" and "it is almost laughed out of tears!" "Are they really family?" The answer, of course, is yes, and it is precisely because they are family that they are so unscrupulous when they talk, because they are not afraid of the other party being angry at all.

Both parties know each other's meaning, plus it is a family, so appropriate jokes can be close to parent-child feelings. There is such a dialogue, but also a good interpretation of the intimacy of family affection.

How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

When studying outside, you should also have more contact with your parents

For many college students, their schools are generally not in the local area, even if they are not out of the province, but they will not be close to home. There are even some people who go to university in distant provinces, and although the traffic is now developed, it still takes time to get back and forth.

Therefore, many college students only go home during the winter and summer vacations.

How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

In normal times, the communication between college students and their parents is only a phone call, at most a video call, and many times, college students enjoy this kind of life without parents around. Because they can do what they want to do, and there will be no one around to nag. Unless it is when there is no living expenses, I will call my parents and contact my feelings, and I usually can't take care of them at all.

How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

But this kind of approach is actually not appropriate, because it will also make parents chill, feel that the child is only talking to himself for living expenses, and he is getting farther and farther away from the child, and they will have a sense of loneliness.

Therefore, in ordinary times, college students can also communicate and communicate with their parents more, share what has happened recently with them, tell them that their lives are very good, avoid their worries, and make their daily lives more fun.

How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

If you have difficulties, please promptly teach your parents

Many college students think that they have grown up and no longer need their parents, so they make their own decisions about everything or find friends to help, and often they will make mistakes or even be deceived.

Therefore, if there are any problems in life, any difficulties, and do not know how to make a decision more appropriately, then you can also ask your parents appropriately. After all, parents have a lot of rich life experience, and they are also their closest people, and their views will also think about their children without mixing personal emotions.

How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

Parents are adults after all, they have encountered a lot of things, and when dealing with children's problems, they may be able to give some useful advice. Of course, if you are afraid of your parents' worries, you can also choose to report good news and not worry, but you must deal with things correctly, you can't take a crooked road, and then tell them when things are resolved, which is also a kind of growth for yourself.

How deep is the "generation gap" between college students and parents? The chat is comparable to the "palace fight drama", and the tears come out of laughter after watching it

Spicy Mom Quotes:

Maybe parents sometimes will be very nagging, always want to look at their children, but that is the love of parents, afraid of children going the wrong way, do not worry that children are alone outside, even if the children are adults, in the eyes of parents, it is still a child.

Therefore, we can not take the love of parents as a trouble, but cherish the education and companionship of parents, usually share some of their daily life with them, let them know more about themselves in all aspects, which will also help the upgrading of parent-child relationships, parents can also feel very relieved to see that their children have grown up and understood things.

When you were in college, what awkward chat moments did you have with your parents?

(Image from the Internet)

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