
Find the right direction to dare to "gnaw hard bones" Why Beiqi Blue Valley aims at the high-end new energy vehicle market

Find the right direction to dare to "gnaw hard bones" Why Beiqi Blue Valley aims at the high-end new energy vehicle market

If you want to predict the hot search terms of the Chinese auto market in 2022, "new energy vehicles" must be one of the most likely options to be elected. According to the analysis of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, it is expected that the sales of new energy vehicles in 2022 will be 5 million, an increase of 47% year-on-year.

In fact, with the superposition of intelligent technology and new energy technology, the innovation of business models, coupled with the increasing demand for additional purchases, new energy vehicles have gradually become the main target of increased purchases. This means that the competition in the high-end new energy vehicle market will be more severe in 2022.

"The next hundred years belong to intelligent and connected cars, and there is no better time than this. When the wind blows, you happen to be on the spot, at the outlet, on the track, and that's luck. As Liu Yu, chairman of Beiqi Blue Valley, said, "Take product definition as the core, integrate internal and external resources, pay attention to the target customer group, and break through specific scenes." It is the consistent business line of Beiqi Blue Valley, and "building a world-class intelligent networked electric vehicle for the next generation" is the mission of Beiqi Blue Valley to Jihu.

According to reports, in 2021, Beiqi Blue Valley will continue to enhance its cutting-edge technology reserves by increasing investment in research and development, and broaden the "technology moat" of the enterprise. On the basis of R&D investment of 1.582 billion yuan in 2020 and 30.04% of R&D, from January to September 2021, Beiqi Blue Valley achieved R&D investment of 652 million yuan, an increase of 54.5% year-on-year.

With the second phase of the heavily funded test center put into use, the research and development capabilities of Beiqi Blue Valley have been further improved. According to reports, the fully redundant architecture electric platform BE21 developed by Beiqi Blue Valley, as well as its electronic and electrical EE architecture, chassis technology and other related intellectual property rights, has achieved technology export to overseas enterprises, creating a precedent in China's automotive industry.

"In 2021, a large number of vehicle companies have undergone a major change in their attitude towards electrification. Global cars are on the fast track of electrification and transformation, and China is at the forefront of the world. Some industry experts analyzed that as more and more traditional car companies accelerate the pace of electrification transformation, new energy vehicles have entered the era of industrial ecology, and enterprises must not only fully grasp the core technology, but also be good at integrating the superior technical resources in various fields of the industrial chain.

As economist Ma Guangyuan said, new energy, intelligence and digitalization not only did not eliminate the automotive industry, but greatly accelerated the process of the automotive world, "the car will no longer be a simple means of transportation, but an important terminal for human beings and the outside world to link."

As intelligent electric vehicles become super intelligent terminal platforms that integrate the core technologies of the three electric appliances, intelligent platform architecture, intelligent auxiliary driving, intelligent network connection, and Internet big data technology, automotive OEMs must also change their operational thinking to build an industrial chain ecology that meets the needs of the era of automotive intelligence.

Find the right direction to dare to "gnaw hard bones" Why Beiqi Blue Valley aims at the high-end new energy vehicle market

"Only by creating a highly coordinated development model can we jointly build a world-class intelligent electric vehicle with industry-leading advantages." The relevant person in charge of Beiqi Blue Valley said that through multi-party operations in recent years, Beiqi Blue Valley has joined hands with industrial chain partners such as Huawei, Baidu, Magna, Didi, and Ningde Times to establish an industrial community facing the future of the industry.

She told reporters that since 2017, Beiqi Blue Valley and Huawei have signed cooperation agreements 4 times to continuously deepen cooperation between the two sides. The two sides jointly established the "1873 Davidson Innovation Lab", and continuously improved the cooperative management mechanism, strengthened product research and development, and co-brand marketing, forming a partnership of mutual priority.

According to the analysis of Soochow Securities, the entry of technology companies will further accelerate the level of automotive intelligence, and high-end intelligent electric vehicles have gradually become the vane in the market.

The reporter learned that as a high-end brand built by Beiqi Blue Valley, The Jihu brand launched Alpha S and Alpha T, and its high-quality characteristics have gradually been recognized by the market. Statistics for the third quarter of 2021 show that Alpha S and Alpha T deliveries increased by 183% sequentially. At the same time, by holding "Technology Day" activities on various occasions such as auto shows, Jihu has made its "extremely intelligent and safe" body structure, battery technology and intelligent attributes deeply rooted in the hearts of the public.

It is worth mentioning that in May 2021, Beiqi Blue Valley raised an additional 5.5 billion yuan to fully exert the "new four modernizations" and strengthen its own technical competitiveness, and the funds were mainly invested in the development and network construction of high-end models of the Jihu brand, the upgrading of 5G intelligent network system, and the development of power exchange business systems.

"In 2022, joint venture brands and foreign-funded enterprises will collectively increase their product offensive, and as the subsidies for new energy vehicles will decline next year, the new energy automobile industry will officially enter the stage of market drive, and the new energy vehicle market may usher in a new round of reshuffle." Some analysts believe that Beiqi Blue Valley will cut the low-end product sequence in 2021, accelerate the high-end layout of the high-end products of the Jihu brand, and prepare "ammunition" for the high-end new energy vehicle market in 2022.

"Building a car is actually a marathon, which requires the physical strength and endurance of competing companies. Especially for new car manufacturers who claim to be user-based enterprises, larger-scale mass production deliveries often mean the beginning of greater challenges. He reminded that the trend of "electrification" of the automotive industry in 2022 will become more and more obvious and will continue to upgrade, and more Chinese car brands need to seize such a thousand-year opportunity. (China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Xu Yajie)

Source: China Youth Daily client

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