
The mortality rate of liver cancer is as high as 95%? Once you have early liver cancer, 4 medical treatments will help you reverse it

The mortality rate of liver cancer is as high as 95%? Once you have early liver cancer, 4 medical treatments will help you reverse it

Liver cancer is indeed terrible.

According to the relevant statistics in 2020, the new cases of liver cancer patients are 410,000 people, and the death cases are as high as 390,000, and the mortality rate of liver cancer is as high as more than 95%.

For the study of liver cancer, medical scientists are also constantly exploring.

The mortality rate of liver cancer is as high as 95%? Once you have early liver cancer, 4 medical treatments will help you reverse it

Xiamen University officially announced a major breakthrough in liver cancer research!

As early as October 2021, Xiamen University officially announced that its research team had made a major breakthrough in liver cancer research.

It is reported that the State Key Laboratory of Cell Stress Biology, the Collaborative Innovation Center of Cell Signaling Networks, and the research group of Zhou Dawang and Chen Lanfen of the School of Life Sciences of Xiamen University collaborated to publish a research paper entitled Glycogen Accumulation and Phase Separation Drives Liver Tumor Initiation in Cell Journal.

The mortality rate of liver cancer is as high as 95%? Once you have early liver cancer, 4 medical treatments will help you reverse it

In the article, it is shown that the doctors and research teams of Xiamen University of Life Sciences have revealed the causes of glycogen accumulation in clinical swollen and anti-cancer, which can cause glycogen accumulation in many types of tumor cells under stress conditions.

They provide a drug-resistant mechanism for the potential stress survival of tumor cells and provide new ideas for tumor treatment.

Although research is still ongoing, if a breakthrough can be made in this treatment, it may change the fate of hundreds of thousands of people.

The mortality rate of liver cancer is as high as 95%? Once you have early liver cancer, 4 medical treatments will help you reverse it

Liver cancer, why is the mortality rate so high?

The reason why the mortality rate of liver cancer is so high is mainly because the liver is a dumb organ, even if it is invaded by cancer cells, the liver will not send out various signals in time like the stomach and intestines.

Only when a small number of patients undergo a physical examination or re-examination for liver disease, it is possible to detect that the liver has been invaded by cancer cells as soon as possible.

At present, for the treatment of liver cancer, clinically it is generally through these 4 ways:

First, surgery

Early liver cancer may not have spread and metastasized, so the cancer cell tissue is relatively concentrated, and patients can achieve the purpose of treatment by surgically removing cancer cells.

Moreover, the liver has a strong ability to repair and regenerate, and liver cells have the opportunity to regenerate their original shape in the later stage, so patients have a chance to fight cancer successfully.

Second, cellular immunotherapy

Cellular immunotherapy is mainly to stimulate the patient's immune system.

This treatment method can not only inhibit the spread and reproduction of cancer cells, kill cancer cells, prevent their regeneration, but also regulate the function of the immune system, completely block the origin of cancer cell recurrence and metastasis, and do not need to pass surgery or chemotherapy, making up for the shortcomings of surgery and chemotherapy.

The mortality rate of liver cancer is as high as 95%? Once you have early liver cancer, 4 medical treatments will help you reverse it

Third, radiotherapy and chemotherapy

In the clinic, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are more common treatment methods for cancer patients, and both treatment methods have a more direct therapeutic effect on liver cancer, which can shrink tumor cells and inhibit the spread and metastasis of tumor cells.

However, when patients receive radiation therapy or chemotherapy, the body will also suffer more side effects, because radiation therapy will use radiation, chemotherapy will use a large number of drugs, which may lead to impaired human body function, reduce immunity, and have many uncomfortable symptoms.

Fourth, traditional Chinese medicine treatment

There are some traditional Chinese medicines in the clinic, which can also play a role in inhibiting the reproduction of cancer cells and killing cancer cells.

When a patient with cirrhosis initially develops liver cancer, doctors may recommend that the patient use traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning, which is to avoid more damage to the liver caused by liver cancer surgery and to help the patient reduce the risk.

In particular, the cancer cells are located near the hilar part of the liver, if they are surgically removed, they may cause serious harm to the patient, and even may be life-threatening, which is not suitable for surgical treatment and needs to be treated with traditional Chinese medicine.

In addition, some patients are old and frail, and liver cancer surgery may face greater risks, so it is necessary to receive traditional Chinese medicine for conservative treatment.

As long as the patient actively cooperates with the doctor, there is also a chance to achieve the effect of reversing the disease.

The mortality rate of liver cancer is as high as 95%? Once you have early liver cancer, 4 medical treatments will help you reverse it

Prevention is more important than treatment

Liver cancer is well known to the Chinese people not only because of its high incidence, but also because many well-known people have died of liver cancer.

Early liver cancer is not obvious, coupled with the fact that liver cancer itself is easy to metastasize, so for many people, it is extremely important to prevent liver cancer.

However, most liver cancer patients have different degrees of liver diseases, so such patients need to have regular physical examinations and actively cooperate with treatment to reduce the incidence of cancer.

Liver cancer is indeed cunning, and it is very good to be able to hide it in the early stage, but it does not mean that people have no clues at all.

The mortality rate of liver cancer is as high as 95%? Once you have early liver cancer, 4 medical treatments will help you reverse it

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