
Two cases of unexplained hepatitis in France! More than 100 million hepatitis B patients, do 5 things to stay away from liver cancer

Recently, the news of two cases of hepatitis of unknown cause in France has not gone away, which has also attracted the attention of many countries. Although the root cause is not disclosed, "hepatitis" has always been one of the diseases of concern in the medical community.

Speaking of hepatitis, hepatitis B, as one of the important types of hepatitis in mainland China, is also a matter of great concern.

Authoritative survey data show that the number of hepatitis B virus carriers in the mainland has exceeded 100 million, because such a large disease base has also made the mainland the country with the largest number of liver cancer patients in the world.

Because about 90% of liver cancers in the clinic are caused by viral hepatitis, hepatitis B is more common among them.

However, not all hepatitis B carriers will eventually go to liver cancer, if you do a good job of preventive measures in daily life, you can not only prevent the development of hepatitis B, but also avoid the emergence of cancer cells.

Two cases of unexplained hepatitis in France! More than 100 million hepatitis B patients, do 5 things to stay away from liver cancer

Therefore, the doctor advises that after suffering from hepatitis B, you must insist on doing five things well.

1. Regular physical examination

For hepatitis B patients, regular physical examination is the most basic operation, because under the detection of the instrument, we can understand the degree of development of liver disease in the body.

Especially now, medical technology is more and more developed, and even through routine blood tests, it is possible to effectively screen for liver cancer. The reason is that when liver cancer occurs, patients basically have the increase in alpha-fetoprotein, and screening blood can more specifically and intuitively see the performance of alpha-fetoprotein.

Two cases of unexplained hepatitis in France! More than 100 million hepatitis B patients, do 5 things to stay away from liver cancer

2. Quit smoking and alcohol

As we all know, after alcohol enters the human body, the vast majority of the liver is needed for metabolism and detoxification, if you drink alcohol regularly, it is bound to increase the burden of metabolism on the liver.

Especially if there is already hepatitis B disease, alcohol is more likely to aggravate the disease and even induce cancer cells. The harmful substances in tobacco will not only damage the function of the lungs, but also flow with the blood to many parts of the human body, including the liver.

Two cases of unexplained hepatitis in France! More than 100 million hepatitis B patients, do 5 things to stay away from liver cancer

3. Pay attention to rest

From the perspective of health analysis, the occurrence of hepatitis B and human immunity is relatively low, there is a close connection, and the level of immunity and whether the rest time is sufficient, so for hepatitis B patients, want to prevent liver cancer, you must improve immunity, one of the measures is to ensure adequate sleep time.

Not only that, the night is the time period for the repair of various tissues and organs of the human body, especially the liver, detoxification from eleven o'clock to three o'clock in the morning, if it does not enter the sleep state at this time, the metabolic burden of the liver will also increase.

Two cases of unexplained hepatitis in France! More than 100 million hepatitis B patients, do 5 things to stay away from liver cancer

4, maintain a good attitude

Chinese medicine believes that bad emotions such as irritability and anger are the main culprits that cause liver qi depression. In the short term, there may not be much impact, but if you are in a bad emotional state for a long time, it will increase the incidence of liver disease and even promote the occurrence of liver cancer.

Therefore, for the sake of good health, you must adjust your mentality, if you encounter unhappy things, it is best to go out for a walk, or find someone to talk about your heart.

Two cases of unexplained hepatitis in France! More than 100 million hepatitis B patients, do 5 things to stay away from liver cancer

5. Supplement nutrition

If you want to avoid the arrival of liver cancer, supplementing nutrition is also a crucial part, it is recommended that you eat more iron-containing foods on weekdays, such as eggs, spinach and so on.

Because iron is an important raw material for the synthesis of hemoglobin, and the liver hides blood, only iron is abundant to ensure the normal operation of the liver.

Two cases of unexplained hepatitis in France! More than 100 million hepatitis B patients, do 5 things to stay away from liver cancer

All in all, there is a question about whether hepatitis B will turn into liver cancer, and the answer is yes. However, after having hepatitis B disease, preventive measures can also prevent the arrival of liver cancer to a certain extent.

Therefore, it is recommended that you refer to the five contents mentioned above, including supplementing nutrition, maintaining a good attitude, paying attention to rest, regular physical examinations, and staying away from tobacco and alcohol.

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