
Unidentified hepatitis strikes children, and the following five types of hepatitis are currently known!

Unidentified hepatitis strikes children, and the following five types of hepatitis are currently known!

Image: Pexels | Written by: Medical Companion Travel Content Team

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Recently, the news of an acute hepatitis infection of children of unknown origin has attracted widespread attention, and the infection has appeared in many parts of the world, although there have been no deaths, but it has caused panic among the masses.

Hepatitis is a disease that affects the liver and can be caused by a variety of causes, including several viral infections common to children, and children with this disease will experience symptoms such as jaundice, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Unidentified hepatitis strikes children, and the following five types of hepatitis are currently known!

Hepatitis has always been a common disease in history, with strong transmission, which will have a greater impact on patients and even develop into liver cancer and lead to death.

Hepatitis can be divided into A, B, C, D, E, and the five types of hepatitis are distinguished as follows.


hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is an acute infectious disease caused by the hepatitis A virus, the virus is resistant to high temperatures, has a certain degree of transmission, young children to the elderly group may be infected, hepatitis A patients usually manifest as fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue.


hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is one of the most common types of hepatitis, and not all people with hepatitis B infection will show symptoms, and patients may become asymptomatic carriers. In addition, hepatitis B is highly contagious, will seriously damage the liver of patients, if not timely intervention, will develop into cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Medication: tenofovir

The drug is used in the treatment of HIV-1 or chronic hepatitis B: the dose is 300 mg (1 tablet) once a day, taken orally, on an empty stomach or in combination with food. Tenofovir can achieve more ideal clinical efficacy for the treatment of patients with CHB, which can effectively reduce the indicators related to liver function, significantly prevent heV-DNA replication, and restore liver function in CHB patients as soon as possible, which is an effective and safe treatment choice.


hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is transmitted in the same way as hepatitis B, but is less transmissible.

Medication: Yoshi iii generations

Ji Sandai is suitable for patients with chronic hepatitis C (Ji Sandai type 1-6 are suitable), the drug has a good therapeutic effect, the cure rate is as high as 99.99%, no genotyping is required, and all types 1-6 are treated.


Hepatitis D

Hepatitis D is more special, its outer membrane is the surface antigen of hepatitis B, and the core part is the virus of hepatitis D, so hepatitis D is not infected alone, usually co-infected with hepatitis B.


Hepatitis E

Hepatitis E can be widely transmitted through gastrointestinal infection, which can easily cause a large epidemic, or through the form of a meal, causing a small epidemic, and maintaining personal hygiene is the key to eliminating transmission.

Hepatitis is no longer a refractory disease in today's society, and choosing the right drugs can alleviate the disease or even cure it.

In addition to drug treatment, patients with hepatitis also need to pay attention to daily eating habits.

1) Never eat moldy food

Aflatoxin in moldy food is very harmful to the liver and can lead to the occurrence of liver cancer.

2) Undercooked food

Undercooked foods are often present with bacterial parasites that induce hepatitis to occur and worsen the condition.

3) High-fat foods

Obese people are at high risk of fatty liver disease, so minimizing high-fat foods and controlling weight is key to preventing hepatitis.

4) Alcohol

Alcohol is the second leading cause of liver damage, and long-term heavy drinking can predispose to alcoholic liver. Reducing alcohol consumption is beneficial in improving liver disease symptoms or reducing the prevalence of liver disease.

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