
Nearly half of China's digestive cancer patients are related to eating habits! 4 kinds of cancer, so prevented

In recent years, the number of people suffering from digestive tract cancers on the mainland has increased. Among the top five cancers with the highest mortality rate in China, four are cancers of the digestive tract, namely liver cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, and rectal cancer.

The number of patients with digestive tract cancer in the mainland is increasing year by year, which is inseparable from the long-term bad living habits of patients. Recognizing this can help us better prevent disease.

Nearly half of China's digestive cancer patients are related to eating habits! 4 kinds of cancer, so prevented

How are cancers of the digestive tract linked to poor lifestyle habits?

Surveys show that more than half of the digestive tract cancers in the mainland are caused by poor diet, inactivity, obesity, drinking, smoking and other lifestyle habits.

In the mainland, one in every 10 new gastrointestinal cancer patients is associated with obesity, and the correlation between obesity and liver cancer incidence is the largest, so it is important to pay attention to diet, unhealthy eating habits may cause gastrointestinal cancer.

Low dietary fiber intake and low dairy intake were associated with colorectal cancer, while excessive salt intake was associated with stomach cancer. Excessive consumption of red and processed meats can lead to cancers of the esophagus, stomach, and colon.

Similarly, smoking and drinking alcohol can also lead to colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer. If you can effectively prevent and avoid the occurrence of the above conditions, then there is a great chance of avoiding cancer.

Nearly half of China's digestive cancer patients are related to eating habits! 4 kinds of cancer, so prevented

How can I detect and treat cancer of the digestive tract as early as possible?

With the high incidence of cancers of the digestive tract on the mainland, prevention and treatment have become a top priority. In addition, the initial manifestations of gastrointestinal cancer are not obvious, and it is easy to be misdiagnosed as other diseases, and some patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage.

If the presence of gastrointestinal cancer is detected early, 90% of gastrointestinal cancers can be cured. The early detection rate of gastrointestinal tumors in Japan and South Korea is higher than that in China, and the detection rate in Japan can reach 70%, which is worth learning from.

To detect and treat it as early as possible, it is first necessary to strengthen the examination of cancer in the digestive tract. Gastrointestinal endoscopy such as colonoscopy and gastroscopy can be used, which can not only detect cancerous tissue, but also perform pathological examination of suspicious tissue to determine whether there is a malignant tumor.

Most gastrointestinal malignancies can be diagnosed by gastrointestinal microscopy, but a few cannot be confirmed and require a combination of CT, ultrasound and other tests.

Nearly half of China's digestive cancer patients are related to eating habits! 4 kinds of cancer, so prevented

How to prevent the occurrence of cancer?

In China, more than half of all gastrointestinal cancers are caused by their long-term unhealthy eating habits and lifestyles. Therefore, in order to prevent gastrointestinal tumors, it is recommended that everyone develop good living habits, which can be prevented from these aspects.

1. Liver cancer

To prevent liver cancer, first quit smoking, and avoid exposure to carcinogens, such as aflatoxin in moldy foods. At the same time, attention should be paid to the prevention of hepatitis B virus infection, because viral hepatitis is also a high risk factor for liver cancer.

2. Stomach cancer

Develop good living habits, low salt, less oil, less sugar, eat less red meat, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. If you know that you are infected with Helicobacter pylori, you must treat it as soon as possible to prevent your condition from deteriorating.

Nearly half of China's digestive cancer patients are related to eating habits! 4 kinds of cancer, so prevented

3. Esophageal cancer

Avoid eating too much salt, avoid overheated foods, and avoid pickled foods. To change the bad habit of smoking and drinking, eat more high-fiber foods, supplement vitamins, and avoid the occurrence of esophageal cancer.

4. Rectal cancer

The prevention and treatment of rectal cancer should pay attention to their own dietary hygiene, especially pay attention to reducing the consumption of red meat and processed meat. In addition, to prevent the occurrence of constipation, drink more water, eat more food fiber, exercise more, and maintain good bowel habits.

Nearly half of China's digestive cancer patients are related to eating habits! 4 kinds of cancer, so prevented

The mainland is a country with a high incidence of cancer of the digestive tract, with a higher incidence of the disease but a lower rate of early diagnosis. In order to prevent gastrointestinal tumors, we must first understand the early signs of various gastrointestinal tumors, patients should master the correct screening methods, and patients should also develop good living habits and healthy lifestyles, which are very helpful for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

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