
Blood sugar instability or related to 3 eating habits, keeping in mind the 6 dietary principles, may stabilize blood sugar

Most people know that many diseases are associated with a poor diet. There is some truth to the idea that the disease comes from the mouth, for example, the emergence of diabetes has a very large relationship with diet, and diabetes is also known as wealth disease.

Diabetes is a disease caused by overnutrition and lack of exercise, which is related to the usual bad eating habits, and if you eat high-calorie, high-fat, high-sugar foods for a long time, it will increase the risk of diabetes.

Blood sugar instability or related to 3 eating habits, keeping in mind the 6 dietary principles, may stabilize blood sugar

What dietary habits are diabetes related to?

1. Irregular diet

The pace of modern people's lives is relatively fast, and many people are busy with work and neglect their health.

They often eat irregularly, sometimes skipping breakfast or dinner, eating too much during lunch, or eating a lot before going to bed.

Irregular eating habits can lead to metabolic disorders in the body, disorders of glucose metabolism, and induce diabetes.

Blood sugar instability or related to 3 eating habits, keeping in mind the 6 dietary principles, may stabilize blood sugar

2, big fish and big meat

Many people often like to eat high-fat, high-calorie, high-sugar foods, do not like to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, this habit is very easy to lead to obesity;

Coupled with insufficient exercise, fat accumulates in the abdomen, inducing obesity and increasing the risk of diabetes.

Blood sugar instability or related to 3 eating habits, keeping in mind the 6 dietary principles, may stabilize blood sugar

3. Calcium deficiency

When our body lacks calcium, it can easily lead to a decrease in insulin function. When insulin secretion is insufficient, the body's calories and glucose cannot be completely broken down by insulin, which in turn induces diabetes.

Therefore, to eat some calcium-rich foods, such as fish, shrimp, beans, etc., or people with severe calcium deficiency can take calcium tablets to supplement calcium.

Blood sugar instability or related to 3 eating habits, keeping in mind the 6 dietary principles, may stabilize blood sugar

How can people with diabetes eat a healthy diet?

1. Avoid foods with high cholesterol

Diabetics should eat less or no foods that contain high cholesterol, such as egg yolks, animal livers, kidneys, etc. These foods can easily cause elevated blood lipids and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

2. Avoid high-salt foods

Diabetics should control the intake of salt in their diet, because excessive salt intake can easily lead to an increase in blood pressure and complications of hypertension, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, diabetics can not usually eat salted fish, salted eggs and so on.

Blood sugar instability or related to 3 eating habits, keeping in mind the 6 dietary principles, may stabilize blood sugar

3. Avoid foods high in sugar

Diabetics should not eat a variety of foods high in sugar, such as sauces, ice cream, sweet bread, cakes, preserves, etc.

Diabetics should strictly control their sugar intake in peacetime, because excessive sugar intake will lead to an increase in blood sugar, which is not conducive to the stability of the disease.

Blood sugar instability or related to 3 eating habits, keeping in mind the 6 dietary principles, may stabilize blood sugar

4. Eat beans

Diabetics can eat more soybeans, mung beans, red beans and other legumes. Soy foods are rich in vitamins, inorganic salts, proteins and unsaturated fatty acids, which can lower triglycerides and serum cholesterol.

5, should eat whole grain food

Usually, you can eat more whole grains, such as mustard barley, oats, corn, potatoes, etc. These foods are rich in dietary fiber, B vitamins and a variety of trace elements. Regular consumption of these foods can play a role in lowering blood lipids and blood sugar.

Blood sugar instability or related to 3 eating habits, keeping in mind the 6 dietary principles, may stabilize blood sugar

6, eat vegetables, low-sugar fruits

Diabetics should eat more green vegetables, such as lettuce, cabbage, and at the same time, they can eat more melon fruits, such as pumpkin, loofah, cucumber. These foods are relatively rich in vitamin C, and the intake of this substance can effectively help the body lower blood sugar.

Diabetics should strictly control their diet and actively participate in physical exercise, which can play a role in stabilizing blood sugar. In addition, it is necessary to use hypoglycemic drugs reasonably under the guidance of a doctor, and do not stop or abuse drugs on their own.

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