
Someone sells you a virus scare and throws him a middle school biology book...

This article is authorized to be transferred from: Qingyi (ID: qingyi_media)

In 2022, it is not easy for each of us, especially the Shanghainese, Jilin people, Suzhou people, Xi'an people, Shenzhen people who are in a state of sealing and control to fight against the new coronavirus Omicron variant...

I know that the list will be long.

Our pressure not only comes from the freedom of travel and economic vitality, but also from the collective mental pressure created by the use of the epidemic to spread rumors and false information in disregard of scientific common sense.

Mingo did his best to attack all rumors.

Today, we also popularize the basic knowledge of microbiology, ensuring that anyone who has studied biology in middle school can return to common sense, reject people with ulterior motives, and put on the hat of virus phobia.

Someone sells you a virus scare and throws him a middle school biology book...

What are bacteria?

A single-celled prokaryote with the basic structure of prokaryotic cells.

Has independent growth and reproduction ability.

The diameter is 0.5-5 microns, which can be seen with a normal light microscope.

What is a virus?

Non-cellular organisms, only nucleic acids and protein capsids;

Does not have a cellular structure, can not grow and reproduce, energy metabolism;

Parasitic within cells, in vitro can not be cultured with culture medium;

The diameter size is 20-400 nanometers, the volume is only one thousandth of a bacterium, and it requires a light microscope that is magnified by more than 10,000 times to see clearly.

The English name of the virus is: Virus, from the Latin root Vir-, which is both the venom of snakes and the semen of people, destroying life and creating life.

It spans inorganic and organic, between living and inanimate.

Unfortunately, from the beginning when the first virus was found to be harmful, the English name of Verus was taken, which doomed this microorganism to a stigmatized history.

Until later, scientists found that bacteria, viruses, as microorganisms have both beneficial and harmful species, not all of them are toxic, but they can no longer change the way they are named.

The history of the Earth is 4.5 billion years old;

Bacteria, viruses, have been around for 3 billion years.

They are like bees in the forest of thousands of lives, transmitting information and marrying genes. Using the energy of the sun and the resources of the earth, they created the biosphere, and they also created humans.

Humanity is only 2 million years old.

It is not bacteria or viruses that want to invade humans;

Human beings, as the descendants of germs, are the latecomers of this land.

Purely in terms of quantity, 90% of the human body is bacteria and viruses.

A normal human body has 100 trillion numbers of active bacteria, which is 3-10 times the total number of human cells, and the total number of genes is 100 to 150 times the total number of human genes.

In terms of quality, people who weigh 50 kilograms have about 2 kilograms of bacteria in their digestive system.

In terms of distribution, there are 10 billion bacteria distributed on the inner wall of the digestive tract for every square centimeter.

The bacteria in your gut, if arranged one by one, can circle the earth for a full 2 weeks.

Probiotics, which account for the vast majority (75%) of the number of bacteria in the body. If there are no probiotics in the human body, it is almost impossible to survive.

There are more than 140,000 viruses active in the human gut, more than half of which we still can't understand.

Among them, there are 110,000 kinds of viruses, which are a special type of virus: bacteriophages.

Someone sells you a virus scare and throws him a middle school biology book...

In the ancient ancestors of human beings, 22,000-30,000 years ago, there were viruses repeatedly trying to insert genetic fragments into the human body, and the two sides constantly confronted and fused.

There are 17 types of viral DNA in the human genome, bringing the number of non-human DNA to 36.

So, 8% of human DNA comes from viruses, not biologically pure genes, they have been fused with the human immune system.

Viruses are also one of the ancestors of human beings.

When humans reproduce the next generation, the fertilized egg develops and grows in the mother's body, and the immune system will treat it as an external substance, producing rejection and attack, resulting in the body's inability to conceive successfully.

But there is a special virus in the human body, which symbiosis with the mother, reminds the immune system not to accidentally injure the fertilized egg, so that it can grow smoothly in the mother's body, and finally form an embryo and become a child.

If judged by the number of bacteria and viruses, the human body is dirtier than the toilet in the bathroom.

However, if the harm of bacteria and viruses is judged, the human body is quite clean.

With the exception of a very few viruses that have caused disasters in human history, bacteria, viruses and humans have coexisted in the evolutionary history of mankind for millions of years.

Rather than saying that bacteria and viruses are the enemies of mankind, it is better to say that human beings are just the hosts and carriers chosen by bacteria and viruses in the evolutionary process on this planet.

To borrow a phrase from Yin Ye:

Humans who have evolved to such a developed brain think they are omnipotent, but they forget what they started;

Bacteria and viruses, just like the beacons and lighthouses in the sea, remind us that we must not forget the essence of life.

Humanity's victory in the battle against the Black Death, smallpox, hepatitis B, plague and measles will surely achieve the final victory against the new crown epidemic.

However, except for luck, the only virus was eliminated: smallpox, and since then humans have never eliminated any bacteria or viruses.

For us modern people, smallpox is a disease that is far from life and is relatively unfamiliar. We never felt that it was harmful to humanity.

However, two hundred years ago, it was still a terrible disease of different countries around the world, from the emperors and generals to the common people.

Smallpox virus, transmitted through the respiratory tract and droplets, once the human body is infected, it will appear symptoms such as high fever spots, and the mortality rate is as high as 30%. Even if an infected person dies, the smallpox virus can survive in the dust for months, and its vitality is extremely tenacious.

How was the smallpox virus eliminated?

If it were not for the fact that nature had looked at human beings pitifully and had given them a little luck, relying on human beings' own abilities, we would have not eliminated any viruses until now.

In 18th-century Britain, there was a doctor named Edward Jenner, who had seen various smallpox diseases and made tens of thousands of words of medical case notes, thinking hard about how to treat smallpox.

Until the age of forty-seven, a local dairy farm worker inadvertently joked and gave Jenner, who was thinking hard, an inspiration.

She said: "If a person is infected with cowpox, they will not be infected with smallpox.

Someone sells you a virus scare and throws him a middle school biology book...

He investigated and found out, sure enough!

Dairy cows in the pasture can also get smallpox, causing cowpox pustules to appear on the skin.

However, milking women, who are often exposed to cowpox pus, may be infected with mild symptoms of smallpox, but it is not a major health problem, but they will not suffer from smallpox for life, as if they have gained immunity to smallpox virus.

It was as if in the darkness for a long time, seeing a glimmer of light in front of him, excited, he immediately acted decisively.

Funding was made to buy cowpox pustules, then searching for volunteers with smallpox, and eventually a boy who volunteered to take the experiment signed up.

The long-awaited scene was finally unfolding: pus was extracted from cow pox and inoculated into the boys, who were exposed to the smallpox virus after recovering from cowpox and were not infected at all.

The nemesis of smallpox has finally been found.

Someone sells you a virus scare and throws him a middle school biology book...

Since then, vaccines have officially entered the human medical civilization system.

The cowpox pus used for vaccination, the first vaccine invented in human history, was called vaccine virus by Dr. Jenner (a virus from cows), and later shortened to vaccine, which was used to refer to various vaccines in general. The root of the word vacc-refers to a cow.

However, the only vaccine that can completely eliminate the virus after injection is completely destroyed by human beings, and it is a secret of life revealed by nature to human beings.

Since then, the vaccines developed by humans themselves have never eliminated any virus.

The purpose is only to reduce the transmission rate of the virus as much as possible, prevent the deterioration of the disease, and improve human immunity.

Some vaccines, such as those for the new crown virus, whether it is the inactivation technology route or the mRNA technology route, not only one injection, it is best to get a second injection, a reinforcing injection...

Human beings cannot independently destroy any kind of bacteria and viruses without being privately gifted by nature.

Does this mean that human beings cannot overcome the invasion of bacteria and viruses in the case of ecological imbalance, and let them wreak havoc in a way that exceeds the limits of human carrying?

Definitely not.

In fact, before the new crown virus, humanity had already won an overwhelming victory with smallpox, measles, seasonal influenza, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, avian influenza, Ebola, rotavirus and other viruses.

This victory has never been aimed at absolute annihilation, but at the cost that human beings can bear, so that the harm of the virus is minimized.

According to document "2019" No. 03 issued by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, from 2010-11 to 2014-15, infectious and seasonal influenza died of respiratory diseases, with an average of 88,000 cases per year in the country.

Note that this is also the number of deaths (Die from) directly from seasonal influenza, and there are no statistics on the number of people who died with the flu before death but died of other causes.

Before 1992, a total of 690 million people on the mainland had been infected with hepatitis B virus, the hepatitis B surface antigen carrying rate reached 9.75%, and the number of deaths due to hepatitis B and other related diseases reached 270,000 people every year.

With the support of merck's near-gratuitous donation of technology, production lines and manpower training, the hepatitis B virus carrying rate in children under 5 years of age has decreased from 9.7% to 0.3% in 2014, and the number of children with hepatitis B surface antigen carriers has decreased by 30 million.

In May 2012, WHO confirmed that the mainland has achieved its target of reducing the rate of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in children under 5 years of age to less than 2%.

Before the emergence of the new crown virus, the super contagious and harmful virus was: rotavirus, and everyone who came into this world would be infected by it within 4 years.

That is to say, almost all of the more than 100 million new children in the world every year are caused by diarrhea, of which nearly 20 million children have moderate and severe diarrhea, and 50-1 million children die of rotavirus every year.

About 10 million infants and young children in mainland China suffer from rotavirus infected gastroenteritis every year, accounting for 1/4 of the total number of infants and young children.

Even if it has been infected, it will be repeatedly infected after healing, but the symptoms are relatively mild. If human beings are strictly guarded against it, it is not unusual to screen all nucleic acids at every turn and screen out hundreds of millions of positive confirmed cases every year.

After the vaccine was developed in 2006, the number of children killed by rotavirus dropped significantly, falling to about 250,000 in 2013 and about 30,000 around 2020.

If we shift the definition of contagiousness from an epidemiological point of view to the range of emotional contagion and social evaluation pressure in a social atmosphere, liquor and cigarettes are not only addictive, but also "socially contagious".

On May 26, 2021, the National Health Commission and the World Health Organization Representative Office in China jointly held a press conference to release the "China Smoking Hazards To Health Report 2020", with more than 300 million smokers in the mainland and more than 1 million deaths per year;

In 2016, 650,000 men and 59,000 women died of alcoholism and chronic nervous system and brain diseases in the mainland due to alcohol consumption.

However, we have never treated these bacteria, viruses, and addictive commodities in China, which are far more deadly than coronaviruses, and we have not set a goal of resolutely eliminating them, nor have we moved to carry out collective testing campaigns.

Fear stems from the unknown.

Know thyself and know the other, and never lose a battle.

Once we have a scientific understanding of them, we are familiar with the symptoms they may cause and develop routine diagnosis, vaccines, and treatment plans.

Historically, those diagnosed patients who are unfortunate enough to be infected with a specific virus do not have to worry about being isolated alone, will not "socially die" due to the discriminatory pressure of society, and will not panic to squeeze medical resources, because confirmed patients know that the medical care system already has a reliable vaccine, scientific diagnosis and treatment plan.

The whole society is still functioning benignly even when it is impossible and impossible to eliminate all harmful viruses.

Human civilization is constantly improving, the economic level of the vast majority of countries is steadily improving, and the quality of life of families and individuals is constantly improving.

Years, quiet good.

I believe that as long as you have the knowledge of biology in the middle school grade, you will definitely recognize the objective facts of this article.

However, under the domination of huge collective emotions, we are always unconscious, losing our autonomy, forgetting common sense, and allowing panic and anxiety to control our brains.

From now on, if you see any articles advocating the horror of viruses, and hear that human beings should not share the sky with all viruses, and must be eliminated quickly, you can laugh at them.

Sticking to common sense and refusing to follow the crowd is more precious now in 2022 than at any time in history!

Write at the end:

Starting from the grass-roots countryside and completing postgraduate education at Tsinghua University, Mingge has gone through 12 years of in-depth business, facing the operation of capital, and controlling the floating and sinking stock sea.

House price changes, P2P online loans, Luckin coffee fraud, long-term rental apartment explosion, Bank of China "crude oil treasure", Ant Group IPO, Evergrande explosion... The tip of the real estate giant's knife dances, the Internet oligarchs run rampant, and the capital figures set off a power drama, in Mingge's pen, there is nothing to hide.

Office workers who are buried in the road, entrepreneurs who are overcoming thorns, business owners who are ups and downs in the sea of commerce, or shareholders who are determined to kill in the sea of stocks, gathered and moved forward in groups.

As a leader, we have answered life questions for 2190+ readers, reshaped the underlying logic, helped overtake in the workplace, capital market and housing market, and changed the wealth trajectory of a group of young families.

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