
To be a good mother with guzheng accompaniment, you need to do these three words

It is said that a good mother is better than a good teacher, but what kind of mother can call it "good"? In fact, a good mother can sum it up in three words.

To be a good mother with guzheng accompaniment, you need to do these three words

The first word is "quiet"

Many mothers have "sharp eyes", they can see the child's problem at a glance, and immediately point out that it has been repeatedly strengthened, and even said in front of more people that my child is what is not good. When a mother sees the strengths and weaknesses of her child, first try not to move, do not panic, why? Because the child needs the mother to use good emotions to nurture and protect, only when the mother sees the child's advantages and disadvantages are silent, can the child's inner growth motivation be given.

The mother's mentality is unstable, the whole family will churn, the little fluctuation of the mother's mood will affect the child, destroy the child's internal stability, the child will consume a lot of psychological energy just to calm down his inner tension, how much psychological energy can be left behind for self-growth?

The second word is "weak"

Mothers learn to show "weakness" in front of their children. It is difficult for a strong mother's child to be confident, and the child's self-confidence will weaken little by little in your state. A mother who can show weakness in front of her child must be confident and strong in her child's heart. Learning to live with children on an equal footing is the protection of children. The mother who has the upper hand in the child everywhere, the child only has the upper hand, and finally is willing to take the upper hand, without a little competition, without a little motivation, and will pursue rebellion and destruction to complete the deformity of the self.

The third word is "kindness."

The real strength of a mother is her kindness, is gentle, warm, gentle, the big family is harmonious and harmonious because of you, let people feel the sea of inclusive acceptance, and spectacular can not be stirred, this is the wide world of children's growth, such a mother image is the rule, words are the direction. On the contrary, the mother who points fingers in front of the child, either shouting in her voice or nagging with a taut face, will make the child slowly feel that there is no place in the world that is comfortable and interesting, the child will lose the direction of the heart, and the mother will not have any ability to guide and become more crazy.

Sima Guang said: "Those who become mothers do not suffer from unkindness, but from knowing love and not knowing how to teach." Psychology tells us that children's problems are mainly emotional problems, and poor learning is because of negative emotional distress, rarely because of intelligence. Parents' inner anxiety and impetuosity are more terrible than children's learning problems, only when children are calm in their hearts, it is possible to absorb, precipitate, and think rationally, can they have foresight, insight, discovery, creation, and can they be truly excellent!

As a mother, remember that ensuring emotional peace is the greatest education for your child.

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