
A mother's letter "What to thank you, my son", pokes at the heart and touches millions of parents

A mother's letter "What to thank you, my son", pokes at the heart and touches millions of parents

This is a letter from a mother to her son, and it is also a very touching and good article. There is a good mother in the text, and a good mother has a good son.

Stop saying that good kids are born, never! That's because the words and deeds of parents teach, children hear and see, imperceptibly.

Praise for the mother in the text, applaud for the mother's son!


First parent-teacher conference

The first time you attend your parent-teacher conference is when you are in the third grade of elementary school.

I rushed from the seafood wholesale market, and my clothes were stained with fish, shrimp, turtles and crabs. Even though I made an exception for a taxi, I was late. I walked to your seat with a slightly sarcastic and disgusted look, filled with shame and guilt. You raised your little face, wiped the sweat from my forehead, and handed over your little kettle: "Mom, drink the water." ”

Suddenly, your thoughtfulness and non-contempt have made so many people look at our mother and son.

After the parent-teacher meeting, your homeroom teacher asked me to stay for a while, and you asked the teacher for leave: "My mother has to go home to cook for my grandparents and father, can I go first?" If there was anything to say, I would go home and tell her about it, making sure not to miss a word. ”

The class teacher sighed and said, "Hallyu mother, there are more than forty children in the class, the Hallyu makes me feel the most pain, so sensible and well-behaved." ”

He told me that at the beginning of the new semester, the children were moving books together, and many children were working under the eyes of the teacher, while he was alone in and out of the back door carrying books almost with his chin up, sweating.

A mother's letter "What to thank you, my son", pokes at the heart and touches millions of parents

"K-pop mother, can such a child not be born in the future?" There are such children in the family, you have merit. ”

I shook the hand of the class teacher: "My father was paralyzed in a car accident, and my grandparents were bedridden for many years, so I couldn't take care of the K-pop at all." From the moment the child can walk, he gives his grandfather, grandmother, and father a to urinate, and I don't even have time to feel sorry for him. ”

On the way home, my tears never broke. Play back the bits and pieces of your childhood to adulthood, and all the complaints I have had about life are gone. God has given me so much misfortune, but it has also given me a heartache and a comforting you.

When you come home from school, I'll wait for you downstairs. Seeing me, your little mouth opened into an O shape: "Mom, are you going on a blind date?" ”

I pretended to hit you and said, "No matter how dirty and tiring the work is in the future, I can't give you points." Look, your mom is okay, right? ”

You immediately jump up: "Definitely a beauty! When I grew up, I found a capable and beautiful wife like my mother. ”

At that moment, I really wanted to hug you. Although you are only one meter and three meters, very thin, in my mother's heart, you have grown into a small tree, which makes me think of relying on it instead of hugging.


Junior high school full of parting

In the three years that you were in junior high school, we sent away grandpa and grandma respectively. On the day I sent my grandmother away, I came home crying. You came over, hugged me and said, "Mom, although Grandma doesn't have the longevity of other people's grandmothers, but you let her live a very decent life, my milk is not lost!" ”

Before going to bed, you called me and your father to wash their feet: "I used to wash my grandparents, but now you have this treatment." "Your dad's tears went straight down. You smiled at him and said, "What's so touching about me washing my father's and mother's feet?" My mom washed my grandpa's feet with my grandmother for over twenty years, and I had to learn from my mom. ”

At that moment, I really want to say to you, don't learn from your mother, because no mother wants to see her son too tired.

Just when the pressure of our lives has eased, Dad's mood is getting worse and worse. On his 39th birthday, you used the money saved from skipping lunch to buy him a big cake, but pushing open the door of the house, what awaited you was the tragic scene after your father cut his wrist and committed suicide.

In the third year of junior high school, you first used a towel to tie his still bleeding arm, and then dialed 120. You didn't call me until he was out of danger to his life. At the door of the ward, you told me about three chapters:

No blame, because the person in the wheelchair is Dad, not us;

Not allowing sympathy, which would fuel his pessimism;

Don't be afraid, I will be able to handle this matter well, and let my father never move this thought.

Entering the ward, I burst into tears, and I didn't say anything about my heartache or complaints, but just held his hand tightly.

"Dad, you are here, I have a dad to call, my mom came home tired one day, there is a warm companion." Dad, I'm sure I'll make you happy. ”

Your words made me forget to cry. I can't believe you've grown up to me.

A mother's letter "What to thank you, my son", pokes at the heart and touches millions of parents


Little you have a big heart

From that day on, the first thing you do after school is to push Dad into the neighborhood. Before he was paralyzed, he was a railroad worker and had a haircut.

To make Dad think he was useful, you knocked on the neighbor's door, hoping they would come and cut their hair for free, and you promised that if the cut broke, you would pay them to go to the barbershop to fix it. Rushing at you, neighbors of all ages are coming.

At the end of the day, I watched from a distance at both of you father and son, one giving a haircut and the other busy bringing tea and water to the neighbors. The corners of your father's mouth have a smile I haven't seen in years. It was you who found the key to make him happy. When Grandma Yang saw me, her tears were like beads with broken threads: "This child understands things so much that people's hearts hurt." ”

Gradually, people in the community know about you, and many parents are interested in letting their children associate with you. I once heard you teach a high school boy who was older than you: "Next time you are not allowed to talk to your parents like you, and if you talk like this, don't admit to living in our courtyard, we can't afford to lose this person." ”

How you made him obey you, I inadvertently learned the root cause. You were once bullied by the eldest child in the hospital, and a child king once robbed your money every day, and you didn't want the money, so you let him beat him. Until one day, that kid is bullied by another kid older than him, and you move your fists.

Afterwards, the eldest child asked, "Why help me?" You said, "You are the child king of our hospital, and if you lose, our children will not have a good life." I didn't do it before because I was afraid of breaking you, and I had to pay for your treatment by my mother, and I was upset with my mother. ”

The big kid and his "brothers" were shocked, and you got their "hearts."

At that moment, I blamed myself immensely, I was so strange to your world, I was such an incompetent mother, but you gave me such a high courtesy.


When you are old, you have to sing on stage

Your father is getting more and more cheerful, you don't have to worry about me, my mood is better every day. One day I was cooking and singing, humming to the point of obliviousness, only to come back to find you leaning against the door watching me.

My face blushed, and you shouted and rushed over: "Mom, it turns out that you sang so well, if you had debuted a few years earlier, it must have been another Song Zuying!" At this time, your father interjected: "Son, your mother was the authentic literary and artistic backbone of that year, otherwise how could your father and I be so handsome and pursue her with a dead face." ”

Our whole family laughed. Once upon a time, in the face of a cruel life, we all forgot about humor. Son, it was you who made this family laugh.

A joke, but you take it seriously. You brought in the mother of a classmate to be my vocal tutor and acting teacher, a music professor at the Conservatory of Music.

You can imagine how funny it is for me to come back from the seafood wholesale market every day at noon, first rinse myself, then put on the good clothes that I usually don't want to wear, and pour the bus twice to the teacher's house.

I didn't retreat, but you took out a stage photo of me and said, "Mom, you have to have a little hobby, so that if you shout 'yellow croaker, fresh', it will make people think that you are different from others." ”

In the end I didn't beat you.

The first time I officially stood in front of you and sang, I was shy. You say, "Sing, we're a beautiful woman, you must have faith." ”

I laughed, and after laughing, I sang "Green Leaves to Roots", I don't remember how I finished singing, I only remember singing until I burst into tears.

I still go to the seafood market every day before dawn, and the days are still very difficult, but when I get home at noon, I dress up as a lady and go to the park with some like-minded old friends in the community to play and sing.

When the Avenue of Stars column group called me, I froze.

It was you who helped me sign up! I blame you for adding to my confusion, but you said lightly: "You will be the stage of CCTV in our South Lake Park in Shenyang." ”

I can't refuse you because it occurred to me to go to your parent-teacher conference in a dirty way.

For your sake, I also want you to be proud of me once. For you, let alone a dazzling stage, even if it is a sword mountain and a sea of fire, I will resolutely go there.


I will be a mother in the next life

In Beijing, my mentality is extremely relaxed, I can not win the championship, but I must stand on the stage, as a mother.

I didn't expect the host to set up a call session with you in the interview after I took the stage. When the phone rang, I didn't know what to say to you, but in a hurry, I actually blurted out:

Son, don't be a mother's son in the next life, no mother wants to see her son work so hard for the family...

I burst into tears and couldn't cry.

"Mom, I'll be your son in the next life." You are a great mom and you are my pride. ”

Our family is still constantly making a living, and occasionally faces the small danger of cutting off the cooking, but this does not stop us from living in singing and laughing every day. It was you who made me understand that both annoyance and happiness are for myself.

A mother's letter "What to thank you, my son", pokes at the heart and touches millions of parents

Tomorrow, you're going to be on the train heading south, starting your college career, and you're finally having your own life. Watching you dangle in front of your eyes, settling in my life with your dad in every detail, I greedily enjoy the moment.

I remembered a quote Bill Gates had said to his mom: "I will always miss the good times I had with you." ”

And I want to say to you who have traveled far: "Son, because of you, my life has always been a good time!" ”

The family is poor and filial piety, and suffering promotes talents.

Applause for the ordinary and great mother, for the son who understands and endures!

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