
Often cold hands and feet, easy to get sick! Diet keeping these 3 points in mind may improve the phenomenon of cold hands and feet

In daily life, there are many people who often have cold hands and feet.

Especially when the temperature drops, the phenomenon of cold hands and feet will be very serious, and even some people will have cold hands and feet all year round.

And there are many people who think that people with cold hands and feet are more likely to get sick, is this true? Below, let's take a closer look at it.

Often cold hands and feet, easy to get sick! Diet keeping these 3 points in mind may improve the phenomenon of cold hands and feet

Are people with cold hands and feet more likely to get sick?

In general, the cause of cold hands and feet has a certain relationship with the heart and blood vessels. Blood is emitted from the heart and carries oxygen into all parts of the body, and can produce heat to warm the hands and feet.

If there is anemia, it will also lead to the lack of blood and oxygen supply in various organs, resulting in cold hands and feet.

If there are some problems in the cardiovascular system, it will cause the operation of blood to be affected, so that people have cold hands and feet.

Once the blood flow in the body is not smooth, it is bound to lead to a decline in the function of various organs, and the probability of various diseases will naturally increase.

Often cold hands and feet, easy to get sick! Diet keeping these 3 points in mind may improve the phenomenon of cold hands and feet

It can be seen that people with cold hands and feet are indeed more likely to get sick. Therefore, for people with cold hands and feet, it is necessary to adjust in time.

In particular, we must pay attention to the adjustment of diet, raw cold, cold, too greasy food should not be consumed too much.

So, how should people with cold hands and feet eat better? Let's take a closer look at it.

Often cold hands and feet, easy to get sick! Diet keeping these 3 points in mind may improve the phenomenon of cold hands and feet

First, warm and easy to digest

Many people think that people with cold hands and feet must eat more meat, which is not correct. Meat foods are digested more slowly and have more fat components.

Not only will it affect the digestive and metabolic functions, but it will also cause the blood flow rate to slow down, which will aggravate the cold phenomenon of hands and feet.

Three meals a day should be based on warm, easily digestible foods, especially some soup porridge. It can not only supplement the body with nutrients, effectively improve the cold phenomenon of hands and feet, but also will not increase the burden on organs.

Often cold hands and feet, easy to get sick! Diet keeping these 3 points in mind may improve the phenomenon of cold hands and feet

Second, appropriately increase warm food

Especially after entering the winter, the diet of people with cold hands and feet should be appropriately added to some warm foods, such as black chicken, mutton, beef brisket, and pigeons.

These meat foods have a low fat content, and contain more high-quality protein and other components, and they are warm foods, which have the effect of nourishing qi and blood.

In addition, some spinach, carrots, ginger, walnuts, yams, goji berries and other foods should be added appropriately.

Often cold hands and feet, easy to get sick! Diet keeping these 3 points in mind may improve the phenomenon of cold hands and feet

Three, three meals a day food diversification

People with cold hands and feet must pay attention to the combination of nutritional elements in food, especially foods rich in high-quality protein, iron, folic acid, various vitamins, and other mineral elements, which should be properly combined with intake.

Especially for women with anemia, only by ensuring that there are enough nutrients in the body can we improve the function of various organs and hematopoiesis, which helps to improve the coldness of hands and feet.

Often cold hands and feet, easy to get sick! Diet keeping these 3 points in mind may improve the phenomenon of cold hands and feet

All in all, if the cold hands and feet occur repeatedly, it is generally due to abnormal heart pumping function and anemia factors.

The various organs of this group will be reduced in function due to the lack of fresh blood support, and the probability of suffering from various diseases will be relatively increased.

Then such people must do a good job of adjusting all aspects of life, such as not having a cold body, but also adjusting their work and rest, and appropriately increasing a certain amount of exercise.

In addition, the diet must keep the above 3 points in mind to effectively enhance immunity and improve the coldness of hands and feet.

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