
It's reversed! The woman made a fuss at the bank and said that 100,000 yuan was stolen and followed, and the bank: her family took it

author:Come on, Ling Lingling





When: May 7.

Location: A branch of Jiangsu Zhenjiang Construction Bank.

一名女子在大厅内大声喧哗道:“我的‬10万‬块钱‬存在‬这边‬,在‬2010年土地‬征收‬时‬存在‬这里‬,被‬内外‬勾结‬盗取‬走了‬,现在‬我‬找‬他们‬就‬到处‬推卸‬责任‬,14年‬的‬本金‬和‬利息‬,你们‬还‬给我‬。 ”

It's reversed! The woman made a fuss at the bank and said that 100,000 yuan was stolen and followed, and the bank: her family took it

Because the woman was noisy here, the bank staff had to call the police, and the police had been talking about this matter since they arrived, the woman was still more excited, but she could also understand the emotional mood, 100,000 yuan is not a small amount, who is not in a hurry when the bank is inexplicably gone?

It stands to reason that no matter how many years the deposit is, as long as there is a relevant certificate, it will always be there and generate interest, how can it disappear inexplicably? Could it be that the woman suffered from a telecom fraud? Or has the card been stolen?

On the same day, the media called the bank to learn about the matter, and the bank's staff responded that it was due to the relationship between the two outlets, and what the woman said was not true, and the business was handled normally.

It's reversed! The woman made a fuss at the bank and said that 100,000 yuan was stolen and followed, and the bank: her family took it

The bank responded in detail

On May 8, the bank made a more detailed response to this matter, saying: The depositor's funds must be safe with us, and before that, her family came to withdraw them with documents, because his procedures were legal and the procedures were reasonable, and she may not have known that the money was taken away by her family.

It's reversed! The woman made a fuss at the bank and said that 100,000 yuan was stolen and followed, and the bank: her family took it

I see, this makes sense why the woman came to withdraw money but there was no account on it, and the family took it away without their knowledge, so they could only blame the family and the bank, but as soon as the response from Fang Bank came out, many netizens thought that it was impossible, and the money could only be withdrawn by bringing documents to the person?



It's reversed! The woman made a fuss at the bank and said that 100,000 yuan was stolen and followed, and the bank: her family took it


It's reversed! The woman made a fuss at the bank and said that 100,000 yuan was stolen and followed, and the bank: her family took it


It's reversed! The woman made a fuss at the bank and said that 100,000 yuan was stolen and followed, and the bank: her family took it

Say the last word

In fact, this withdrawal does not necessarily require the person to be withdrawn, as long as three conditions are met: my ID card, the account person's ID card, and password, you can withdraw the deposit.

Moreover, the woman said that it was a deposit in 2010, but before 2014, when telecom fraud was not so rampant, and the natural withdrawal measures were relatively relaxed, not as strict as now, which is also changing with the situation.

Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, the woman went home and asked the family to find out whether it was taken away by the family or for some other reason, and it had nothing to do with the bank.

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