
Parents, are you still struggling with what your children do at home during the holidays? This one, solve all your troubles!

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Winter break is coming!

Dear parents, the winter vacation is coming, are you ready to accept the challenge of the "Divine Beast" holiday? Everyone should have a bit of a headache, the child has been at home, what activities should be arranged for the child? Xiaobian gives you a little advice, I hope to give you a little idea!

Three points of academic society

Do your own thing

Encourage your child to do their own thing, get up in the morning and dress and wash themselves, and bathe and sleep by themselves at night. Cultivate a sense of independence and autonomy, and cannot always rely on parents.

Learn to communicate

In the process of getting along with parents, elders and peers, the child's attitude and behavior towards the world will greatly affect the child's image. Therefore, in the process of contact with others, children should learn to be polite, talk generously, and live in harmony with others.

Learn to learn on your own

There are many children who need to be forced by their parents to read books and learn, in fact, this is very detrimental to the child's future learning career. Parents can get in touch with nature, read books, and learn new and interesting knowledge with their children. When the child encounters a problem, communicate, discuss, and solve it with the child.

Complete four


Using the winter vacation, parents can tell their children some classic stories, let the children become familiar with the storyline, and then let the children tell the parents, and also let the children express the interesting things encountered in the winter vacation and exercise the children's language expression ability.


When your child has always wanted to play with the mobile phone, you may wish to use a paintbrush to divert your child's attention. Use a paintbrush to record interesting stories that happen during the winter vacation, such as the food you ate for the New Year, the new clothes you bought, and so on.

Handmade products

Children are always active, and the long winter vacation allows children to do a little handicraft to cultivate children's hands-on ability.

Help parents with housework

Encourage your child to help their mother wash vegetables, water flowers, sweep the floor, and then give your child some rewards.

Develop good habits

Reasonable schedule

During the holidays, both children and parents will habitually lie in bed, once or twice, but the time is long, the work and rest time is irregular, which is extremely harmful to children who are in the growth and development period. When the school resumes normal work and rest, the child's biological clock has long been irregular and takes a long time to adjust. Therefore, parents should set a fixed time for their children to get up and develop reasonable habits.

Have self-control

During the holidays, especially the Spring Festival, there are many snacks at home, and children are easy to indulge in snacks, but they are not good at eating meals. In addition, when children have nothing to do at home, they often turn on the TV and indulge in cartoons, but watching TV for a long time can damage children's vision and hearing. Therefore, parents should make a plan with their children in advance, fixing how many snacks they can eat and how long they can watch TV every day.

Go out and exercise appropriately

Winter weather is cold, staying at home for a long time will lead to insufficient exercise, not only easy to become fat, but also lazy. Therefore, when the weather is good, parents must accompany their children to participate in outdoor activities, exercise their children's physical resistance, and make their children's spirit full.

Be safe

Safe to get out

Teach children to walk across zebra crossings, cross the street to look at traffic lights, and understand simple traffic signs.

Electricity safety

Parents should not leave their children alone at home to prevent their children from poking the power outlet out of curiosity. At the same time, parents should also educate their children not to play sockets, switches, lighters, etc.

Eat safely

At home, eat regularly, eat on time, and not be picky. Parents should provide a variety of foods during the winter vacation, so that children can eat more vegetables, fruits, and beans. At the same time, pay attention to the amount of water you drink, and drink more hot water every day.

Epidemic prevention and control

The current epidemic situation is normalized, so please keep in mind the three-piece set of epidemic prevention during the holiday: wearing a mask, social distancing, and personal hygiene. Wash your hands and disinfect frequently every day, and do not go out without special reasons.

Finally, I hope you all have a great holiday!

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