
How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

It's not your fault for telling jokes in class today, your original intention was not to let the same table continue to talk small talk, right? Mom understands your feelings, is criticized by the teacher, and you feel wronged.

How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

First, learn to listen to your child and make them emotional. Everyone has a channel to vent before we can feel how our child feels, which is the first step to truly achieving good empathy.

How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

Second, empathy is not to tell the child that I understand you, but to let the child feel and understand him. This sounds right, but let the child experience that you understand him. Even if he's in a bad mood right now, he's still accepted, loved, and approved by you.

How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

We should give our children the right to experience negative emotions. When he doesn't get what he particularly wants, there's disappointment and even anger. It's natural. He thought he could have a good result at the Games and win the first place, but he failed. This is normal, to teach children to learn to accept failure, failure is the mother of success.

How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

It's natural to encounter setbacks. At this time, all we need is to pat the child's shoulder, rather than simply saying a few words, I understand you, I can understand you, which requires us to do it with love and heart, and the child can feel it with his heart.

How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

Many fathers have practiced unique martial arts in the process of their children's growth, turning success into invisible or shadow fathers. But we will find that fathers play an irreplaceable role in the development of their children. Liang Qichao told us that if you really participate in the growth of your children, your children will be really different and will become very good!

How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

If you want to be a dad who won't be cheated on later, what can we do now? Let's take a look first. Interaction and relationship between father and child. "Father and son mountain rain", "heroic pity" and "father love" are the words we most commonly use to describe father's love. However, this mountain, the father is pregnant with the Immortal Mountain, close to the FairyLand, or the Five Finger Mountain, pregnant with sun monkeys, which varies from person to person.

How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

Therefore, as a father, when raising a son, you must remember the principle that the mountain is better than the wind. You are the mountain and your son is the peak. No matter how tall you are, you should make your child a higher peak. In the process of growing up, do not act as an omnipotent father, let the child see the father's ordinary, ordinary or even insufficient, and often express their needs for the child.

How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

For example, before going out, dad can ask his son, son, to see how dad's clothes match today. Do you think they are suitable? One asked his son for advice with humility. When interacting with children, children should feel the firmness, persistence and responsibility of their fathers, feel the qualities of their fathers as men, and at the same time, children should feel that you are a group of palace girls in the past lives of fathers and daughters. It is said that the daughter is the lover of the father's previous life, so there will always be some ambiguous emotions in this life.

How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

In the poem "Your Child", Gibran uses the bow and arrow as a metaphor for parent-child relationship. You are a pair of children, an arrow shot out of you. We want fathers to be the kind of people our daughters will find in the future, and that sets the way for our daughters. In the eyes of the father, in addition to his wife, the daughter will always be the one who deserves everything he does to care for and take care of him.

How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

Giving all your love to help her grow and having his daughter get respect and appreciation from a man from an early age will greatly enhance her self-identity and self-awareness. Because the father represents the acceptance and affirmation of the opposite sex, it can better meet the needs of the daughter's psychological development.

How to communicate with children is an art and a key to making children adults and talents

Every father and son, every father and daughter, are related people in past lives, so they can become fathers in this life. Parent-child relationship, I hope that every father can play his unlimited value in the growth of his child and help his child become a better person.

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