
Why is there a mother, but the child is not well-behaved? Baby "there are words of suffering", Bao Mom should know early

Every office worker's mother is very hard, the unit is busy with work, and comes home with children. What is devastating is that when you come home after a busy day, the child will still be mischievous and touch our bottom line. Therefore, you fantasize that after work, the family is a mother's kindness and filial piety, but the result is a chicken flying dog jumping, the key is that the person with the child in the family will also come to a god to make up the knife: when you are not at home, the baby can be obedient, it is because you come back, the child is not good.

Why is there a mother, but the child is not well-behaved? Baby "there are words of suffering", Bao Mom should know early

In the past, my family was like this, when my daughter was two years old, it was my grandmother who took her. My daughter's biggest problem was that she was a picky eater, especially when I had this dinner at home. Whether I am tired or not, as long as I go home, I am willing to follow the taste of the child and make her a meal or snack that she likes to eat.

However, when eating, my daughter was not willing to give me a little comfort to my hard work. She always pouted and said, this one is too salty, that one is a little sweet, soft is too soft, hard is too hard. You are willing to coax her to eat something, but she is twittering and picking a lot of problems, which is really a fire.

And the child's grandmother always said: "Although our child was born in the south and grew up in the south, he has a stomach from the north." At noon, I ate a lot of stewed cakes and praised them one by one. The child always eats too much at noon, so he will lose his temper at night and not eat, and you should not always be in a hurry with the child in the future. ”

Why is there a mother, but the child is not well-behaved? Baby "there are words of suffering", Bao Mom should know early

Is it really the meal I made, not as good as the meal made by grandma? I found that no, even if grandma cooked the whole time, as long as I was still at home, she still didn't eat well. Later, I quietly asked my daughter: "You and your grandmother eat at home by yourself, is the meal particularly delicious?" ”

The little girl, who was a little more than two years old, blinked her eyes and said, "It's a little bit not delicious, but I have to eat it, otherwise my mother is not at home, what if my grandmother doesn't want me?" ”

I asked, "Then you are not good at eating the food made by your mother, and you are not afraid that your mother will not want you?" She smiled slyly, slipped into my arms, and said, "I know, Mom, you won't want me." ”

Why is there a mother, but the child is not well-behaved? Baby "there are words of suffering", Bao Mom should know early

The child also has his small thoughts, who eats correctly, he will bully whom, so when we face naughty children, we may wish to comfort ourselves and say: Children love us the most.

Children do not behave well after their mothers, there are probably three reasons that we need to understand in advance.

First, children do not behave well with their mothers because their mothers are the people they trust the most.

I once listened to the teachers of the kindergarten discuss that the children in the kindergarten were the most obedient to the teachers when they first came to the kindergarten. A year later, in the middle class stage, there will be many children in the class who are deliberately mischievous. Why? Because they already trust the teacher, the teacher is not a stranger to them, and they know that the teacher will not hurt themselves.

Why is there a mother, but the child is not well-behaved? Baby "there are words of suffering", Bao Mom should know early

The mother is the most trusted person in the child's heart, when the child follows others, the inner sense of security is not 100%, so the bad temper will converge, and there are ideas that dare not express.

Following your mother is different, because you are assured, so you dare to express different opinions and express the negative energy in your heart.

Second, the child can't see his mother, and he has accumulated negative emotions in his heart.

The child is most willing to be with the mother, after a day of separation, our child sees the mother back, and the heart remembers the unpleasant emotions when they are separated. The child's thoughts of his mother for a day turned into a small temper and sent to his mother. If mom understands why. You can forgive why your child always loses his temper when he sees his mother.

Why is there a mother, but the child is not well-behaved? Baby "there are words of suffering", Bao Mom should know early

Third, the child deliberately wants to attract the attention of the mother.

There are many mothers, busy working outside, and when they get home, they rush into the kitchen to do housework, and the children are all on the side when they see that their mothers have not been intimate enough. Therefore, the child is mischievous or has a bad temper, just want the mother to pay attention to himself and play with him for a while.

No matter what the reason, of course, we also hope that the child can play happily with us, and the child does not behave well with the mother, how should this situation be alleviated?

Why is there a mother, but the child is not well-behaved? Baby "there are words of suffering", Bao Mom should know early

Mothers give their children high-quality companionship.

In this case, I still hope that my mother will bring me a little more attention. Although we are very busy, after returning home, we should still give our children a little more high-quality companionship.

The mother comes home and puts down the mobile phone and work, concentrates on playing with the baby, and when doing housework, she can also take the baby to action together. The mother's company will meet the child's emotional needs and make the child's mood more and more stable.

Why is there a mother, but the child is not well-behaved? Baby "there are words of suffering", Bao Mom should know early

Let dads participate more in the growth of their children.

Parents should participate in the growth of their children together, so that their children's inner security is more sufficient. Families where fathers accompany their children more, children stick to their mothers, and the phenomenon of tantrums will be much less. The children brought out by the father are brave, strong, decisive and generous, and the father should accompany the child more when he has time.

If parents can exchange roles with their children to think, maybe the parenting path will be a lot less troublesome, and parents may wish to try it.

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