
The four goals of active homeschooling

The four goals of active homeschooling


Good habit education

Elder Ye Shengtao said: "What education is, in a simple word, is to develop good habits."

Education is to cultivate children to develop good habits such as learning, exercise, behavior, habituation, thinking, and virtue.

There is no better education for children's childhood than cultivating good habits.

The so-called good children must be children with good habits, and the so-called problematic children are generally children with more bad habits.


Active language education

Language is a double-edged sword, and the phenomenon of corporal punishment of children in family education has decreased, and the number of "heart punishments" that parents use to reprimand and ridicule children who are "not angry" has increased.

The cold violence that is common in these families is very harmful to the child's young mind.

Six common violent words, "loser", "just know to eat", "pig brain", "shame", "how do you not die", "shame".

The four goals of active homeschooling

Mourning is greater than death.

Parents use harsh language to ridicule, ridicule, and satirize children, and the self-esteem of the punished children is easily destroyed, self-confidence is broken, and wisdom is stifled.

Nonviolent language is the language of love, cultivating the child's ability to love.


Positive thinking education

In today's rapid development of material wealth, what children lack is not physical nutrition, but psychological nutrition.

Parents should actively guide and encourage their children to do all beneficial things, explore their own advantages, cultivate altruism and prosocial behavior, and let children feel the value of their own existence.

Gain a real sense of accomplishment and success through continuous effort, diligence and enterprising.


Optimistic character education

The biggest problem with family education lies in the negative educational mentality of parents.

All happiness and joy in a child starts with a positive mindset.

Parents urgently need to tap into their children's positive personality qualities through a series of changes in mentality, relationships, language, environment, experience, personality, behavior, and change.

The purpose of cultivating children is to make them a tolerant, optimistic, idealistic, sound personality, and full of positive energy in their hearts, and the process of family education is the result of parents' self-cultivation and self-learning.

Cultivate a positive mentality of children, shape a positive life, the quality of hope, a tenacious personality, a harmonious psychological state, and find the meaning of life.

The positive influence of parents' words and deeds will cultivate children's sound personality, create a happy and satisfying family environment, and become a warm harbor for families.

Educating children such as raising flowers, careful watering, fertilization, and care can be successful, but in fact, not everyone can raise flowers well, and if they do not understand, they must ask others for advice and learn the experience and art of raising flowers.

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Some of the content is illustrated / originated from the Network Invasion and Deletion

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